
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-28-18

 Esteemed readers, I post these articles as a public service to those wanting to know more about the realities of human sex-trafficking, pedophilia and the Dark Ones behind it all. This is not required reading so please let your Guidance determine if it's for you. 

It's Time To Tear Down The Wall

Creator clues us into the coming mega-shifts in our collective consciousness; Mega-Truth here:

Ted Gunderson, retired FBI chief on “The Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings” 2013 testimony:

This is some of the best current testimony outlining the nature and scope of worldwide Satanism:

Illuminati Pedophilia: What is the Role of the Awakening Community? 

For those wanting to know just what Team Dark reaps from these practices, Lisa Renee tells all:

Friday, September 28, 2018


Via Ronna/Sacred Scribe On 9-28-18

The Three God Rays:  
Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Intelligence 

Beloved masters, the Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary species of humanity. All of you, as StarSeed and World-Servers, are encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the future. Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality of today.          

A new Divine Plan filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God-consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of Ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THE SPIRITUAL TRINITY, consisting of: DIVINE WILL * LOVE / INTUITION * INTELLIGENT, PURPOSEFUL ACTION.

Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity, where all is calm and peaceful — filled with Pure Cosmic Life Force Substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: you are a treasured son or daughter on an important mission and nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to open the brain passages of your mind to the higher frequency codes of your OverSoul/Higher Self.

Never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be yourself — your own Soul-consciousness.  Within your Sacred Heart Center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the creative experience into density, all human life forms have been subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious, inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic Facet of human nature.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-26-18

Is There A Doctor In The House?

We lead off with our favorite Celtic Priestess, Morag O'Brien: Transition Update 9-26-18:

David Wilcock and Corey Goode discuss The Event(s) and 5D Inner Earth; quite interesting:
A very Germaine Kryon channelling given at Berkeley Springs, WV on 4/15/18; spot on Lee:

More postcards from our false reality; 'The Matrix Deconstructed': major grokkage here:

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan offers this  channeled message about Libra and the cosmic balancing act:

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-25-18


Lurk Moar


The un-photoshopped story of Pepe The Frog and The Cult Of Kek; can you handle the truth?

The Voice of Urban Zen serves up Deepak Chopra pondering the Seven Myths of Meditation:

It gets so quiet b'times, I swear I can hear my new brain cells a growin, Ayup:

'Identity Politics Is Controlling Speech in the Literary & Academic World'; very surreal:

You might want to read this article before you purchase those fall harvest apples: caveat emptor:

Since Ben bit into the forbidden torroidial fruit, he's been putting out these reports; grok sum:

We close with Creator  today, promising us again that "Magic Will Happen!"; Oh sure:

Gaia Portal: Processionals Carry The Joy Of New Paradigm Followers

Channeled By ÉirePort On 9-25-18

Processionals carry the joy of New Paradigm followers.

Entrances are made by those on The Path.

Flags are unfurled.

Heavens open.

The Light has succeeded.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-24-18

Henceforth We Shall Call It 

'The Illuminutty Full Moon'


It's appropriate to lead off with Stephanie Austin's EcoAstrology: Aries-Libra Full Moon report:

Direct from the Sunshine Coast of Australia this latest post from psychic Blossom Goodchild:

These full moon greetings arrived from Our Lady of Mt. Shasta just yesterday; ponderable:

Methinks the concerned Catholic clergy who just released this declaration are White Hats in frocks:

The Arcturian Group redpills us once again through Marilyn Raffaele's good services: grok sum:

GaiaPortal: Particle Energetics On All Levels Merge With The Ascension Timeline

Channelled By ÉirePort On 9-24-18

Particle energetics on all levels merge with the Ascension timeline.

Ferrules of Abundance are sown.

Lightnings encapsulate the hesitant... movement begins.

Flashes of Inner Brilliance are received and applauded.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

WWCC of 9: The Leaves Are Fallin’ And So Is The Cabal

Channelled and Produced By

 Magenta Pixie On 9-23-18

(This video is available on

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Hathors: Weaving Your Reality

Via Peggy Black And The 'Team' On 9-22-18

We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.

That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.

You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.

This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.

We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.

You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don't have, what they don't like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.

Disclosure Digest 9-22-18

Yup, It's Official...

EXTRA! EXTRA! Q Confirms Secret Space Programs Real & Extraterrestrial Life Exists:

I haven't posted a channelled piece by Steve (Espavo) Rother in ages; this one resonated:

A special Energy Equinox Update Message channelled via Diane Canfield; comms are clear:

Maybe now that the ET cat's out of the bag we'll finally get to party with the folks downstairs:

Creator continues to point us towards our multi-dimensional ON switches; subtle hints no more:

My neighbor and renowned Boulder sonic maven, Jonathan Goldman, just released this; grok sum:

The Embodiment Series: Part One And The Equinox

By Sandra Walter On 9-15-18

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Equinox is upon us, a sacred opportunity for welcoming the next wave of our embodiment. Because of the significant shifts in the energies this year, the Equinox passage is particularly strong.

With the activation of the crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA codes over the last few months, we are primed to receive a stronger, more consistent experience of Multidimensional/Christed embodiment.

This is the first in a series of articles focused on Embodiment. What embodiment is, how and why it occurs, who it happens to and when.

Embodiment: What is it?

When the fields of our activated DNA, which creates our coveted experience of Divinity in form, begin to spin and radiate diamond-solar plasma light, our energy fields expand to match that vibration. Our activated heart centers collectively lock into the vibration of Unity consciousness itself.

DNA creates personal, collective, and multidimensional experiences in form. It is a photonic light receiver-generator. It traverses dimensions and densities. Crystalline DNA contains stargate codes for the experience of the Solar Cosmic Christ, or a Divine HUman template experience.

When we activate these etheric crystalline bridge/Christed/Crystalline strands of DNA, we begin to embody our multidimensional Self; the simultaneous awareness of many aspects of Self.

We reconnect our awareness of Source-as-Self as a purified, very clear awareness. This known as the Christed/Crystalline/Unity consciousness state. It triggers massive collective acceleration for those choosing Ascension. This is happening Now.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-20-18

Holy Guacamole!

'Tis time to sing the praises of the humble avocado; cue the Mariachis and Guac it up!:

Jordan just had a major come-to-Guac moment courtesy of two most recent Q Drops; good stuff:
Spot on Thread from Neon Revolt; it's getting hyper-real folks - SSP's Disclosure at 11:

"Society is Made of Narrative – Realizing this is Awakening from the Matrix"; will it be red or blue?:

John Peterson's FUTUREdition's newsletter is chock full of breadcrumbs and popcorn; yummy:

Perhaps it's time for a booster shot of hopium; might as well get it direct from Her Hopeness:

We thank Morag O'brien for her short, insightful and Light filled blog posts; here's her latest:

The Arcturians: Dawning Of A New Day

Channelled Through Sue Lie On 9-15-18

Greetings from the Arcturians, as well as your entire Galactic Family, which is much larger than you may imagine. Please realize that every decision that humanity makes within this NOW has a great impact on the planet.

As humans become more conscious of their “Higher SELF” who is their Multidimensional SELF, they will feel more and more of a need, an urge, to focus on the Core of the planet.

As more and more of humanity begins to “remember” that Gaia is a living being, they will begin to understand how person and planet are made up of the same elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Also, just as each human has a core, so does Gaia.

Therefore, when you focus on Gaia’s Planetary Body, you are also focusing on Humanity's Human Body. Furthermore, each “element” of humanity’s Earth, Air, Fire and Water interacts and affects each other.

As humanity begins to “feel and accept” the higher frequencies of Light that are NOW entering Earth’s atmosphere, and therefore, all of her Planetary Life forms. As humanity becomes more and more aware of their own ascension process, they will become more and more aware of the planetary ascension.

“What does ‘ascension’ mean?” you may ask. Ascension is a transmutation of the frequency of reality into the next octave of vibration. Transmutation is change, alteration and/or transformation into the next octave of reality.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

GaiaPortal: Separations For The Next Phase Are Completed

Channelled By ÉirePort On 8-19-18 

Separations for the next phase are completed.

All energetic ties to the past are cut.

Higher Light enters.

Strengths are amplified.

New pathways begin.

PAO - Update For September 18, 2018

Channelled via Sheldan Nidle

Selamat Balik! We return with uplifting news! Progress continues. The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender. Every strategy to disrupt the Light has utterly failed. We are approaching the very brink of events that are to be the true prelude to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Along with our Earth allies, we are in the middle of executing a well-thought-out plan that is dismantling the existing power structure. A sweeping series of untested strategies is being successfully implemented that continues to perplex the dark cabal. Our sacred coalition, which is working smoothly together, is busy setting the stage for our eventual triumph. It is sheer joy to watch so many dynamic, strategic elements come together, like silken threads, to enmesh the conceited cabal in the web of its own corrupt legal system.

Elements are already in play that have legally forced the dark to relinquish much of its power and prevented large-scale international wars from breaking out. The next steps are to end the power of fiat money and jolt the bankers from their lairs. These actions in turn are to set the stage for permanent prosperity that transforms global poverty and homelessness. It is to replace these brutal earthbound tragedies with a jubilee that frees all humanity. It will take you far beyond current survival modes and you will come together at last to creatively solve the pollution and gross depravity that threatened to send you into nothingness. We now are to interact with a people ready to accept its inherent spirituality and inner yearning to save and protect Gaia. They are to serve you well as you prepare to reunite with your Inner Earth cousins.

A revised schedule is being drawn up for distribution of the RV funds that will equip you for your prosperity monies. It will also deliver a new banking system, based upon reporting guidelines agreed to some years ago. These rules will restructure bank operations and severely restrict any kind of bank fraud. Once all of this is achieved, new governance can freely and legally manifest. It will abolish personal taxation and allow the rise of an entirely new business environment.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-18-18

Sessions Unchained!

And from an odorous sea of deplorables rose the Qanon's battle cry "Release The Sessions!"

'Grand Jury Finds Police were Complicit in Covering up Massive Child Sex Ring in Catholic Church' Oh? Really? Remember, they never thought we'd figure it all out:

Extra! Extra! True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered; YouTube clip tells all:

The fracking industry’s water nightmare makes for a truly disgusting and horrific read; mazel:

A pair of new Threads from Neon Revolt for all you Qanon newbies out there; grok what you can:

This live channeling from The Pleiadiansvia Barbara Merciniak in 2015 has great illustrations and spot on content: definitely grokkable and well worth a viewing:

Dsclosure Digest 9-17-18

It's Time To End The Korean War

Here's a good, broad philosophical perspective on the Shift and an intro to Free Range Humans:

Speaking of Free Range Humans let's spend 10 minutes in Lionelland for a good, old fashioned rant:

Angela abhors Free Range Politicians; PCR does a good job of prepping us for an epic EU fail:

USA Corp is the dead man walking, not The Republic; the Galactics won’t allow the use of atomics:

From our Bad Big Ag files for your consideration; remember, Team Dark is really trying to kill us all:

SerialBrain2 (and an AndWeKnow video) “Trump’s secret message about 9/11; KP be Redpillen:

I feel it only appropriate, on this auspicious BOOM occasion, to give POTUS the last words:

Monday, September 17, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-16-18

As Matthew emphasized in his latest Message, we are getting an amazing amount of boots on the ground support from our Star Families, both in- and dis-carnate. Why it's an Ascension happy fizzies party goin' on in the old 3/4D holo-realities. Here's a collection of channelled messages from the last few days to support my contention. Grok On!

Heads Up!

Transformation In Progress

I think it's appropriate to give Creator the first word in today's Digest; ponder on this, y'all:

This psychic take on the NM Solar Observatory incident is spot on; remember the movie PAUL:

This is quite the strong Angelic Message received through Morag; solid ring of Truth here:

It's been a while since I posted one from Carolyn Oceana Ryan; A Message to Lightworkers:

Dancing Dolphin downloads Sanat Kumara for us; "Gaia is Ready for Her New Sovereigns!:

A new Energy Update from psychic Diane Canfield might help you see the upside in the current planetary chaos; "Personalities Fragmenting, Timeline Shifts, 5 Days of Geomagnetic Storms;
The Most High unexpectedly drops in on Ann Albers with this urgent message; We Are One Love: 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Matthew’s Message, Sept. 15, 2018

Via Suzy Ward

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. If you are sensing that something important is afoot, you may be responding to the energy of behind-the-scenes efforts that are poised for action.

Those efforts are why we are speaking about the incredulity of numerous readers that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump are in the international group working to abolish the Illuminati’s criminal empire and hold the guilty accountable.

Is it not realistic that the leaders of those two powerful nations would be involved in such a vital global undertaking? [Is it] not realistic that only persons in positions with that degree of influence could uproot centuries-old control of your world?

Is their participation, in fact, not essential since Russia has evidence of Illuminati criminality and many at the peak of that secret society are US citizens, who must be brought to justice according to that nation’s laws?

Yet, a surprising number of readers wrote that we “destroyed,” “undermined” or “lost (our) credibility” because we did not echo the outrage, frustration, condemnation and fear in their emails about the two presidents. The low vibrations of those emotions cannot exist at this station, but we do understand them—they are pervasive in your world, and that is why this is a matter of such importance.

The universal law of attraction—like attracts like—is in continuous motion, and the energy of low vibratory feelings provides more situations to evoke the same kinds of reactions. This self-perpetuating cycle is not serving you well.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Dsclosure Digest 9-15-18

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Chicken Little, you're gonna love this one; Equinox Cracks in the Magnetosphere; signs on high:

Praying Medic reports on Q v.The Cabal as the fight overwhelms the corrupt social media platforms:

More is being revealed about the covert blinding of Earthside solar observatories; go Jordan:

Two from the 9D Arcturian Council: 'Water' and 'Receiving from the Earth'; grokable both:

Dr. Evil underwriting some guilt absolving show programs for 'the poor'; time to strip his assets:

Japan's commercial whaling bid rejected by IWC; now it's time to monkey-wrench their fleet: 

We round out today's offerings with this latest channelled message through Blossom Goodchild:

GaiaPortal: Mentoring Of All Planetary Ascenders Begins In Earnest

Channelled By ÉirePort On 9-15-18

Mentoring of all planetary Ascenders begins in earnest.

Standards of vibrational requirements are raised.

Schools are selected.

Choices are made.

The harvest is near.

Disclosure Digest 9-14-18

Nothing To See Here,

It's Just A Weather Balloon

This could be the reason 6 more Solar Observatories have been closed; Mothership's galore:

Matt Agorist explores the exploding Catholic Pedogate extravaganza in this Activist Post article:

They are truly panicking; B’bye Big Pharma, may class action suits pick your bones clean:

The latest Full Frontal Fulford Report: 'Cabal Faces Doom'; git yer popcorn ready:

'The Economy is Dead in the Water -- The Deep State is on its Way Out'; this sounds about right:

'City Blocks 5G Cell Tower Implementation Over Claims that it Can Cause Cancer': Duh!:

UN Chief Urges Talks to Avoid Idlib Bloodbath, NATO Threatens War to Defend Terrorists; Oy Vey:

IMHO, these are last of the Cabal HAARP weaponized storms; many storms w/very few casualties:

Saul is currently inhabiting a pleasingly plump Orb of Light; always with the advice, that one:

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-13-18

If You Don't Look Up,

You Won't See The Ships!

The Council comes to us today via Ron Head with this message - 'Things Seem to be Chaotic':

As 1.5 million flee Hurricane Florence, worries grow over half dozen nuclear power plants in storm’s path; remember the Galactics promises about future nuclear 'accidents' being prevented by them:

FBI and Blackhawk choppers: National Solar Observatory shuts over mysterious ‘security issue’:

Colorado sunshine and Buddhist prayer flags embrace Mr. Sather; it's time to move here Jordan:

'12 Alternative Treatments For Arthritis...' current chemtrail pathogens induce arthritic symptoms:

The EU is showing it’s true intentions; this Fourth Reich scata continues to decompose in plain sight:

Morocco bans forced marriage and sexual violence; The Light is uplifting everybody on Gaia:

Washington vigil offers prayers for missing and murdered Indigenous women; Spiderwoman returns: 

This is a good Doctor of Synchronicities thesis; may require multiple readings and some aspirin:

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Disclosure Digest 9-12-18

Peek-A-Boo, I SEE You

 Waking up to planetary collective consciousness doesn't have to be a scary thing; grok sum Avatar:

'The Light Bringer', Heavenletter #6437 Published on: September 10, 2018 by Jennifer Farley:

BATTLESTATIONS! BATTLESTATIONS! A special 9/11 Thread by Neon Revolt: rabbit on:

17 Unanswered Questions on the 17th Anniversary of 9/11; Posted on 9-11-18 by David Nova:

Journalist Jonathan Azaziah brings us the beginnings of a very long list of 9/11 bad actors to ponder:

Conservationists fear Japan’s ‘blatant’ attempt to overturn whaling moratorium; bad actors in Nippon:

Listen to Dr. Mercola now, and do your deep breathing exercises or you're headed for a lobotomy:

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

ÉirePort Group Message 9-11-18

The 9-11 Portal 

of Illumination and Ascension

 The ÉirePort group, operating as it does from the so-called “Land of Éire”, is essentially a spiritual group entity with a mission to enlighten and illuminate the beings of Ascending planet Earth (Gaia). We point out that the “Land of Éire” is not represented properly by the 3D entity called “Éire”, rather is a Higher Dimensional encompassing “place” within each and every human and earth-based being.

We bring this message to all of the planet that the times of “massive apocalypse” are upon us, and this date in particular was chosen for our group message, as it represents a collapse of the illusory 3D ways and the rising of the Ascension Pillars of Light… within the planet, within communities, and within each and every individual being of the planet. It is symbolically represented very nicely by the “Twin Towers” of Light, which replaced the former 3D “Twin Towers” of “financial illusion” in the town called, “New York City”.

Cosmic Energies have incessantly poured into your world, on all dimensions, since the events of 9-11-2001. Now you enter the “9-11 Portal of Illumination and Ascension”.

Remain open to your Ascension process, and follow the “Twin Towers” of Divine Masculine and Feminine Illumination.

That is all for this moment.

ÉirePort Group