Tuesday, May 13, 2014

EcoAstrology: Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus

A great overview of this incredible Wesak full Moon. Vaya Con Buddha...DT the ET

 With Permission By Stephanie Austin

These new and full moon updates are sent as a service to my astrology clients, students, and friends. To subscribe for 25 updates/one year via PayPal, click on http://ecoastrology.com/forecast.html, or send a check for $12 (or more) to Stephanie Austin, Box 1745, Port Townsend, WA 98368, along with your email address. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Important Dates:
May 11: Venus opposite Mars (9º Aries-Libra)
May 11-18: Venus aspects Grand Cardinal Cross (9-18º Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
May 14: Full Moon 12:16 PM PDT (24º Scorpio-Taurus); Venus square Pluto (13º Aries-Cap)
May 15: Venus conjunct Uranus (15º Aries)
May 18: Venus square Jupiter (18º Aries-Cancer)
May 19: Mars turns direct (9º Libra)

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." (Erich Fromm)

"The best way to illuminate the darkness is to make light of it." (Swami Beyondananda)

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."(Joseph Campbell)

May 12, 2014
Dear Friends,

We are still traveling through the wake of the powerful grand cross which peaked at the last full moon/lunar eclipse (April 15). This rare and intense configuration is catalyzing major developments in four areas of life: our ability to be authentic and creative, our capacity to understand and relate to others, our emotional intelligence and home life, and our level of maturity in how we handle responsibility and power.
We are all releasing, recalibrating, and realigning in response to the energetic downloads encoded in the recent eclipses and solar flares as well. Even if nothing appears to be different on the outside, much has shifted on the inner planes. None of us are the same, and none of us has been here before. We are all going through an evolutionary leap that is still very much in progress. Continue to be patient with others and take extra good care of yourself.

The archetype of Venus illuminates the way forward — the wisdom of the heart. Named for the Goddess of Love and Beauty, Venus represents that which opens our hearts (and, subsequently, our minds) to a more expanded and unified experience of life. When our hearts are open, we know what to do. We see that we are creators, not victims, and that our inner guidance steers us in the direction that is right for us and for all concerned. Venus is now amplifying the grand cross, as it opposes Mars on May 11, squares Pluto on May 14, conjoins Uranus on May 15, and squares Jupiter on May 18. Venus at its most essential level is about values - what matters, what makes us happy, what we love and how we like to be loved. Venus is also about self love, self esteem. As Venus links up with the four components of this grand cross, we have an opportunity to see where we still hold ourselves, and others, out of our heart. A grand trine between Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Chiron in Pisces makes it easier to let go of old beliefs, fears, and programming. This combination reminds us that: We are all valuable. We all deserve to be happy. We are all part of the human family.

The Slow Movement (www.SlowMovement.com) addresses both the physical and spiritual poverty of our modern era — of not having enough time and connection with each other and with the world around us. Slow Food (www.slowfood.com) originated in 1989 with the intention to counteract the harmful social, health, and environmental effects of fast food.Slow Cities (www.cittaslow.net) are municipalities committed to improving their quality of life, and are now found around the world, with Sonoma, California being the first to qualify in the United States. Slow Money (www.slowmoneyalliance.org) supports the transition from “making a killing to making a living,” with principles similar to those of Slow Food and Slow Cities: valuing community, sustainability, and care for the common good more than mere financial gain. For some thought-provoking and potentially life changing information, read Charles Eisenstein’s beautiful book Sacred Economics, available atwww.CharlesEisenstein.com and watch The Story of Stuff at www.storyofstuff.com.

The next full moon peaks on Wednesday, May 14 at 12:16 PM PDT (24º Scorpio-Taurus). Full Moons are oppositions, calling for a conscious balancing of the energies involved. When a full moon (or any opposition) occurs in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), the emotional tension and stakes are stronger, because it signals the breakdown of longstanding beliefs and patterns. Full Moons illuminate both the archetypal imperatives of each sign, as well as their shadow expressions. Taurus seeks self-sufficiency and stability; its shadow side is materialism and complacency. Scorpio seeks intimacy and transformation; its dark side is deception and domination. In Taurus, we discover what we most require; in Scorpio, what we most desire and what we most fear. Fear is a message that we have arrived at a new frontier. Fear, like everything else, is energy. If we focus on what we do want, instead of what we don’t want, that energy can propel us into the future, rather than mire us in the past. Saturn conjuncts the Moon in Scorpio, doubling the cosmic message to face our fears and trust that: “If we build it, they will come” — if we are realistic and diligent, we will reach our goal.

This full moon highlights Sedna (21º Taurus), a dwarf planet three times more distant than Pluto, beaming her archetype into collective consciousness. Sedna takes 10,500 years to orbit the Sun and was first sighted in the constellation of Cetus the Whale in 2003, a time of significant changes in our Earth’s arctic and ocean regions. Named for an Inuit sea goddess who protects and commands creatures of the sea, Sedna represesnts the divine feminine and functions as a spiritual gateway to higher dimensions. Sedna’s conjunction with this full moon emphasizes the need to reconnect with what has been submerged or frozen in our psyche and civilization.

This full moon coincides with Wesak, one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar. Wesak commemorates three significant events in Gautama Buddha’s life – his birth, enlightenment, and passing away. According to esoteric astrology, Wesak offers an influx of spiritual energies from the Buddha, who represents wisdom, and the Christ, who represents love. This facilitates a linking of East and West, which in turn promotes an expansion of consciousness. The Wesak full moon helps us: “...surrender more fully to our fears, pain and duality aspects into the divine love of our true essence and the cosmic energies in ease and grace. So you will be supported fully in your desire to be in divine will with an open heart. A wonderful time to access and love your own duality fears and well as assisting humankind to go beyond all limitations and shine in your true light. Also a time when you can more easily review contracts you have made to grow and unify and to do your mission on Earth. You can see the bigger picture and your soul story and connectiveness with all experiences and your life/s holograms and what is really taking place with the cycles and the shift as we move through the Galactic Centre.”(full message here. )

Mars moves forward on May 19, signaling that it is time to act on what we’ve learned since March 1, when Mars turned retrograde. Mars represents the energy of passion, courage, and personal willpower. During the April grand cross, both Mars and Pluto were retrograde. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, ‘thy will be done;’ the will of the higher self. We’ve all been reviewing, reassessing and releasing what is not in alignment with our soul intentions. We’re much clearer now on what we really want, and what we need to let go of. As Mars moves forward, it once again forms a grand cross with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, but because Jupiter has moved further along in Cancer, this grand cross is wider, and thus much less intense, than the grand cross in April; it peaks the second half of June, as Mars squares Pluto on June 14 and opposes Uranus on June 25. Mars turned retrograde at 28º Libra; it turns forward at 9º Libra, and once again reaches 28º Libra on July 20, which happens to be the day Saturn turns forward also. Mars represents courage; Saturn, commitment. Mars in Libra urges us to be both assertive and considerate; Saturn in Scorpio impels us to face our fears and reclaim our power. This suggests that while we may feel ready to take a big step around May 19, in some cases our desires, strategies, and commitments may continue to shift and not fully crystalize until July 20.

One way to get clear on our deepest desires and what matters most is to think about our mortality. If you had only one more year to live, how would you spend it? It’s very illuminating and transformative to ponder and put your answer into words or images. Another values clarifying exercise is to write your own obituary. What would you wish your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered? What do you hope to accomplish before you die? Use the light of this full moon to discern your heart's desires, and what is holding you back. Consider these words of wisdom from Rumi: “Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”

Stephanie Austin
PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368

Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since 1986. She also teaches astrology and writes the New and Full Moon column for the Mountain Astrologer magazine. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies, and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For more information on her astrology readings, eBooks, tutorials, and forecasts, visit www.EcoAstrology.com.

Photo by Stephanie Kendra Austin


May 17-June 19 Inspiring Women Summit: no charge global online event with Caroline Casey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and many more. Information and registration here.

Unsung Hero: watch a deeply touching 3 minute video on what really matters at this link.

Article on how sharing resources is changing people’s lives by Janet Davison here.

Hilarious 5 minute video of George Carlin on “Stuff” at this link.

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