Lots of good info in this new piece and an offer from Sue, for those so inclined, to join in small meditation groups for the purpose of creating more and more Ascension Portals. Enjoy, DT
Channelled By Suzanne Lie On 9-22-15
look again at the place in my office where I first saw Mytre and the Arcturian.
Yes, they are there still there, in exactly the same manner as
when I first saw them. As soon as I acknowledge that they are here,
I open my computer to document their message:
Dear Suzille,
Remember that here and there are third dimensional terms. When you first perceived us within your time-bound reality, you opened the portal through which you could perceive us whenever you choose to look.
In other words, what you perceive is an opened portal on which we, Mytre and the Arcturian, have left an imprint. This “imprint” is much like a key to open the portal so that you can again, and infinitely, perceive the higher dimensions of reality.
We, Mytre and the Arcturian, serve as the “door” to this portal. Hence when you choose to perceive our imprint, it is much like opening the door to that portal. What we wish to tell you now is that this portal is not in your physical office. The portal is actually within your own higher states of consciousness.
The reason why you perceive the portal in front of the inside of your office doorway is because that room is where you frequently meditate, create, and assist others. Those inter-dimensional activities have expanded the energy field of that room into a higher resonant frequency.