Channelled By ÉirePort On 11-30-15

Magic points are noted by all Gaia beings.
Unification becomes priority energetically.
Life paths are unveiled as individuals relax.
Portentions are released, as collectives embrace.
…the mass that distorts the faraway galactic light is found surrounding the two giant ‘eye’ galaxies and a ‘nose’ galaxy. The multiple arcs of the circular ‘face’ arise from gravitational lensing of four different background galaxies well behind the ‘eye’ galaxies.Chandra also said that that its x-ray observations show that that the two eyes of the cat – and the smaller galaxies associated with them – are slamming into one another in a colossal collision between galaxies:
Each ‘eye’ galaxy is the brightest member of its own group of galaxies and these two groups are racing toward one another at over 300,000 miles [nearly 500,000 km] per hour. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (purple) show hot gas that has been heated to millions of degrees, which is evidence that the galaxy groups are slamming into one another. Chandra’s X-ray data also reveal that the left ‘eye’ of the Cheshire Cat group contains an actively feeding supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy...
Channelled By Steve Rother On 11-15-15We join you with a game already in progress, for you have been in motion for some time. You have been playing a game with pretending to be a human with all your blindfolds on. So magical! You cannot even see your completeness. You can only see your imperfections and we find that fascinating, because it’s actually those imperfections that create beauty on your planet. Own them. Hold them dear. Guard them. Be proud of them; watch how your reality changes. We are here to bring you a message for the coming month, and to also give you a vision of where humanity is in this moment. These are very unique times, because as humans you are becoming aware that you are multidimensional in nature. You have always known that what you see in front of you, that which you call your reality, is only a small section of what you actually can experience and stretch out into. Humanity is now at a junction where humans will begin to access multiple dimensions simultaneously. Let us go back and explain from an individual perspective first, because that will more easily be understood. If an individual is strolling down the illusion of time pretending to be human with a blindfold on, what happens is that they come to a point where they must make choices. Well, you are aware that choice is actually at the base of your power; it is the understanding and the expression of your light on planet Earth. So you make these wonderful choices, but what happens to the other options? You choose to move in the direction of A, but what happened to C, D and E—the other opportunities? Dear ones, because in nature you are multidimensional you never miss anything. |