Via Ann Albers On 8-30-20

Take a moment. Breathe. Go to a place of peace inside of yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most beautiful, heavenly world you can – a world where people walk freely, unmasked, looking into one another’s eyes while knowing they are looking into the eyes of God.
Imagine a peaceful world – a word in which all perspectives are understood to have value. Imagine a world in which there is an understanding that all races comprise a beautiful kaleidoscope called the human race.
Dear ones, imagine a world in which you know who you are, what you are, and who everyone else is too. Imagine a world in which you see only One Love in countless forms.
Your world is going through tremendous and intense change right now. Human hearts have cried for unity, and yet many still allow themselves to be bound by hatred and judgment. Human hearts have cried for well-being, and yet many obsess over sickness rather than just dealing with life in a healthy way. Human hearts have cried for freedom, but focus on victimhood.
The conflict between desire and belief, wishes and behaviors, the soul and the ego are strong right now. It is a time when opposing forces are clashing and the storms, both within and without, are raging.