Some Of The Tastiest Disclosure Bits
'Pentagon Furious After Turkey Leaks U.S. Base Locations In Syria'; now the Team Dark infighting is kicking into high gear. Keep friends close and your enemies closer, Oy:
The latest Update from Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Gang...Grok It:
We're a blink away from having Star Trek turbo lifts:
Facebook is a Rockefeller front pushing a now doomed plan to
cyber-enslave Humanity using the WWW. It was Team Dark's greatest folly
as the Internet now speeds our Liberation:
This blog is published daily, in the peaceful Peoples Republic of Boulder, CO...Git Sum:
‘confirms with scientific evidence’ that aliens lived with humans on
Earth (and we still owe them some money, apparently:)
‘Like hell’: Catholic school teachers abused 500+ students over 50yrs in Germany:
The current Kazarian gangster regime in Tel Aviv is indistinguishable from from the Third Reich:
Those Tall Nordics in Ikea-land have always been sovereign and eminently sane:
Speaking of sanity; go California!:
The Divine Feminine and her Goddesses are starting to kick ass at the at 11:
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