Via James Tyberonn On 7-27-19
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service.
We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by resonance and name. It has always been so!
And so as 2019 , Year Seven of the New Earth, goes into its final phases, humanity is poised for a renaissance. You are completing an auspicious year, a powerful and transitional time.
The Changes that have taken place since the Planetary Ascension (2012)
In the new energy of 2019 and beyond, the ionic ratio is shifting on the planet. You are being helped to operated in the expansive dimensional access, by solar radiation. The sun is changing. And so is all around you in what is termed the Aquarian Shift.
You are growing into the ability to view other forms of life. Life that has always been present, but not as easy to physically discern prior to this phase. . You are now able to see thru the 3rd Eye, and in some cases, the physical eye, plasmic life forms. These include the Devic and Elemental Kingdoms, lite sprites, thought form orbs and indeed Angelics. We are asked to speak on angelics in this discourse today.
And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light. And we tell you in emphatic sincerity, you are all, at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light. Angels are indeed, among you. Although humanity are a different expression of life than the Light Beings of the Angelic Realm, when a human ascends, the energy projection is harmonically attuned with the Angelic Resonance, and Angels are frequencially attracted to you.