This rings true for me. There are differing opinions re: how Ascension
will take place and when (I believe the experience varies from person to
person depending on where each person is at), but Aimee’s suggestions,
and interpretation of what Ascension is and what we can anticipate seems
spot on to me.
The New Earth is a term used to describe the next dimension of life on planet earth. Right now humanity is engaged in the collective process of ascension.
Ascension is an energetic journey in which we birth into an awareness of the bliss and Eden that exist on earth.
This process has roots anchored deep within the energetic grids that shape Mother Earth. When you raise your body’s vibration, you come into energetic alignment with these higher dimensions.
In this way, choosing to raise your vibration is the most effective way of ascending with grace and assisting humanity’s shift into the New Earth.
We are crossing over from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and 5th dimensions of existence together. In the 3rd dimension, we collectively viewed our world from an egoic lens, only seeing from our limited view of self.
The 4th dimension marks a shift where we begin together to see from a place of love. This is a place where we hold divine forgiveness and compassion on our path. Once we fully inhabit this space, our outer world will begin to take shape in a whole new way.
Imagine that instead of creating a life shaped by the expectations of others, or from your own unconscious thoughts, you begin to create from a heart centered place, with thoughts, words and actions that fill you with joy and make your heart sing!