May The Angels Bless You And Hold You In The Highest Vibrations In The Coming New Year...DT the ET
Channelled By Bella Capozzi On Dec 14, 2012

We see your numbers are growing by leaps and bounds, as more and more people link up with expanding collective. We observe this as a light growing brighter, a storm gaining strength, a swirling, foggy bank of energy moving ever inward from the shore. It is a quiet progress. A simple one that goes so subtly undetected that tenderest souls ought feel no fear, no trepidation. They shan’t recoil in confusion and horror, for there is naught presented to them to recoil from. These are the early days. This is the way it needs to be – a gentle, sweet progression. We wholly trust that this one particular transmission shall find it’s way into the hands of the ones such as these, for it is to them that we speak. Fear not, Dear Ones. We are quite real. Angels are real indeed, and we are everywhere. You are precious and by us, you are dearly loved.