Red Pill Express
Arriving Over Target
Well done video; well worth a look-see; Graham Hancock does a nice job on the reading:
Dylan said “You got to serve somebody”; Macron and his handler wife only serve the Rothschild's:
Run, rabbit, run... and follow Sorcha down the Cabal rabbit hole; price of admission - your mind:
From our Omar Does Dems File - the latest turd-blossom rising to the turbulent Swamp surface; Oy:
Cabal stooges wanna fly the black UN banner over USA; Satanic wet-dream that ain't gonna happen:
IPOT just released this needfully disturbing look at Pedo/Satanic insanity; Yuck, parts ain't just parts:
Dave at X22 Reports outlines the Fall of the Fed and the New Financial System; Yes, it's happening:
Brits are grokking the realities of allowing Frakatopia to poison the UK altogether; wakey, wakey:
Morag of the Second Sight graces us with a take on Twins Truthers and Transformation:
Morag of the Second Sight graces us with a take on Twins Truthers and Transformation: