Channelled By Suzy Ward

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Most of your questions and comments are about the private meeting between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, so let us begin with this.
The meeting had to be private, with only their translators in attendance, because the nature of the most vital information they discussed required secrecy. It is what members of extraterrestrial special forces in intelligence agencies have told us: Russia has myriad computer files and recorded calls that are evidence of Illuminati crimes against humanity.
This evidence gathering was crucial as Putin, one of the most powerful and knowledgeable persons in your world, is leading the group working behind the scenes to arrest and prosecute the guilty individuals. In addition to the two presidents, other influential persons in governments and economic, judicial, corporate, military, religious and media sectors are involved in this undertaking of massive scope; and until all dominoes are in place, the most significant aspect of Putin’s and Trump’s conversation at the Helsinki meeting cannot be publicly disclosed.
The peak of the Illuminati felt that something was afoot, though. Originally their accusations against Putin and Russia for the troublemaking caused by Illuminati minions was vengeance for his repeated refusal to join forces with them. Now, maligning him and his country was a matter of urgency. “Russian meddling in the United States 2016 election” and “creating divisiveness among the voters via social media” has been escalated to “Russia will try to manipulate elections in all democratic countries,” “Putin has waged cyberspace warfare,” and “Russia could shut down power grids and create chaos.”
The aim of this stepped-up, anti-Russia propaganda is to convince the populace that nothing coming out of that country can be trusted, nothing Putin says can be believed, so that when the aforementioned evidence does come forth, it will be discounted. That reaction is likely and so are the Illuminati’s vehement denials, but ultimately the truth and justice will prevail. If you have heard or read about the eventuality of arrests and charges, be discerning—some of that information is accurate, some is not, and wherever the Illuminati control the media, the accurate is reported as “conspiracy theory.”