Ron's Crew is right about the efficacy of the Perennial Wisdom as it has been spread throughout this galaxy from the git-go. Paying these truths forward is what this blog is about...on a good day. DT
By Ron Head 2-29-16

You are in a time of remembering things and applying things that have been known for millennia and much longer. The truth is that you are bringing forth knowledge that many of you have learned, relearned, and then learned again. You are exposing, if you will, things which have been known as true for eons.
Now, these are the sort of things that reach your dimension, your planet, through individuals that you term seers or prophets or the spiritually oriented. And the truth in that is that they really are no different in any way except in how they have chosen to live their current lifetime. And the things that they offer are true, if they are true, for all of time, forward and back, and in all places. This is the sort of truth that they usually are attempting to access.
Not all of them are successful. And not all of them intend to be. It is not usual that those who do not are very successful and then not for long. And the powers of discernment that have been on the rise are denying them even that much of an audience in these times. It is a matter of vibration and resonance. Untruth just does not feel right to you.
But a truth is a truth is a truth. It is true in French, in German or Urdu, and in every language, country, and culture. And because you are able access and align to the true being that you are, you have a baseline vibration to compare with what you are hearing, seeing, or reading. You will know it in your very bones.
Yes, it is possible still for a person to ignore that. It is still the case that many have no idea whatever about this subject, or any subject we discuss for that matter. But there can be no doubt any longer that mankind is waking up. You may now see evidence of it everywhere and every day.
So, if you see truth that is not new, know that Truth, capital T Truth, never is new. And perhaps think, ”Oh good! We’re reaching more people.” And surely hearing truth or reading truth again cannot be so bad.
The origins of the knowledge of this kind of truth on your planet are so far back in antiquity that you are not even aware there is antiquity that old. And then it was taught from somewhere and sometime in eternity. Maybe the twelfth of never? On a star far, far away. If it is true now, it was true there and then. Just remember to pass it on when your own opportunity arises.
Good day, dear friends.
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