If you haven't been following the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial, you wouldn't get this...but this chick has shown the world with no uncertainty that she is of the bat shit crazy variety of MK Ultra'd human organism. 

Not so funny, but about to be prosecuted... 

So creative... 
Somebody took a long time to create this art, and all just to make a meme that will be seen everywhere... 

It actually took me a while to really get this one... 

Too soon? 
You don't say... 

Another reason we don't really want the 70s coming back... 
Oh wow... 
Fun! I moved on after finding a few, but if you've got time on your hands and are feeling obsessive, I bet you can find 'em all... 

Cloaking device engaged, apparently... 

Artist had a brain fart... 
Proofreading matters... 

I'm impressed with the nipple detailing... 

Of course, we never advocate violence. Removal is enough... 