Channelled By Suzanne Lie
Posted On 9-28-14
(I actually received this message in 1997.
Patience, patience, patience is the core of planetary ascension.)
Patience, patience, patience is the core of planetary ascension.)
I AM IlliaEm, speaking in concert with the Arcturian Group Mind,

No longer will you have individual, ego-based control of your life. Instead, you will consciously be aware of myriad voices, visions and realities within your consciousness. All this stimuli must then be congealed into one clear, purposeful course of action. Because of this, it is vital that you create a strong foundation for this “journey back to SELF. You will need to completely and thoroughly ground your physical body, your psyche, your thoughts and your emotions in Gaia.
We are here to tell you that, just as it is essential to ground your physical reality in Gaia, it will facilitate your process if you also “ground” yourself in us, the Arcturians, and, me, IlliaEm. We are here to help you every step of the way. We can especially assist you in creating a more balanced life. Inevitably, this comes down to balancing the masculine/feminine and the spiritual/physical polarities.
To fully move into complete balance with the Spiritual/Physical polarity, you need to find the place “in-between” the Masculine/Feminine polarity. The blending of the Masculine/Feminine polarity is vital to Blend into the Oneness. It was the polarizing of your androgynous SELF into male or female which allowed your first entry into the 3D Game. Conversely, it is the reunification of the male/female polarity that will facilitate your return to the Oness of Home.