Ronna's so good I can actually hear the Boss' Lugosi-esque intonations...DT the ET
Beloved Masters, let us pause for a moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the sense of time and space to fall away. Envision streams of Love/Light radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and see them flowing forth to encompass everyone and everything on the Earth.
Via your inner vision, watch as billions of various size streams of
Light radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth. Let go of
your fear, judgment, and your different beliefs as you connect with the
Core Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world.
Every person on Earth is unique, and yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint, which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light Substance to fulfill your current Earthly destiny.
Allow your consciousness to be lifted to a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light, connecting to every other Being of Light within this solar system. There is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you journey forth from the Heart Center of the Creator.
Every person on Earth is unique, and yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint, which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light Substance to fulfill your current Earthly destiny.
Allow your consciousness to be lifted to a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light, connecting to every other Being of Light within this solar system. There is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you journey forth from the Heart Center of the Creator.