Channeled by Mike Quinsey On 5-30-14
We observe what you call the “hotspots” of negative energy brought about by the confrontation of groups that have different aims in life. Some choose to impose them on others with the result that clashes take place that often lead to a serious outcome.
These are yet further lessons for all concerned, until they realise that differences must be settled through peaceful negotiations and are the only way forward. Man has almost always sought to settle differences through the use of threats or violence to gain his own way. The message that peaceful negotiations are the only way to achieve a peaceful settlement is just beginning to be accepted, and the people are leading the way.
Sooner rather than later your leaders will realise that there is only the one way forward to permanent peace. With it will come great changes that will move you out of the lower vibrations into a peaceful era.
Our presence helps to ensure that matters do not fall back into the old patterns of confrontation, as we are preventing the dark Ones from progressing from their present position. We have been given the authority to intervene where it is necessary to maintain the progress towards full peace, and a total end to warlike confrontations. So be assured that regardless of any outward appearance steady progress is being made towards the goals that have been set.
In the greater picture, we are constantly monitoring your weather and its effect upon you, but certain necessary changes must be allowed to go ahead as part of the moves that will take you into the New Age. The groundwork is going ahead in respect of a number of different projects, and at a desirable speed, and many new ideas are waiting to be revealed. Quite a number of them are already known to you and it is simply a matter of waiting until the right time to introduce them.