Monday, March 2, 2015

Jack The Watcher: Growing Pains

img_5791jack's corner new pic
Current Conditions
As of February 13, 2015, The Tethers of Service began to release en masse, resulting in a powerful wave of exiting energy.

As I mentioned in my last message, the Tethers of Service are now coming to fruition and this has translated into an energy upheaval that is occurring both Globally and personally.

As the cords, contracts and connected energy to the Tethers of Service are released, an adjustment-reset- in the internal and external environment must occur.

Some may have noticed a shift beginning on February 10th but for most it began on the 13th and is still on-going. It may continue for some until the Summer Solstice but for most it will terminate on the Spring Equinox.

Physically, deep pain, likely within the bones or digestive system, may now be again re-surfacing as the fear and anger connected to the aforementioned agreements are being released. In addition, one may experience lethargy, fatigue and weight gain as the body adjusts to the new climate changes.

During the last week, beginning on Sunday February 22, 2015, the energy wave may have surfaced in one’s external environment and a powerful reset is now in full force. Since this time, we have been experiencing a constant onslaught of resets which have been occurring literally on top of one another.

black_vultureThis week may have been uncomfortable for some but this only validates that a new wave of consciousness has now arrived. We, as a collective, are taking giant leaps forward and this leap is just the first of many that will occur this year.

Once and for all, long standing life lessons are now being presented for release. This will explain why you may be re-experiencing paradigms that you thought long ago were healed. It is analogous to the final gasp for breath before they are let go. “Coming full circle” is applicable here.

Collectively, We are building a New Earth and We cannot move into our New Home until we have cleared the clutter from our lives and our beings.

Thankfully, The Vulture is assisting in releasing us from old and decaying energy. In addition, He is purifying our bodies and our beings; allowing new connections, ideas and inspiration to take hold.

If you need help, Murphie is here…

While I receive each of Jack’s messages, one of my Watchers will sit by my computer and ‘charge’ the message. I don’t usually mention this unless they ask me to do so and Murphie is asking me now.

Murphie Leigh wanted me to mention that she has “powered” this message. She is a logistics officer and sends energy, direction and information to the Watchers on the receiving end of Jack’s messages.

Personally, however, Murphie can help you release energy that inhibits and squelches your Personal Power. This Lady is formidable and She is offering Her services. If you are having issues related to Power, call on Murphie and ask Her to assist. Be direct, be firm and be resolute in your request.

Jean, the Watchers and I are incredibly Grateful for our Allegiance and our Connection. Hesitate not to call upon us to assist in your evolution, especially now. We are all working to create a New Earth and a New Age and it is now time to reach out to those who have the same vision and purpose.

Jack, The Watcher

Jack is a Watcher, which is a sentient being in animal form that is completely aware. Jack is not the only Watcher as there are innumerable Watchers all over the Earth both wild and domestic. Their purpose is and has always been to guide and steer humanity as well as protect humans that are vital to the Greater Good. Since the Revolutionary War, the Watchers purpose has been to assist in the coming Ascension of the Earth and beyond.

To view this post at its source click here: Jack the Watcher

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