By Suzanne Lie On 8-30-14
Sue: As we move into the NOW of our true SELF, we begin to
understand messages that we received long ago and often forgot. I know
that I had forgotten this first message that I received from IlliaEm on
July 1, 1995. I wish to share it today, for it is as important now as it
was then.
July 1, 1995

I am Illuminata Emaculatas, The Immaculate Illumination. I have also been known as IlliaEm, the Elohim of Arcturus. My true name cannot be spoken or written in your language, but close your eyes and ears now as you feel my signature.
I am a Solar Angel or Elohim of the Star System of Arcturus. You have felt my signature of Pure, Divine and Unconditional Love. Earth is not the only planet that experiences Love. Love is the vibration of Creation. However, Earth has been one of the few planets which have dared to extend the Love vibration into the third dimension.
Since the third dimension is one where the polarization of spirit and matter creates a separation of Light and dark, Love can become polarized to the end of the spectrum which represents Light. Fear, on the other hand, becomes polarized to the end of the spectrum which represents darkness.
This polarization of Love/Light and fear/dark creates the feeling of separation that is characteristic of the third dimension. However, that separation is actually an illusion, for these polarities are as intermingled as the blood in your third dimensional bodies.
The darkness is like plasma, in that it offers a carrier for the Light, and the Light is like the blood cells, in that it is the building blocks and the continuation of life. So you can see that the darkness is as necessary as the Light for one to experience the third dimension.
I, IlliaEm, vibrate at a dimension where there is no separation. Spirit and matter, Light and dark, Unity and separation all are ONE! We on Arcturus await your full reunion with our presence. We are so proud that many of you have remembered us.