Channelled Via Mike Quinsey
It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but we observe a new energy rising that is taking hold on Earth that is bringing co-operation and peace.
After years of wars and confrontation, the new energies are awakening people to the peaceful pursuit of ways to bring about a harmonious co-existence between all people. Now when war threatens there are still those that respond in a like way, yet at the same time many, many more pursue peaceful solutions.
We will certainly do what we can to influence and aid those who seek peace and a total end to war and find a peaceful solution. The voices of those who are tired of death and the waste of your Earth’s resources through aggressive behaviour are gaining power and influence that will lead the way to peaceful co-operation and statesmanship.
It will take time to persuade some people that war only benefits the few who have invested very heavily in it. However, time will bring forth many truths and reveal those who are its beneficiaries.
On the one hand you are being assailed by the actions of a small minority who are set on bringing terror to you, whilst those who champion the cause of peace are working very hard to bring it about. There is of course karma involved in all of these issues and it makes it difficult for you to comprehend exactly what is taking place.
Our presence will ensure that matters do not get out of hand but as you must have realised for some time now, the old energies have to be “removed” in one way or another.
As you must also know by now, fear is your greatest enemy and aids those who are known as the dark Ones. They thrive on creating fear and without it they would lose their power to block the Light. Their time is nearly up which is why we frequently remind you of the need to keep your vibrations as high as possible, and deny them every opportunity to fuel their needs.
Changes are all around you and not least of all those that relate to Mother Earth. She is preparing for a great upliftment in her vibrations and wide ranging changes that are already becoming apparent to those who study such subjects.
Do not fear the outcome as, unlike previous Ages when great floods, fire or catastrophes have occurred at the end times, you are to experience a peaceful move into the New Age. It has been the intention of the Spiritual Hierarchy to ensure that you complete the old Age with success, and it has been largely down to your resilience and firm intent to come through this period with your heads held high.
You have of course received every help and many souls from the higher dimensions have taken part. When you consider how much support you have been given, you get an idea of how importantly your evolution is viewed. Yet you will find it difficult to fully comprehend your success, as it has reached much further than you can imagine.
Your loved Ones look on and are aware of how well you are doing, and there will be great celebrations when your time is up and you meet again. Naturally they keep up with your progress which they follow with keen interest.
So Dear Ones, please bear in mind that not only are your family and friends aware of your progress, they often try to impress you with their messages and console you when you are distressed. If you are not already aware you will be surprised to find your loved Ones quite fit and healthy regardless of their condition when they passed over. Furthermore, they will be very aware and as alert as they were when a lot younger.
There is so much to look forward to that you should have no need to concern yourselves about those who have gone before. No one is looked upon as being superior to another soul and wealth is no factor at all, as money has no place where all needs are provided by the power of thought.
It may also lift some people up to know that even babies that have passed over grow up quite quickly in Spirit, and most will meet you as adults. The power of thought upon Earth is effective, but rarely acts as quickly as it does in the higher vibrations.

As we have previously mentioned, the most spectacular changes will be when you benefit from free energy. Your scientists already know many uses for it and machines and equipment have already been designed and successfully tested. The future is waiting for you and holds many surprises, all of which will enhance your quality of life.
So, as you make your way through the last antics of the dark Ones, know that in reality you do not have long to wait before wonderful changes start to take place. For you no doubt it would be a relief to be able to live in peace and prosper in a society based on love and sharing. It is coming but first the dark Ones and their power bases and weapons of destruction must be disabled and removed.

We will ensure that when the time is right you are made aware of the new technologies, and they will be introduced to you. However, you will understand that there are those who would wish to keep them for themselves, and we have to first remove them so as to prevent interference with your progress. All these things will take time, but at least you will be aware as to what awaits you in the near future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that the time has arrived to release information as to what the future holds for you. Keep strong in your faith and know that we are with you. I leave you with our love and blessings.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
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