Via Sue Lie On 2-19-18
often do you remember to take a LONG moment to make friends with your many,
Multidimensional Friends who, by the way, ALL live within YOU! You, the
earth/bound Ones, often think of your Multidimensional “SELF” as being “above
in reality, you have many expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that live “within
you.” However, since it appears to your Human/Self
that you only have one body, you may tend to also put that limitation onto your
remember that your Multidimensional SELF serves as the “Collective Self” of all the incarnations you have had on
Gaia, as well as Venus, Mars, and any planets or stars within your present
Solar System that you have visited.
say, “your present Solar System,” because you have lived, and DO live,
simultaneously, in more than one reality, or dimension. In this manner, you can
participate in more than one reality within the same NOW of the ONE.
NOW of the “ONE” of which we speak is the fifth dimension and beyond. In these
higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond, you have the ability to
experience many different realities within the same NOW. This inter-dimensional
merging awaits us all as we begin to perceive the threshold into the fifth
dimensional frequency of reality.
we think we are realizing (I say “we think,” because, when we get to the
“Entrance to the Threshold of the Fifth
Dimension,” we may feel confused, inspired, tired and can’t sleep.
we are saying is that “concepts based on third/fourth dimensional thinking, and
un-resolved issues are still limiting
your aura to resonate to the third/fourth dimension.
Because the fifth dimension is not bound by time, space and/or the illusion of
separation, that dimension of reality affords you the ability to experience
more than one reality within the same NOW of that fifth dimensional HERE.