Channelled By DL Zeta On 8-4-14
Future Vision: Humanity Steps Free of Enslaving Thought Viruses
The scarcity virus is at the root of old timelines rife with suffering and violence. This thought virus prompts us to believe in the thoughtform that “there is not enough love/peace/abundance to go around so I must fight to get some.” Another common thoughtform fostered by the scarcity virus is that “I must punish those who are to blame for my experience of lack.” This belief has justified many acts of destruction and violence and fosters the condition of un-love that weaves dark threads into the tapestry of life on this planet. Intolerance of others' beliefs is a variation of the scarcity thought virus.
Intolerance of others' beliefs has led to many atrocities throughout history and continues to be an underpinning of all separatist thinking. As we move into the new time, awakened minds will enter clear-seeing. This will extinguish the viability of thought viruses, and human consciousness will step free of enslaving thoughtforms of scarcity and intolerance.
Future Vision: Societies Based on Love and Nurturing Each Soul

Throughout human history, there were those who advocated the path of love and compassion for all life. These wise beings laid the groundwork for seeds to flower in the new time.
Valuing and Appreciating Ourselves Heals the Condition of Un-Love
When we exist on the frequency of un-love, our words and actions say to others that “you are not valuable to me unless you assist me in my endless quest to find that which I need to feel loved and valued.” Indeed, when we look to external circumstances to find our own worth and self-value, we will always be searching for something that eludes us. Un-love is based on the scarcity thought virus.
It permeates many areas of earth-based reality and results in a devaluation of all life forms - human, animal, plant and mineral - at all levels. It is only when we stop, slow down and value and appreciate ourselves that we enter the space in consciousness where love resides. Anytime we feel un-love and undervalued, we can access this energetic field of the new time to heal ourselves.
Broadcasting Love to all brings Spiritual Freedom
When we hold a place of love and value within ourselves, we're able to share this with others. Even when a person expresses un-love and intolerance toward you, you can continue to love and value them. In fact, it is those who express un-love and intolerance who need love the most for they are experiencing an internal state of separation and emotional suffering. It is not possible for a person to treat others in a negative or toxic way without being awash in that same negativity themselves.
You can remain on the frequency of love and silently broadcast this to others, no matter what. When a person acts or speaks in a negative way, it is because they are ensnared by thought viruses that do not allow them to conceive of another way to interact with the world around them. When you have plenty of love for yourself and more left over, you are able to step free of old, enslaving third-dimensional timelines and hold a space in consciousness for others to step free as well. Spiritual freedom is our natural condition and one that naturally transports us to the high-vibrational timelines of the new time.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
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