While being interviewed by Brother Beckow, Sue listed and explained many of the states of super-consciousness that are coming on-line for many of us. Good reading if you want to keep up with what your expanding Self is up to these days!
Git Sum Super-Powers...DT
Channelled by Suzanne Lie On 1-26-16
Those of you who have been unconditionally loving yourself Chakra by Chakra, and just opened your Sixth Chakra, will likely be having more experiences of expanded perception.
As we expand our consciousness, our perceptions expand as well. Just as we have special talents in our daily lives, certain expanded perception will be stronger or will come “on line” to our mundane consciousness first. However, all of us have all of these expanded perceptions as an innate component of our true multidimensional nature.
More of us would use these perceptions if we had not suffered judgment from others who were afraid of that which they could not understand. However, as more and more of us awaken, there is far less fear and judgment. Hence, more and more of us are “coming out” with newly awakened, or long hidden, expanded perceptions.
As with all spiritual/enlightened endeavors, we cannot try to awaken or force our expanded perceptions. The Path to awakening is like a river in which we must stay in the center current to allow ourselves to easily be carried along with the floe. If we struggle or work, we only push ourselves out of the center current and into the many eddies and whirlpools of third dimensional life.
One of the main keys to restoring our innate “psychic” perception is to listen to the still, small voice within that whispers into our mind, heart and body. Just as our physical body uses our five sense to inform us of what we are hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and touching, it also alerts us to information that resonates to the expanded frequencies our higher consciousness. Inherent and latent within our earth vessel is our higher consciousness and the expanded perceptions that can receive and understand these multidimensional consciousness.