Sunday, July 30, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-30-17

A little Of This,

A little Of That...

 Brother Beckow does his usual skillful presentation of the help we're getting from our 'star families':

 Just In from PCR: The New Russian Sanctions Bill Is Washington’s Monument To Its Criminality:
 Don't forget that the Soul of Russia is on the Seventh Ray of Mystical Transformation:

Here is a readable synopsis of the failing U.S. empire and what the clean-up would look like:

This leads one to question just where your 'point of view' actually came from:


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Archangel Michael: Perfecting Your Skills As A Co-Creator

Via Ronna Herman On 7-28-17

Beloved masters, for many years now there have been so many new inventions and scientific breakthroughs, along with an overwhelming amount of philosophical and spiritual information bombarding the minds of humanity, that the human brain can hardly absorb the countless theories and new concepts without going into overload.

You are in the midst of a monumental process – a complex procedure of choosing and manifesting your destiny for the New Age, which will gradually become your more refined, expanded reality of tomorrow. Your choices − especially the focus, clarity and power of your thoughts and actions, will determine how quickly your desires will manifest in the material world of form.

It is vitally important that you learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration abilities, and stay in control of your emotions and mind chatter. The gifts and opportunities or Divine dispensations that are being offered to you require / demand a corresponding strong, personal discipline, along with a high level of responsibility.

Becoming sharply aware of your emotions and your thought patterns is a critical component within the process of co-creation, for it will determine the quality of the vibrational patterns you will send forth into your personal Twelve Ray Creator Wheel.

The frequencies of the Seed thoughts you plant in your personal Wheel of Creation will determine the quality of what you will manifest, and they will also determine what you will experience in your everyday life – whether positive or negative. These occurrences will be your barometer as to what kind of vibrational patterns you are sending forth into the world of cause and effect.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-28-17

Incoming Gamma/Cosmic Ascension Rays

This is a very well written and spot-on precis of Team Dark's failed game-plan:

Did I mention I go to a support group called Shamans Anonymous:

Oh Canada! You never cease to surprise us here in the Lower 48:

The Pedogate prosecutions climb ever higher up the team Dark food-chain:

Our Secret Space Programs already have all the tech you see in Star Wars/Star Trek films:

I love this approach, it's got legs:

Here we have the latest re-cap of the summer follies from Our Lady of Mount Shasta:

Message From Matthew, July 27, 2017

Channelled By Suzy Ward

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you have expressed much the same as this reader: “With so much craziness and corruption in governments all over the world, it is difficult to see how we can transform our planet and its people into the New Age we envision.”

We can relate to that feeling because many of us have lived in those circumstances in one civilization or another, and we also have lived in those kinds of civilizations after they had transformed their worlds into magnificence beyond your imagining. Someday it will be so on Earth.

For millennia brutality, bigotry, deception, betrayal, avarice, warring, impoverishment and ignorance blanketed the planet. Then, about 80 years ago, came light in such measure that it yanked back the cover and exposed all the ugliness. That is when the seeds of a profound learning process were sown in your world, and what you have been seeing is the clash between the “education” and the “students” who are resistant to the enlightening new courses.

Only a comparatively few students are fighting to keep the old courses because those have let them control the world, and their resistance to the new will be their downfall. The majority of resistors are immersed in prejudice—pre-judging the unknown simply because it is different from the known—which is passed down from one generation to the next. With more education, more enlightenment, they will conquer bigotry by mastering the course of respectful loving spirit. In time, all peoples will be united in conscious and spiritual awareness, and Lightworkers are leading the way.

“I have read repeatedly & from trusted sources, that there are multiple, negative ET factions waiting to capture us outside Planet Earth, where they have the technology to remove & permanently steal our souls.”

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-26-17

How Was Your Day-Out-Of-Time Yesterday?

Thanks to Suzanne Maresca for finding and posting this very helpful message for all High-Vibers:

This is a chock-full-o-disclosure interview of Kerry Cassidy by Robert David Steele...git sum:

Ben Fulford's Full Frontal Report always adds a few more pieces of the disclosure puzzle:

This latest from Sheldan Nidle goes into a little more detail on what I call 'the waiting game':

For me, as a retired RN, this no-nonsense view of our energy fields is most welcome:

Some good news for rainforests, Hue-manity and Terra Gaia:

This article exposes a very serious corruption of our law enforcement agencies:

Herein, Brenda Hoffman channels the Galactic perspective on The Ear of Listening:

While we're in full-listening mode let's visit the Rubin Museum of Tibetan Art in NYC:

 We finish with some channelled words of encouragement from, who else but the Arcturians:


GaiaPortal: Stellar Connects Are Accelerated

Channelled By ÉirePort On 7-26-17

Stellar Connects are accelerated.

Serenities of the Higher Light experienced in full.

Higher Guideds lead the way.

Flowers of Lights come forth.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-23-17

And The Beat Goes On 

For those of you wondering just which planet Ben Fulford hails from, this recent interview is for you:

There is one light still burning in Congress, and Bernie is his name-o:

Some very good news for the Standing Rock Sioux and the entire planet:

Julian Assange removes another brick from the Wall of Unknowing:

It seems that Mars, and it's SSP colonies, is in for a major cleansing wave from Ol' Sol:

Saul: There Is Only Source, Father/Mother/God, And That Is What You Are, Each And Everyone Of You

As all the channels are reiterating, enormous changes are happening right now, right as you are typing this!  They are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening into the awareness that all are one, that there is only ONE and that all are at one with That.  The idea of separation would be an enormous joke if only you had not convinced yourselves so firmly that separation is REALITY!  It’s not!  There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you, without any exceptions.  How could there be exceptions when there is only the ONE?

Many of you are now awakening to this knowing, this realization, and as you do your energy fields change vastly as Love flows through you abundantly instead of in the dribs and drabs to which you have all become accustomed.  Consequently others, many, many others, are feeling, sensing, that enormous change is in the air, as it most definitely is.  Those of you who read these messages, and many other beautifully channeled messages, have been holding the Light on high for decades to bring the awakening into the lives of all around you and to extend it to all on Earth. 

At first, progress was slow, but as more and more of you became aware of your spiritual essence and answered the calls from your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms, the rate of progress expanded across the planet, while at the same time accelerating, thus much reducing the time it was going to take for humanity to awaken unto Itself, into the awareness that It is the beloved Son/Daughter of God.

The chaos and confusion worldwide – politically, ethnically, racially, philosophically, within multi-national corporations, and religiously – are powerful indicators of the ongoing changes, changes that will no longer be delayed or prevented.  Everyone’s “dirty laundry” is coming out to be cleansed, and some are experiencing it as an extremely painful process.  However, all that is not in perfect alignment with Love has to be dissolved in the laundering process, because it just muddies the waters of the vast Ocean of Love that is Reality, making it very difficult for you to be aware of who you truly and eternally are.

Higher Self Channelling On 7-21-17

By Multiple-Mike Quinsey

Can you believe that you are over half way through the present year. If ever you needed proof of the special times you are now in you need look no further. Changes are likely to come thick and fast that will propel you into the New Age, so that you can enjoy the advantages and benefits to be gained. Nothing will stop them coming into being and as you must know by now, the ultimate is to reach the point when Ascension will occur.

We see the whole picture as all is in the “Now” and can assure you that all proceeds well and in accordance with the plan set by great Beings who monitor and follow your progress. Some souls will not be ready to ascend and that is to be expected, and their path is also planned to ensure they continue to evolve. It is one that meets their needs and enables them to continue evolving. All of you at some stages in your evolution are guided by Higher Beings, who are dedicated to their work that will not cease until all of the Human Race has ascended.

You are at a time in the new cycle when it is being established, which is why many of you seem to be getting nowhere fast. The turmoil and upsets experienced are all part of the changes that are getting rid of the old so that it can move forward into the higher vibrations. You have one foot in the 3rd dimension and the other one in the 4th dimension and before long both will be in the higher 4th dimension, and all of the problems associated with the lower vibrations will have been left behind.

 It is a slow but positive transition that requires no action on your part beyond doing all you can to maintain a high level of vibration. That requires a dedicated approach to your actions to ensure that you are positive in all of them. Negativity and fear will only pull your vibrations down so you must endeavor to avoid getting involved in situations that may create it. Keep calm and help to raise the vibrations by keeping your own steady, and send out loving thoughts where you find discord or negativity.

GaiaPortal: Streets of Gold Are Unveiled

Channelled By ÉirePort On 7-21-17

Ferrites embed within the soft matrix.

Separations are resolved.

Banners of Illumination are raised.

Streets of Gold are unveiled.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-22-17

 The Ten Hyperlinks

Seeing as it's a New Moon let's check in with Stephanie Austin:

The View from inside the Cosmic Cuisinart:

The Tale of the Sovereign Stairmaker...git yer curmudgeon on:

We're seeing much more coverage of Cabal created terrorism on the old Interweb these days:

Likewise for Big Pharma's worldwide, licit and illicit, opioid racket:

Lovely to see transparency come to the Syria False Flag Operations and their financiers:

Flash! This just in from PCR:

Yeah, and just who is going to pay for this busted up country, sovereign Syria:

 I've been using the term 'weaponized food' to describe, essentially, a genocidal conspiracy:

Disclosure Digest 7-21-17

 Lightening Up Is A Good Thing

Sandra Walter leads off today with further details of the upcoming metamorphic follies:

Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the US Congress needs to go here:

Team Dark's attempted genocide-via-weaponized-food meme is coming undone:

It's been awhile since we heard from Sananda through James McConnell; let's remedy that:

Thanks to Wes Annac for posting this very helpful article on his OpenHeartedRebel website:

Of course! When God gives you lots of empty shipping containers...make student housing:

And we wrap it up with an update from our Pleiadian relatives via Valerie Donner:

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-20-17

Things Are Heating Up

The Resistance (us!) is getting very creative in blocking the Black Snake XL Pipeline:
'Kryon Teaches Exactly How to Instruct Your Cells to Heal';  heal ourselves, heal the Planet:

A wonderfully sober view of the impending GCR/Reval event:

We have antiquated DOD computer systems because the Shadow State siphons all military monies into their black ops secret space program,s funding very high galactic tech ships and bases, off planet:

I just love this image of white folks getting some remedial history instructions from First Peoples:

 The Council. via Ron Head, with some pertinent advice on letting go:

Here's a helpful analysis of the most recent (7-17-17) Light-coded crop circle message:

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-19-17

Some Of The Tastiest Disclosure Bits

'Pentagon Furious After Turkey Leaks U.S. Base Locations In Syria'; now the Team Dark infighting is kicking into high gear. Keep friends close and your enemies closer, Oy:

The latest Update from Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Gang...Grok It:

We're a blink away from having Star Trek turbo lifts:

Remember, Facebook is a Rockefeller front pushing a now doomed plan to cyber-enslave Humanity using the WWW.  It was Team Dark's greatest folly as the Internet now speeds our Liberation:

This blog is published daily, in the peaceful Peoples Republic of Boulder, CO...Git Sum:

Ufologist ‘confirms with scientific evidence’ that aliens lived with humans on Earth (and we still owe them some money, apparently:)

‘Like hell’: Catholic school teachers abused 500+ students over 50yrs in Germany:

The current Kazarian gangster regime in Tel Aviv is indistinguishable from from the Third Reich:

Those Tall Nordics in Ikea-land have always been sovereign and eminently sane:

Speaking of sanity; go California!:

The Divine Feminine and her Goddesses are starting to kick ass at the at 11:

The Arcturians - Message For Our Grounded Earth Crew

Through Suzanne Lie On 7-17-17

Message For Our Grounded, Earth Crew
Creating Groups Based on Active, Shared Intentions

We, the Arcturians, would like to communicate with our grounded, Earth Crew about creating third dimensional groups based on active, shared, intentions. We are aware that this task is quite simple within a fifth dimensional environment, but it can be very challenging within the environment of third/fourth dimensional Earth.

First we will begin with the word “intention.” We will begin by describing the manner in which “an intention” and “Light Language” are the same. Neither intention nor Light Language can be viewed by your physical perception. Both your intentions, as well as Light Language, can be only sensed with your higher fourth and fifth dimensional perceptions.

In fact, both your intentions, as well as the intention of the ONE, are quite visible via your fifth dimensional perceptions. Let us take a moment of your “time” to explain the terms, “your intentions,” and “the intentions of the ONE.”

We will begin by giving you third dimensional definitions of “intention,” which are: purpose, aim, intent, goal, objective, and/or plan. All of your “planned intentions” often stay within your thoughts and emotions for a very long time before they become manifest in your daily life.

When you do not actively fulfill your own inner “intentions,” you may feel disappointed in your self. Some of you may also judge your self harshly for not filling the intentions that others have of you.

Your reactions to the judgments of others will be very different depending on your inner conversation with your self. You could be very disappointed in your self and chastise your self for “not fulfilling your planned intentions.” 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-17-17

No Miscalculation With The Divine Masculine

As Van the Man is fond of singing, it's time to get the healing done. Git Sum in yer man-cave:

NATO is part of the problem while offering absolutely no peaceful solutions to the current crisis:

He often plays the corrupt weilder of power on-screen and I think he knows whereof he speaks.

The Stargate Influx and Transcending Archetypes video from Our Lady Of Mt. Shasta:

This is the best Ascension 101 video I've yet heard...git Sum:

Team Dark sociopathic corporate agendas are increasingly seeing the Light of Day:

Meg Benedicts brings us this delightfully high view of our current planetary transitions:

The August Eclipse: Metaphoric And Mystical

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The August eclipse is deeply esoteric, which is why we are guided to utilize it for complete activation of the New Earth Crystalline grids. A Total Solar eclipse crossing the entire United States is a rare event. In this year of dropping old timelines while simultaneously amplifying the higher timelines of Ascension, this eclipse presents yet another powerful turning point for a palpable external manifestation of what is occurring with the higher light.

Our August Gateway passage opens on August 3, includes the Lion’s Gate on the 8/8, the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, and extends until August 25. This wave of Light assists us in dissolving realities which do not serve the collective highest interest. It also provides an activation of ancient encodements, structures and intentions set in place for this possible scenario, while lighting up the New Earth/Crystalline Grid networks.

New Moon peak is Monday, August 21 at 11:31AM PT. A total eclipse of the Sun will be visible from the United States along the path of totality from 10:30AM PT to 3pmET (see the eclipse video below for details). The SUN’s corona is revealed for over 2 minutes in the path of totality, which cuts diagonally from Oregon to South Carolina.

Activation of the Christed Crown

An Earth-Moon-SUN alignment allows us to see a blazing display of the SUN’s corona. This giant stellar vision of the Solar crown passes from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. The Solar crown is a representation of Christed attainment; a blessing of Christ consciousness.

Imagine Yourself As A Superhero


A Message from Peggy Black

and the 'Team' On 7-18-17

We are here extending our support to those who are aware. We celebrate the chaos, for it is out of chaos that new realities are called forth and created. We observe, however, that those living in the experience of chaos might not feel the desire to celebrate. It is the nature of being human, the desire for what is familiar, what is safe and what matches the beliefs. Realize what you are experiencing is only your personal vibrational interpretation.

We will continue to invite you to step out of what is familiar and what is thought of as safe and acknowledge it is really only an illusion. This sense of reality that everyone is taught to hold in place is being dismantled. What appears to be breaking down in all aspects of your society is the shift which invites and allows for a new order of energy to arise. 

Dysfunctional behaviors and limited mental patterns are ingrained into your entire energy field and beliefs.  Mass consciousness is being stirred, quickened and triggered to awaken to the truth of the unlimited self, awakened to the truth and realization that each and every being is divine.

There are a swelling number of awakened individuals across your planet. Internal and galactic codes are being stimulated allowing a conscious shift to take place within each individual. This shift is unique within everyone. However subtle or intense, the shift is taking place.

There are many who are activating the shift by their actions, studies, and remembering who they truly are as magnificent multidimensional beings. Those of you who have been expanding into this realization understand why you are here at this time on this planet.

Monday, July 17, 2017

You’ve Catapulted Yourself

This post is indicative of the quality of the incoming high vibes last weekend.  Folks, we are very, very close to the long awaited Awakening of the Sleepers and the Liberation of Terra Gaia from the lower densities.  And So It Is.

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman On 7-17-17

Dear Ones,
You are discovering you can no longer hold onto that which you have hidden from yourself for so long.

Perhaps you think that such is as it has been since you initiated your transition – one clearing after another. While that statement has a bit of truth in it, what is happening to most of you now is a deep cleansing that neither you nor we thought possible before you started your current earth journey. For you had much more on your earth ‘to do’ list than a deep cleansing.

You shifted your being and all others who wished to join you from 3D to the dimension in which you now feel comfortable. You helped the earth shift in a similar fashion. Those tasks were more than anyone, least of all you, expected to complete in one earth lifetime.

You are now going beyond to cleanse personal issues that did not affect your transition from 3D, but will most certainly expand your capabilities in 5D and beyond.

It is as if you all started a foot march to new you and have subsequently claimed a much larger world than you thought possible. You are as unbelievable in your personal and earth achievements as was Alexander the Great.

Those labeled Baby Boomers merely planned to create a bridge to the new world. Instead, you built the bridge, crossed it, and are now creating new worlds and ideas not believed possible a few years ago. Those of you born after the Baby Boomers are achieving similar feats of wonderment.

Even so, the most important element to you is that you are in the midst of an amazing journey that has taken you far beyond your original parameters of possibilities.

Major Announcement From Magenta And The WWCC of 9

Against all odds we Rainbow Gaians have pulled it off; The Matrix is officially DOWN!!!

Channelled Via Magenta Pixie On 7-16-17

( This video is available on 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-14-17

The Divinely Orchestrated

Farce Majeur Rolls On

Lamestream Media - where 'smoking guns' are mostly leaky water pistols; gotta love the irony:

Remember when reading this that all past Service To Self malfeasance is being forced into the Light at this time for recognition, acceptance and healing, not to draw you into judgment. So Be It:

Sandra Walter's new video on the mega-gateway opening happening this August.  The content is pure high-vibe Sandra with some of the weirdest background music I've heard in a coon's age:

A very good, short explanation of the acting-out of Gaia'as most recent 'energetic download':

Gaia's cleansing by fire is not only happening in the western US: 

The Cabal is patently anti-life and their genocidal corporations practice slow genocide:

Coca Cola's weaponized, sugar-laden drinks get taken to court exposing their destructive effects:


By Patricia Cota-Robles

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because of who you are and why you are on Earth during this auspicious time. The information that is being shared with you today from the Company of Heaven is something you are very aware of on a higher level of consciousness, but that you may not have been able to remember in this dense physical plane. The Divine Intent of this sharing is to remind you that the time for you to fulfill your purpose and reason for being on Earth is NOW.

What is occurring in the Government of the United States of America and the Governments throughout the World during this Cosmic Moment is a greatly intensified purging that is pushing Humanity’s miscreations to the surface in a way that cannot be ignored. This is occurring in this uncomfortable way in order to motivate you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity into action. This is a critical step in clearing the way for the global events that will take place during the August Eclipse series. The Beings of Light want all of us to know this Truth, because they are very aware of how difficult the challenges are that Humanity is facing on a daily basis.

We all knew it was going to be like this when we volunteered to embody on Earth during this unparalleled time. We agreed to come in spite of how daunting it might be because we knew we had all of the skill, knowledge, strength, courage and willingness necessary to succeed in this monumental mission. As a word of encouragement, we are being reminded that for every person who was granted permission to embody on Earth at this time there were thousands more who were turned away. That is not because we are better or more Enlightened than anyone else. It is because our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven felt that because of our past life experiences we had a better chance of Awakening and staying focused on the Light in face of the adversity we were destined to encounter.

GaiaPortal:Elements of Higher Light Encase The Solitaries

Channelled By ÉirePort On 7-13-17

Elements of Higher Light encase the solitaries.

Flashes of intensity are felt by all.

Strassburg excellence comes to the fore.

Fortifications are released.

Halloweds are received.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Disclosure Digest 7-13-17

If Mamma's Not Happy...

Brother  Beckow has a heart-to-heart with the Divine Mother; vintage from the vault - Git Sum:

Good content and, like most of Lisa's articles, a long read. For the fans out there:

A seminal piece on the co-creation of Abundance; for all of you patiently awaiting the Reval:

Here's a fun take on the trillions of little folks in our gut who make this Earth-walk possible:

Some interesting stuff here from Tiara Kumara ( don't 'ya love that name):