Architects of Light...that would be All of Us. It's in our DNA, built into us and coveted by others who aren't as richly blessed with Divine qualities as Humans are. It's ironic that those seeing us as a resource to be freely exploited for personal gain really only want what we have inside of us...and many among our number have no idea of the value of what we carry, what is innately ours. Can we use those gifts to make our Earth existence more comfortable? Less worrisome? Maybe we aren't meant to be comfortable yet. Maybe our discomfort is the motivating force that ends up bringing about our spontaneous and magical ability to manifest what we need. Can we willourselves to remember? Is there a missing piece that just hasn't clicked into place, yet? I'm starting to catch on that relaxing into just Being Light, knowing that I am a Sovereign Being, and not at all subject to dark control...that's my ticket to freedom. It's up to us. We get to choose to embrace the Light inside and let it radiate out in whatever way generates the most Lift. It truly is Mastery, doing that service while on the ground and navigating the Earth Survival Game. We've pared down living expenses, with seemingly a need to pare down more, but our priorities are best placed elsewhere, beyond the daily necessities. We've all had to adjust our lives quite a bit over these past months, and unbelievably, for the two years since they unleashed their psycho~ and biological weapons upon Humanity. The insanity and drama of the news cycles these days isn't actually meant for us. We do grow weary of watching this particular movie, though. The purpose of all of the blatant and unethical power grabbing truly is to bring awareness to those Humans of Earth who previously chose, consciously or not, to ignore most of what's happening in the world. The wake-up call is working, but it's taking far longer than any of us would like. Our task as way-showers is to trust in our own Divine nature and in God's plan...and to find a way to keep our personal frequency high. This absolutely does come down to a frequency game. I remind myself of these things, especially after watching Tarot by Janine's read on December, where she speaks of contact with Star Family in December, and honestly...I'm not expecting them to fix everything for us, but wow! Every other item of my list of issues would be easily resolved. Frequency bump of epic proportions! Hey, we still have another week in which fantastic things can happen, right? Hope springs eternal... Contact with Star Family...communication and the sharing of ideas, the reunion with beloveds...what else matters then? What kinds of exchanges will there be? Surely our Galactic friends will be available in an advisory capacity, having gone through such a process themselves at some point in their own evolution. Do you reckon there's Galactic wine? |