May You Live In
Shamanic Times!
Get the latest White Wolf Tribe download via Genji and kick back with a Canna-Gummie:
Methinks the DOJ is strong-arming New Jersey 'cause it's slowly cleaning house; Ooorah:
Wealthy St. Louis lawyers under attack by [D] circuit attorney: the 2nd Amendment is under the Gun:
A couple of good Bee-Stings will fix ya right up, like a breath of mask-less air; Git Sum:
Pedowood celebrities be like all Gone: whazzup? Anybody seen or heard from Hanx?
ECETI James gives us a righteous re-cap of latest details of the Divine Plan as they Self-Reveal:
I'm not surprised at the monkey-wrenching,'s standard operating procedure for Stump-Trumpers:
Remember 'wild world' by Cat Stevens? Seminal hippy ennui and still relevant Today:
Non-transferable, indelible, eccentrically significant, morally perfect and available in Your Size: