I am reminding myself of this especially this morning, upon witnessing the criminal congress of the US applaud their fellow criminal, Zelensky, as he demands more money from us for apparently whatever he wants to do with it. Tucker lays it out in his unique style in the video down below my rant. I was quite peeved yesterday to see the permanent ambassador of Ukraine to the US post on his Twitter an image of our American Flag in the blue and yellow colors of Ukraine. I won't give it the attention of posting said repulsive image again...it's well beyond disrespectful. My first response was exactly what they're after...instantaneous anger. Why put out such absolute BS nonsense fuckery? Sorry, but that's what it is. The purpose of this is so much more than just creating loosh, although I daresay that it generates that commodity as well. I'm channeling Greta when I say, "How dare they!" Trust me when I say that I'm holding back on the abundant variety of expletives that spring to mind upon seeing these most recent developments. There's no mention of Sam Bankman-Fried and his arrest for fraud and money laundering in their little congressional kowtowing love fest, because who got the laundry in the end? The clappers in congress did. Okay so, we're watching a movie. Those who have awareness and have been paying attention know that there's nothing to actually worry about here, right? Is it really that the treasonous behavior of those in power has to be this blatant to get people to see and give a rat's ass? Can we agree here that if someone hasn't opened their eyes and gotten a little bit suspicious by now, they fricking aren't going to? Like, ever? And that makes me consider the NPC (non-person character) factor. We've all heard by now, I imagine, the theory that a great number of those wearing meat suits on Earth at this time don't actually posses a soul. Ismael Perez speaks of it, Janine has discussed it a number of times in shows with others. Apparently, Dolores Cannon has written extensively about the phenomenon as well. Many questions come to mind when contemplating this, but that's a discussion for another time. Who are the disruptors? The infiltrators? Surely there are many who do (or did) have a soul who've been trapped into servitude to the dark and have been subsequently possessed by a demon or two. I'm wondering about bots on social media and how they enter the picture. How much of that technology was set in motion by an NPC? Just how many on Earth would collapse to the ground, lifeless, when their power source is cut? Like the scene in one of the Star Wars movies (before Disney ruined it) where the droid army all at once crumples onto the battlefield, no longer energized by dark power. I've actually had that vision for years now as to how this plays out...but metaphor abounds, and it may not end up being quite so literal. I suppose we can't have such a thing happen without mass freak-out ensuing. So how does this go down, anyway? Is the honoring of a criminal beggar who can't manage to dress in something more appropriate than a sweatshirt when making his demands of the American taxpayer by our legislative body supposed to get the sleepers riled up? And once riled, clearly writing a letter to our supposedly representative members of congress is a complete waste of time and resources. They know that they don't need our actual vote and support, because elections go the way team dark wants them to go. That fact has never been more abundantly evident. So...what, exactly, are we supposed to do? Spread information as best we can, hold space for people we know to wake up at least a little (more is most certainly better), and find a way to be at peace inside about any and everything. I admit to be a recovering Catholic. Well, recovered, actually. I've never been a bible follower, myself...but my guides are nudging me on a phrase that we're all probably familiar with to some extent: "Be still, and know that I am God." So I looked it up, and it seems to have particular relevance to the world situation as it is right now. "Be still..." ~ Stop fighting. "...and know that I am God." ~ God/Source/Prime Creator is and always will be in control, we need not worry or fight. Rather, we need to look to inward to find Source there. Bottom line is that we get to choose how we respond to the stimuli that this world has to offer, and that is truly the most important thing for each of us individually; how we respond. What do we do with the things that come into our experience? The Earth experiment is exactly that, and as as subjects within the experiment, our choices and how we view events are actively and in real time determining what comes next for each of us individually. Seeing our flag desecrated and our congress acting like trained seals made my hackles go up for sure. Righteous anger has its place, and once that initial burst of flame erupts, we can look to the breath to restore our inner peace. It's that inner peace, achieved and practiced by All of Us, that will defeat the evil that wants this world for themselves and all or most us gone. We have the full power of the Light behind us to prevail, and so we shall. Tucker Carlson: This is absurd"https://www.youtube.com/embed/vs3ZOH3__Do"
https://youtu.be/vs3ZOH3__Do |