Saturday, January 31, 2015

Archangel Michael: Will You Be Among The Chosen?


 Channelled By Ronna Herman On 2-1-15

Beloved Masters, for many of you, it is the beginning of a new year on Earth; however, when you look at the larger picture – from our vantage point – it is the beginning of a new era, and a new Golden Age.
Many of you will protest, but it does not seem like a new Golden Age. In the past, any new Creation that was brought forth on the Earthly plane took much effort, and often pain, struggle and strife. That is still the mode of Creation in many parts of your world; however, it need not be so.

We have told you that the Light is separating from the shadows, and it is almost as if two worlds were superimposed, one over the other. One world is filled with varying degrees of fear, hate, judgment, greed, and a desire to control and conquer the lands of the Earth, as well as a desire to dominate and subjugate the peoples of the Earth by whatever means thought necessary.

The billions of beautiful young Souls who are caught in the maelstrom of this ever-accelerating chaos are the ones who suffer the most. That world is swiftly deteriorating, as a blanket of all the negative thought forms descends upon those lands and magnifies the vortexes of hate that have been created. Oh yes, there are vortexes of darkness, just as there are vortexes of Light, and the foretold Armageddon has surely arrived in those places.

Will the Economy Collapse?

By Steve Beckow On 1-31-15

Illuminati structures are falling all over the planet and no statistic tells the story in sharper detail than the deaths that are occurring in key cabal areas. 

The Illuminati appear to be taking anyone with them who could do further damage to them. The number of bankers and scientists who’ve died in the recent past (going on statistics from, mid-2013 in the case of bankers; from 2014 in the case of scientists) seems to tell the story.

Approximately 65 bankers have died in suspicious circumstances since that time, from being rammed by cars while riding a bicycle, to hearts suddenly stopping, (1) to leaping – or being
 pushed – from buildings. (2)

One banker is said to have “died from seven or eight self-inflicted wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head.” (3) I don’t know about you, but if I received one wound in my finger from a nail gun, I’d be totally incapacitated.

I’m not sure how a person could shoot seven or eight nails into his torso and then his head. But these reports are published mostly without comment or question.

Friday, January 30, 2015

SaLuSa, January 30, 2015

 Channelled By Mike Quinsey

Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle, except the highest authority. Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fullfil them. You may therefore proceed with your life, knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones. They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place, as they will have their power taken away from them. They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions.

Until now the dark Ones have consistently interfered with your evolution, and been able to block or slow down progress. This situation is rapidly changing and will soon come under our control. You will then be able to go ahead with your tasks without fear, and make headway quicker than any previous occasion. Dear Ones we hear your pleas and requests for help, and soon we shall be able to assist you in a more direct manner. Have no fear at any time as the lower energies will attract a like energy, whereas you are working with the higher energies.

The significance of the coming changes are such that they can hardly be put into words. Everything will be affected to some degree, and much of the lower energies will be either changed or removed in the course of time. The Earth will become renewed and once more be seen as 'a jewel in the firmament.' While all this is taking place you too will be renewed as you become a fully-fledged Galactic Being.

Mindful Cardiologist's 'Chemical Rant'

This post is my response to the mindless pimping of dubious vaccinations by the Powers That Were...DT the ET

Arizona Cardiologist Responds to Critics Regarding Measles and Vaccines

Why All the Anger?

by Dr. Jack Wolfson
Special to Health Impact News
I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.
There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers.
I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.
  1. Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.
  2. Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?
  3. Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea.
  4. Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution.
  5. Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases.
  6. Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots. According to the Environmental Working Group, newborns contain over 200 chemicals as detected by cord blood. Maybe your doctor feels a few more chemicals injected into your child won’t be a big deal.
  7. Be angry with the cable companies and TV manufacturers for making you and your children fat and lazy, not wanting to exercise or play outside. Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many.
  8. In fact, be angry with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for creating computers so you can sit around all day blasted with electromagnetic radiation reading posts like this.
  9. Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works.
Finally, be angry with yourself for not opening your eyes to the snow job and brainwashing which have taken over your mind. You NEVER asked the doctor any questions. You NEVER asked what is in the vaccines. You NEVER learned about these benign infections.
Let’s face it, you don’t really give a crap what your children eat. You don’t care about chemicals in their life. You don’t care if they sit around all day watching the TV or playing video games.
All you care about is drinking your Starbuck’s, your next plastic surgery, your next cocktail, your next affair, and your next sugar fix!
This post was created with love and with the idea of creating a better world for our children and future generations. Anger increases your risk of suffering a heart attack. Be careful.
About the Author
Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board certified cardiologist in Phoenix. He is known as The Paleo Cardiologist and The Natural Cardiologist. Check out his website and follow him on Facebook at The Drs. Wolfson.

- See more at:

Why All the Anger?

by Dr. Jack Wolfson
Special to Health Impact News
I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.
There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers.
I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.
  1. Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.
  2. Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?
  3. Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea.
  4. Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution.
  5. Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases.
  6. Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots. According to the Environmental Working Group, newborns contain over 200 chemicals as detected by cord blood. Maybe your doctor feels a few more chemicals injected into your child won’t be a big deal.
  7. Be angry with the cable companies and TV manufacturers for making you and your children fat and lazy, not wanting to exercise or play outside. Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many.
  8. In fact, be angry with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for creating computers so you can sit around all day blasted with electromagnetic radiation reading posts like this.
  9. Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works.
Finally, be angry with yourself for not opening your eyes to the snow job and brainwashing which have taken over your mind. You NEVER asked the doctor any questions. You NEVER asked what is in the vaccines. You NEVER learned about these benign infections.
Let’s face it, you don’t really give a crap what your children eat. You don’t care about chemicals in their life. You don’t care if they sit around all day watching the TV or playing video games.
All you care about is drinking your Starbuck’s, your next plastic surgery, your next cocktail, your next affair, and your next sugar fix!
This post was created with love and with the idea of creating a better world for our children and future generations. Anger increases your risk of suffering a heart attack. Be careful.
About the Author
Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board certified cardiologist in Phoenix. He is known as The Paleo Cardiologist and The Natural Cardiologist. Check out his website and follow him on Facebook at The Drs. Wolfson.

- See more at:

Why All the Anger?

by Dr. Jack Wolfson
Special to Health Impact News
I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.
There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers.
I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.
  1. Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.
  2. Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?
  3. Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea.
  4. Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution.
  5. Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases.
  6. Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots. According to the Environmental Working Group, newborns contain over 200 chemicals as detected by cord blood. Maybe your doctor feels a few more chemicals injected into your child won’t be a big deal.
  7. Be angry with the cable companies and TV manufacturers for making you and your children fat and lazy, not wanting to exercise or play outside. Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many.
  8. In fact, be angry with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for creating computers so you can sit around all day blasted with electromagnetic radiation reading posts like this.
  9. Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works.
Finally, be angry with yourself for not opening your eyes to the snow job and brainwashing which have taken over your mind. You NEVER asked the doctor any questions. You NEVER asked what is in the vaccines. You NEVER learned about these benign infections.
Let’s face it, you don’t really give a crap what your children eat. You don’t care about chemicals in their life. You don’t care if they sit around all day watching the TV or playing video games.
All you care about is drinking your Starbuck’s, your next plastic surgery, your next cocktail, your next affair, and your next sugar fix!
This post was created with love and with the idea of creating a better world for our children and future generations. Anger increases your risk of suffering a heart attack. Be careful.
About the Author
Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board certified cardiologist in Phoenix. He is known as The Paleo Cardiologist and The Natural Cardiologist. Check out his website and follow him on Facebook at The Drs. Wolfson.

- See more at:

Why All the Anger?

by Dr. Jack Wolfson
Special to Health Impact News
I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.
There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers.
I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.
  1. Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.
  2. Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?
  3. Be angry at the companies who make your toxic laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. You and your children are wearing and breathing known carcinogens (they cause cancer). Call Bounce and Downy and let them know. These products kill more people than mumps, a virus which actually doesn’t cause anyone to die. Same with hepatitis A, a watery diarrhea.
  4. Be angry at all the companies spewing pollution into our environment. These chemicals and heavy metals are known to cause autism, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and every other health problem. Worldwide, these lead to 10’s of millions of deaths every year. Measles deaths are a tiny fraction compared to pollution.
  5. Be angry at your parents for not breastfeeding you, co-sleeping with you, and stuffing your face with Domino’s so they can buy more Tide and finish the laundry. Breastfeeding protects your children from many infectious diseases.
  6. Be angry with your doctor for being close-minded and not disclosing the ingredients in vaccines (not that they read the package insert anyway). They should tell you about the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal proteins, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the shots. According to the Environmental Working Group, newborns contain over 200 chemicals as detected by cord blood. Maybe your doctor feels a few more chemicals injected into your child won’t be a big deal.
  7. Be angry with the cable companies and TV manufacturers for making you and your children fat and lazy, not wanting to exercise or play outside. Lack of exercise kills millions more than polio. Where are all those 80 year olds crippled by polio? I can’t seem to find many.
  8. In fact, be angry with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for creating computers so you can sit around all day blasted with electromagnetic radiation reading posts like this.
  9. Be angry with pharmaceutical companies for allowing us to believe living the above life can be treated with drugs. Correctly prescribed drugs kill thousands of people per year. The flu kills just about no one. The vaccine never works.
Finally, be angry with yourself for not opening your eyes to the snow job and brainwashing which have taken over your mind. You NEVER asked the doctor any questions. You NEVER asked what is in the vaccines. You NEVER learned about these benign infections.
Let’s face it, you don’t really give a crap what your children eat. You don’t care about chemicals in their life. You don’t care if they sit around all day watching the TV or playing video games.
All you care about is drinking your Starbuck’s, your next plastic surgery, your next cocktail, your next affair, and your next sugar fix!
This post was created with love and with the idea of creating a better world for our children and future generations. Anger increases your risk of suffering a heart attack. Be careful.
About the Author
Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board certified cardiologist in Phoenix. He is known as The Paleo Cardiologist and The Natural Cardiologist. Check out his website and follow him on Facebook at The Drs. Wolfson.

- See more at:
Why All the Anger?
by Dr. Jack Wolfson,
Special to Health Impact News

I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix. I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people.

There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With Chemicals (TSAIOKWC for short) has a lot of followers.

I want to address all this misguided anger and see if we can re-direct it where it belongs.

1- Be angry at food companies. Sugar cereals, donuts, cookies, and cupcakes lead to millions of deaths per year. At its worst, chicken pox killed 100 people per year. If those chicken pox people didn’t eat cereal and donuts, they may still be alive. Call up Nabisco and Kellogg’s and complain. Protest their products. Send THEM hate-mail.

2- Be angry at fast food restaurants. Tortured meat burgers, pesticide fries, and hormone milkshakes are the problem. The problem is not Hepatitis B which is a virus contracted by drug users and those who sleep with prostitutes. And you want to inject that vaccine into your newborn?

GaiaPortal: Forestations Of Confrontationals Are Now Removed…

Channelled By ÉirePort On 1-30-15

Forestations of confrontationals are now removed.

Next energetic phase begins.

Harbingers of Light are viewed in spectacular displays.

Concomitant releases and influxes of variant energies come forth.

hu-man awareness leaps to the Hue-level.

Rapid uplifts come for all of Gaia.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Archangel Gabriel On Vision

Channelled By Marlene Swetlisoff On 1-29-15

Beloved Ones,

Angel of Light - gabriel - marleneLet us have discourse on the quality of love known as vision.
Having vision is focusing on a preferred future. One person with vision in their heart can change the world.

For example, a higher vision as a quality within oneself is a positive way to respond to the happenings in the world. This encourages each individual to always take action based on their desire for the highest good of all.

By holding the higher vision and staying focused on one’s individual life as an expression of pure spirit, it is their intention to grow into that awareness and role.

This also provides them the foundation to walk their path in life in faith, and trust that all is well in their affairs. Each individual’s effort to maintain their higher vision is met with grace from the universe which creates and manifests the embryo for finding spiritual growth in everything.

When an individual sees life with an expanded spiritual awareness, their virtuous actions as a way of life are the only ones that make sense to them.

As each individual seeks truth as their highest vision, their own sense of honesty strengthens and they are able to see more clearly into their own spiritual heart. They begin to appreciate the perfection of their spiritual nature.

The World We’re Building

Lots of good galactic background on why we never had WWIII and who we can thank for that...DT the ET

Prior to the great voyages of exploration, the best known of which was Christopher Columbus’s, himself an incarnation of St. Germaine, Europeans plied trade routes to China and elsewhere to secure the goods they’d come to prize.

Spices, silks, precious gems and metals poured into Europe along such great trade routes as the Silk Road or by ship from Africa and Asia.

After Columbus, the European nations actually took to colonizing what they regarded as “virgin lands,” ignoring the claim of the indigenous populations to the territory they alone had inhabited until that time.

European ventures now became not merely for trade but for conquest and colonization.
The change in intention became mirrored in ships, moving from merchant vessels to single marauding pirate ships to battle fleets, from a few guns on deck to rows of guns on several decks, from wooden ships to iron ships, etc.

Newly-militarizing nations justified the creation of battle fleets on defensive grounds, but soon used them for offensive ends. The dominant ideology became “dominate and avoid being dominated.”

The great empires of Europe developed and expanded until they dominated the world. When the United States steamed the U.S.S. Maine into Havana harbor and blew it up in a false-flag operation, America also entered the age of empires.

Higher Self: Quantum Excitement – A Detailed Update On The Energies

Direct from the Ten Forward bulletin-board: this is what's going on right Now with Earth's energies...DT the ET

Channelled By April Bender On 1-25-15

As the Solstice Fires of Ascension (crystalline energies) continue to pervade every dimensional level of existence connected to and throughout your world, much of the foundational quanta or energy particles that make up these fields of existence have over these last few weeks, become more and more excited.

As a result, these quantum particles are popping, morphing, and/or reconfiguring themselves into yet a new field of heightened potential and expression.

This quantum ‘excitement’ is occurring due to the following reasons/catalysts: the rapid influx of crystalline energies now entering your world, the imprinting work of the Masters on/in this energy, ongoing individual shifts into higher or unity consciousness, the collective’s overall slow but steady shift in awareness, consciousness shifts taking place in other worlds connected to yours, and the inherent programming/activations stemming from the Galactic Central Sun.

Therefore, many interlocking fields within fields or standing waves, that make up the most basic foundations of life/consciousness on your world and/or that are connected to your world, are yet again experiencing a massive shift/upgrade.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Saul: The Power Of Your Loving Intentions Is Tremendous

Just call Saul and here he is!  I was just thinking today that he hasn't posted in some time. Go figure...DT the ET

Channelled By John Smallman On 1-27-15

Humanity is on a roll towards the moment of awakening! As you read the mainstream news media reports of conflict, wars, crime, and corruption all over the world that may not seem to you to be a valid assessment, but I assure you it is. Yes, there is much going on that is unloving and causing suffering in the world today, but it is for the most part the result of an enormous clearing and releasing of the old energies of fear that have maintained and supported the illusion and those who would suppress and control you through it.

The unloving energies, mostly of fear, that have been predominant on Earth for eons are dissolving as more and more of you turn towards love in your relationships, and make the intent to be loving in every situation. The power of your loving intentions is tremendous, and those who would maintain the old ways through fear and force are now desperately attempting to raise the level of fear across the world because they urgently need those energies as they attempt to fortify the underpinnings of their power base and prevent its collapse. This they cannot do. The Tsunami of Love is unstoppable and totally irresistible and it is sweeping away the energies of fear that have held you in the thrall of the dark ones.

Lisa Renee - Core Structural Changes


Greetings from Galactic Heart 

The PAO Newsletter of 1-28-15

Absolutely loved yesterday's Update from Sheldan. 2015 promises to be a year for dreams to come true. The article below by Lisa Renee dovetails nicely with Shel's Update. It is a must read.

We are the pioneers anchoring in our Crystalline Light bodies. We are the ones that are paving the way for the masses. We are the Starseeds. Lately I have a new respect for the divine service we signed up for. This has not been an easy journey. And the more we become aware of our Oneness, the more spiritually mature we need to become. We cannot afford to get lost in the misery of the planet. Aware yes. Lost, no.

As St. Germain often reminds us......intent, focus and gratitude (heartfelt gratitude before you actually manifest your intent) are key to mastery.

It is amazing what we are accomplishing. Bravo to all out in the world shining their Light.
Selamat Ja!

Core Structural Changes

by Lisa Renee ~ Energic Synthesis

These new cosmic frequencies are forcing everything hidden to be revealed in so that core structural changes can be developed in order to survive or progress forward. The operating system of organizations and entities must change in value from a closed (exclusive) system to an open (inclusive) operating system, in order to evolve and survive ongoing in these new frequencies. We may be required now to build a new platform for our life, or make small or big changes to how we function in our day to day life.

Update From The Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation On 1-27-15

Consistently high quality, gluten-free rapportage from the fleet...DT the ET

Channelled Via Sheldan Nidle

1 Manik, 5 Yax, 11 Ik

Sheldan-Nidle-Galactic-Federation-of-Light-150x150Dratzo! We come with more good news on the process of delivering the blessings to you.

This past week saw a grand series of checkpoints reached. Some amazing events are fated to occur in the coming week.

You are actually now on the verge of the beginnings of the various blessings arriving. We are ecstatic that this is indeed the case. When we arrived nearly two decades and a half ago, we were at first surprised at the utter arrogance of the dark forces that were in charge of your many global societies. These individuals seemed totally unwilling to obey the sacred decrees of Heaven.

We were informed as well by your Ascended Masters that this lack of concern was the norm for this dark cabal. Our many elders had told us about this and warned us to be ready to enforce the heavenly edicts only when our earthly allies permitted this to happen.

This led us into a series of long discussions with our many allies as to why this insanity was still present. We were given a number of talks on what was occurring here. We decided to help our allies only after proper permission was truly given us. This is only changing due to the positive feedback we are presently receiving.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Arcturians: The Game of Life -- Beta Through Delta Brainwaves

The Arcturians continue with their Ascension Crash Course on being multi-dimensional with this latest installment from Suzanne. IMHO this whole series of teachings on brainwaves and consciousness is the best, most current insight into what's really happening to humanity, right Now, on planet earth/TerraGaia...DT the ET

Channelled By Suzanne Lie On1-25-15

The Game of Life 

(Link To Video HERE)
Your earth vessel is an energy field that resonates to the frequency of your environment. YOU are the consciousness that resonates to and enlivens the earth vessel that YOU are wearing. Your earth vessel allows you to login to the video game of “3D Earth.”

Your avatar self plays this 3D video game, but YOU are the consciousness that has decided to attach to an earth vessel so that you can play the “3D Earth Game.” However, you have heard that this 3D Earth Game is being upgraded to a new level called “Multidimensional Earth Game.”

In this video game you need to successfully complete one level of the game before you can proceed into a higher level. You have heard that the Multidimensional Earth Game is much more enjoyable.

Hence, you are very excited to finish up the final levels of the 3D Earth Game and move on the next level of the game of life

Sunday, January 25, 2015

NASA’s ‘Largest Picture Ever’ Taken – A Must See

Written by Mike Barrett

Natural Society, January 22, 2015

NASAimage-735_350With today’s technology, it is easier than ever to relish in the beauties of not only planet Earth, but the universe. We have always  been able to look up at the stars and have even had a telescope for some time that enabled us to focus in on the literal outer-beauty of where we are – and what’s out there is truly amazing.

Complimenting this even further, NASA has released what is deemed the largest picture ever taken – and it will blow you away.

The image above takes you through over 100 million stars and travels more than 40,000 light years. It provides a startling glimpse at the sheer scale of our nearest galactic neighbor.

The Arcturians - Planetary Ascension--Transcript to YouTube

More of the precision and clarity around Earth's Ascension process that I have come to expect from the Arcturians.  This series of  'Memos from the Mothership' are among the best I have seen anywhere on the internet.  Kudos to Suzanne for being the messenger!   DT theET

Channelled By Suzanne Lie On 1-22-15

Dear Readers,
There was so much information in this YouTube that I posted it again with the transcript.
Thank you for all your interest. We are coming into very important times now. Are you ready?

(This video is available on

We the Arcturians as well as our many friends within the Galactic Federation of Light are here to speak with you today to remind you that you are in the daily process of personal and planetary ascension.

We say personal and planetary with the emphasis on Planetary.  All of you are already having myriad incarnations and experiences on the fifth-dimension and beyond. You are all multi-dimensional beings who have volunteered to lower your frequencies and to bi-locate an element of your multi-dimensional consciousness into the physical presence that you now perceive as your Earth vessel.

We are here to remind you that you are not your earth vessel; you are wearing your earth vessel.  You are the beautiful and expanded multi-dimensional consciousness that is implanted within that which appears to be “just a third-dimensional form.”

GaiaPortal: Long-Standings Are Finished…

Channelled By ÉirePort On 1-25-15

Long-standings are finished and no longer carry "attachment points".

Moment-ous living is the "norm".

All non-followers of the moment will fail.

Continuities come only with discontinuic BEing.

Inertial entities have left.

Such is the moment.

Gaia is prepared for finalization, in this moment.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Federation of Light:1-23-15

Apparently Blossom is being moved into voice channelling by her 'crew' and the results (listen via audio link below) are very encouraging... DT the ET


Channelled By Blossom Goodchild

Blossom: Good morning! Within me, there seems to be an inner excitement about this year, and yet, I don’t really know why? A sort of expectancy … or maybe, because it’s a new year once again … I am simply full of hope! Anyone home?

Federation of Light: We are always home. We are always who we are in our TRUTH … which of course is home to us. The same way for you, is it not? When you are full of Love and all is running smoothly in your life … you FEEL you are home.

Today shall be a little different once again.

In what way?

In the ways of bringing about a change of direct contact through these words … and allowing, through you … a more meticulous vantage point in which to get our message across.

No idea what you’re on about … to be honest.

We would ask Blossom if you would agree to letting go of this way of communicating … to a certain degree and allowing a new scheme to present itself.

Brainwaves And Consciousness Part 7: Perception IS Creation

The Arcturians Via Suzanne Lie On 1-23-15

MDbrainwavesIn order to be the Master of your brainwaves, which is to be the Master of your consciousness, you need to remember to “clean up your thoughts and emotions”. As you continue your voyage into higher and higher states of consciousness, you will begin to perceive ALL your thoughts and emotions joined into the living entities of thoughtforms.

Via your third dimensional consciousness, you are unable to perceive these thoughtforms that fill your aura, your home, your car and any place that YOU spend “time”. Just as your dog or cat may leave some of their hair wherever they have been, you leave bits of, or incomplete, thoughtforms wherever you spend your “time”.

We put quotes around the word “time” because when your consciousness is attuned to the fifth dimension and beyond you are in the NOW of “no time”. Then, any thoughtforms that you leave lying around are actually living portals into the higher dimensions. These thoughtforms can only be perceived by your Multidimensional gamma wave consciousness and can only be entered if you can perceive them.

Some of these thoughtforms are perceptible via your delta wave consciousness, but your physical form is usually in deep sleep, in a coma, or under anesthetic during those brainwaves. On the other hand, gamma wave consciousness can occur while in deep meditations that are accompanied by Unconditional Love and deep compassion for all life.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Jack The Watcher - The Fires of Purification-Transforming Anger and Fear

Channelled By Jean Rockefeller On 1-23-15

In the Beginning of this Month, Gaia received a massive influx of energy and for the past few weeks, Her inhabitants have been re-adjusting to this energy infusion. The area of the body that was most affected was the root chakra. Anger and fear related to survival are the pervasive energies.

By now, the assimilation of this energy burst has begun to matriculate up into the body and you may now be experiencing unusual physical and emotional symptoms. The physical symptoms will most likely be short lived and idiopathic in nature (meaning with unknown cause and origin). Unusual physical and emotional conditions may have appeared as early as last October and can be expected to continue until mid February. Long ago forgotten and deeply buried physical traumas and the emotions that are coupled to these memories, are now being provided an outlet for release and healing.

Mercury is now retrograde, which means all directions point inward. During these times, our attention is directed toward our internal fires which are crying out to be fanned. Purification at an unprecedented level is now possible.

SaLuSa - January 23, 2015

Channelled By Mike Quinsey

As events on Earth become more disturbing for you, so the Light is progressing more quickly towards its goal of bringing an end to the interference of the dark Ones. They have held the power for many centuries, and embarked on their plan to reduce the population of Earth to a manageable size.

This they have partly achieved by keeping Man in virtually a continual state of war. Although they believe that they are achieving their aims, it is beginning to dawn on them that they can no longer control events on Earth. By now they would have drawn most countries into another global war, but through our actions have been unable to do so.

Their ambition to bring about a Third World War has been prevented, and we are limiting their ability to delay the coming changes that will signal the true beginning of the New Age. From our position we see matters as progressing very well and the coming of the long awaited advancements that will truly indicate that the New Age has arrived.

Do not be concerned about the group known as Isis, as their success is soon to be brought to a sudden halt when they shall be unable to continue with their war against the people of Earth. Many ask why we do not stop them now, but certain karmic issues have to be played out. There are many lessons being learnt that will well serve the souls involved very well, and help them to evolve.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Short Pep-Talk From AAM


Channelled By Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi) On 1-22-15

Some of you are ready for changes and progressing rapidly, some are trying to be more cautious with their steps. Crossroads, changes in direction, unaccounted possibilities are being laid down before you and you are developing each moment, from day to day, going through new gates.

If the new paths you are walking on are carrying you to new portals, let them. Do not hesitate to proceed on your new paths that are beginning to appear with your light and beyond your guesses.

Your guide is your Heart and the excitement arising from your Soul. Every time you need courage during this journey, invoke the Creative Force within yourselves so that it can emerge.

It is in the depths of your heart where your soul speaks. Allow us to embrace you and perform our guidance, at each instant you find yourselves deep in worry and anxiety.  Invite us into your awareness and let the love arising and spreading from your heart flow to your surroundings.

Your transformation is with Love and Light.
ArchAngel Michael

The Arcturians: The "Your Life As A River" Analogy

Channeled by Paul Marwood On 1-19-15

“Hello dear Paul and Holly, We are the Arcturian’s,
Today the two of you are at geographical location called Inspiration Point, so we would like to offer some inspiration, for as you know there are many races that are here in support of your planet at this time, ourselves included. You also know that we are all here in support of you in so many ways, we are here to bring forth suggestions and advice, teachings, we emanate loving energy to all on the planet.

Some may not feel that they receive this, but the love and the energy is there.

We wish to also encourage you that through all of the changes that have been happening, humanity as a race on this planet is moving forward in the most wondrous of ways. Your progress exceeds many expectations, so from our point of view you have a very large audience around you and above you in the skies, and we are all clapping and celebrating. Because as you make progress in your ascension process, and your conscious evolution to a greater connection to your divine presence and the love that connects and emanates through all of the universe, so you affect everything else.

GaiaPortal: Conclaves Of Inner Guidance Form…

Channelled By ÉirePort On 1-22-15

Conclaves of Inner Guidance form at both Hue-manity and hu-manity realms.

Restitutions are considered for all, and revealed for some.

Timeline scenarios are narrowed to knife's edge.

Remnants are cast off.

Truth is unveiled... to all... from within.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Greetings! From The Light Collective


 Channelled Via Eliza Ayers On 1-20-15

We come to you today to greet each of you with expressions of love and support for you and your journey upon this planet.

As many of you are aware, the transition into the refined energies that were supposed to manifest for Humanity in 2012, have finally managed to anchor upon the Earth. If you felt that your ascension process had been on hold for a few years since then, it was to allow more members of the human collective to wake up and consciously assert their desire for change and to be change.

We realize that you live in some of the most challenging of times worldwide for humanity. The physical, mental and emotional stressors can be intense, if you allow change to work upon you from the outside.

As you are also waking up to the fact that you contain a highly creative and resilient force within, called Love, you can also work with the trans-formative energies in a fully conscious and powerful manner. It is your choice and most likely one that you made before coming into embodiment.

Whatever your choice is, wherever you are upon your journey, whether buried beneath fear and despair or living in bliss and expansion, we honor you for your courage to be here now.

Update From The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation


 Channelled Via Sheldan Nidle On 1-20-15

7 Ahau, 18 Chen, 11 Ik

Sheldan-Nicle-PAODratzo! We come with wonderful information! The payments continue to move forward and our Earth allies are now deciding upon new preliminary schedules. These payments are tied to a number of other projects that relate to returning you to a gold standard and to a global currency reset.

These programs are also part of a financial readjustment that is to produce a new global financial system. This new system is to replace those agreements first manifested at Dumbarton Oaks in the U.S. This system ends the reign of the Federal Reserve’s notes and its worldwide fiscal policies.

You are entering a new world in which a more general equality is to exist between the now poorer nations and the richer ones in Europe, America, Australia and Japan. There is also the matter of new governance. These new governmental institutions are to roll out very soon.

Among their initial duties are to be a full worldwide disclosure, which is to put an end to the present UFO cover up. It is this last item, which we, of course, are looking forward to. Our Earth allies are working on a number of interconnected fronts to bring all of this to fruition.

Jesus: You Are Proceeding Full Speed Ahead Towards The Moment Of Awakening


Channelled By John Smallman On 1-21-15

Here in the spiritual realms, as we maintain our loving watch over you, we observe with additional joy your exemplary progress towards your awakening. Even your mainstream news media are now finding themselves unable to completely ignore the amazing changes that are occurring all across your world, and nor are they able to avoid reporting on the waves of corruption and criminal activities that had been concealed and are now being disclosed at all levels of government. The truth of your enslavement to corrupt business and governmental rules and regulations can no longer be hidden from you because of the courageous activities of many investigative journalists, and of the whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out.

Enormous changes are occurring worldwide as humanity moves out from under the weight of rules and regulations imposed by your authoritarian governments. Governments that mostly would attempt to persuade you that they are truly democratic institutions who have only your best interests at heart, when in fact they are mostly dishonest kakistocracies attempting to keep you permanently in subservience to them.

Dishonest government on such a vast scale can no longer be maintained, the cracks in its foundations and in its various autocratic institutions are bringing it to its knees. Unsupported by its citizens – the citizens of the world – as is now the case, it will continue to collapse into total disarray.