Channelled Via Suzanne Lie
Written Within The NOW Of 4-30-15
We ARE the Arcturians
Beloved Multidimensional Leaders,Within the NOW of Suzille's last evening, we instructed her to prepare a Manual of many of our blog posts since January 2015. This Manual included much of what we have been sending to YOU, via our ONE wearing an earth vessel. All of you, our dear Leaders, are also wearing earth vessels, but are in constant contact with your Multidimensional SELF.
During the course of our "time" (according to your earth vessel) and our "NOW" (according to your SELF) we will assist you to deeply and intimately unite your current earth vessel with your higher dimensional expressions within the ONE of the NOW.
We would like to say that this unity would continue infinitely within your time-bound consciousness. However, you will only experience that deep sense of Unity with SELF while you are in a higher state of consciousness.
Hence, you can begin your class NOW by reviewing the messages that we have sent since the beginning of YOUR time of January 2015. WE (meaning the consortium of ALL your higher dimensional expressions) are gathering into ONE blissfully awaiting your NOW in which we can deeply and consciously unite.