Monday, April 27, 2015

Decree What It Is That You Seek

Channelled By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan 

On 4-24-15

You each hold and house records of what has come, records of what will come, and records that exist dimensionally through space and time. You hold within you ancient truths that did not work, and ancient truths that changed worlds.

Decree what it is that you seek, what it is that you desire, and what it is that will help you bypass the chaos of daily manifestation.

The sacredness that you are, the sacredness that you seek, the sacredness that you yearn for, comes forth to you this year as you breathe in the possibilities of your promised tomorrows.

The world is not haphazardly created by outside energies or beings, for all is contained innately upon the surface of life. Each one of your prayers lands upon a sacred dimension especially created for human prayers. it is this holy place that then creates a wish fulfilled, a dream imagined, a problem solved, a success assured. Your prayers are living energies that never end nor give up on finding what you seek.

Earth herself has the quantified ability to manifest for all of her children. however earthen manifestation and dimensional manifestation are quite different. The thoughts that run in your minds, in your hearts, and in your everyday existences are asking for solutions. The answers come not from a government, or a king or a queen. they do not come from the media or a book but from you.

You house and host the truths, the wisdom’s, and the solutions to all thoughts and problems within your sphere of existence. Everything that is issued to you in thought, in action, or in decree can be solved by you in thought, in action, in decree!

Your destiny is to be part of the liquid solution of all things that you seek.

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