Hard-core, old school channelling...right here! Git sum...
Via Celia Fenn On 2-7-16
Earth Family, as you move into the second month of 2016, the energy
continues to be intense and the challenges that you face in daily life
continue to be a pressure for a while. On the 2/2, or the 2nd of
February, there was a powerful Time Line adjustment on the Earth.
The purpose of this adjustment was to recalibrate and adjust the New Earth Timeline, after the major shifts in February 2014 that brought the Earth into alignment for the New Earth frequencies. At this point, all Earth Time Lines are aligned with the new hyperdimensional Time/Space Reality that is manifesting the New Earth.
The confusion and chaos that results from these timeline adjustments continues to be felt as the old third-dimensional structures continue to crumble at speed in the face of these powerful new quantum streams of energetic expression. We will speak more of this later, but first, we would like to address the most wonderful subject of your relationship with the new multi-dimensional Earth in 2016.
Embody the Sacred Earth : You Are One
Beloved Ones, as you begin to take on your power as Multi-Dimensional Masters of Time and Space, your relationship with the Earth changes, as does your perspective of life on Earth. As with all things in Creation, the Earth is Sacred and filled with Divine Creative Light. Many of you have come from traditions of spirituality which consider the Earth to be an inferior environment of suffering and sorrow, and you desire nothing more than to leave this Earth and return, “home.”
Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are “home” at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!
Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your “center”, or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.
But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the “Three in One”, or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.
So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.
Beloved Ones, just as you are One with the Divine Light of Spirit and the Cosmic Heart of Light, so you are also One with the Earth. The Earth is a part of your Multi-Dimensional Body. The Divine Creative Intelligence exists within the Earth and in all Earth Creations.
Consider, for a moment, what this means. The Earth is a Sacred creation, and the Earth is part of you! The way in which you perceive the Earth and interact with the Earth is also the way in which you perceive yourself and interact with your own body. Do you see your body as a perfect creation of love, or do you see it as imperfect and needing to be fixed and changed because it is “not good enough”?
When you speak of self love and empowerment, this also means love and empowerment for the Earth, or the Earth part of you. When you love and nurture the Earth, you are loving and nurturing a part of yourself. When you do Sacred Ceremonies to love and honor the Earth, you are loving and honoring yourself. When you accept the Earth as a beautiful and perfect creation of the Divine Creative Intelligence, this is how you see yourself.
Beloved Ones, you are not separate from the Earth. That is illusion. You are the Earth, an expression of the Earth, for as long as you walk the Planet in material form in a multi-dimensional body.
What does this mean for a multi-dimensional Master? It means that you are able to “embody” the Earth as part of your Sacred Service to the Divine Creative Will. Just as you can embody Light and Spirit as Star Seeds and Light Warriors, so you can embody the Earth too, as Star Shamans for the New Earth. The Star Shaman walks the path of service and embodiment of the Earth, dreaming and creating and holding a vision, while also being able to embody Spirit and Star destiny.
As you embody the Earth by honoring your physical body and your physical home, you allow for powerful currents of healing energy and Light Codes to flow through you to the Earth and her peoples. If you do this in Sacred Ceremony with meditative intent and activations, you amplify the flow of energy from the Cosmic Heart and your Heart to the Earth, creating a powerful Sacred Union of the Three Hearts that will allow for powerful shifts of consciousness.
And you will understand fully that Earth is “home,” and that you came to Earth to assist with the manifestation and creation of a Garden Home for multi-dimensional beings. While many on Earth have forgotten their mission and their reason for being here, you as multi-dimensional Masters will remember and know that now is the time to honour the Sacred Earth as you honour yourself, and to assist in manifesting “home” or the Sacred Garden on Earth.
Finding your Soul Team and your Earth Ancestry Group
As you enter into full consciousness of your connection to the Earth and your access to the Earth’s Akashic records, you will begin to feel a magnetic “pull” or attraction that will bring your Earth Soul “Team” to you. You will also begin to feel the stirrings of your Earth “Ancestry” within your body and your multi-dimensional being.
Your Earth Soul Team consists of those Ascended and Awakened beings with whom you will work to fulfill your Soul Mission and manifest the New Earth. These new Soul Teams will be gathering in 2016 for the New Beginning that will be initiated at the Lion’s Gate in August and will come into manifestation in 2017.
Your Team will be those beings with whom you will feel Soul Family resonance, and who will support you as you support them, in your missions on Earth. You will feel immediate “kinship” with them, and you will find new opportunities opening up as you connect to flow into new projects determined by the Divine Plan and your Soul Destiny as you create it.
In this new form of Soul Team work, there will be no “leaders” and “celebrities”, but simply awakened beings coming together to work, create and share. Each individual in the “circle” of the Team will contribute to what is facilitated by the person who calls the circle into being. So, spiritual practice will also move from the “consumer” model, where you consume the ideas and work of others, to a” participatory” model, where you participate in the creation of sacred activities to manifest a New Earth Reality.
But, on a deeper level, as you connect with the Earth Heart and with your new access to the sixth dimension of magical creativity, you may begin to feel within your physical beings the stirrings of “Ancestral Memory”. This can be from either the past or the future.
Earth beings come from many “races”, and just as you are Star Seeds, so you are also “Earth Seed” bearers. You carry in your bodies the records and memories of many beings and many races, some that have left the Earth only to return in you! These are the faeries and elves of Europe and Scandinavia, the Tuatha de Danaan of the Celtic lands, the first peoples and first nations and the tribal ancestors of the indigenous peoples.
As you find these ancient records and memories, they may rise to the surface allowing you to make magical connections with your Earth ancestry that will help you to walk the Earth in a magical and empowered way! You may also be attracted to your “Earth Seed Family”, as you find each other in this new multi-dimensional reality. What a joy it will be to recognize each other and to create together!
As you step into Earth embodiment and Sacred multi-dimensional service, you will begin to remember this part of your being, and you will be drawn to those who share your “heritage” with relationship to the Earth. You will rediscover the Sacred Earth Clans or families to which you belong.
This recognition will not be divisive, but will facilitate a move into Oneness in the service of the Divine Will and Divine Plane for the Earth, as you embrace your Soul and Ancestral families across the boundaries of Nation and Race.
Earth/Sky Mastery Begins in the Heart
When you step into your multi-dimensional Mastery, you become a Master of Time. The ancient and future skills of Time Travel and Time Journeys are held in the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness and anchored in the Heart. The first “skill” of a Divine Creator being is the ability to hold “time” in the present moment, and then to weave or shape realities through the imaginative and creative expression of the Soul in the Sixth Dimension.
As a Multi-dimensional Time Master, your perception of time will change. Just as there are many different realities, so there are many different Time Lines, or a we prefer to call them, Time Spirals.
The first step in mastering hyper-dimensional time is to understand that in the old reality time was always perceived as moving in a linear fashion from point A to point B. In the new perception or reality, the Heart contains all time, past, present and future,. It from here that the skilled Creator knows how to activate a Time Spiral and to create a “story” that celebrates and honors life on Earth.
A Master initiates a Time Spiral when she or he begins a new life project or a new direction in life. That spiral unfurls with grace and beauty in the hands of a skilled Time artist. It is your work to perfect your creations and manifestations so that they flower into beauty, harmony and love.
Beloved Ones, the way to initiate a Time Spiral is to begin in the Heart with a dream or a desire. As you activate the seed of desire, it unfurls into a pathway. The skill lies in recognizing when the seed opens and the path begins. Then, as you flow into that pathway, the skill becomes to make the choices that will assist your Time Spiral in its process of manifestation and co-creation with others. Choosing the right moments and the right people from your Soul Clan or Team, to be the catalysts or co-creators, is essential.
And, as you progress with your manifestation, it is important to perceive that the progress is not linear. You are not walking a linear path from present to future, but you are gently spiraling to higher expressions of consciousness and creation. You may need patience as you wait for the spiral to swing around and bring you to your manifestation.
Beloveds, know that this means that what you desire to create is not down a path into the future. It is not just beyond your reach. It exists right now, and is simply waiting for you on a higher spiral of creative consciousness. So if you feel as if you are going around in circles, perhaps this is true, and all that is needed is a shift of consciousness to lift you to that next spiral. No amount of striving or struggling will bring manifestation in the New Reality.
Only gently raising your consciousness through focused intention, meditation, activations and service, will bring you to this higher expression of self. Abundance, Love, Peace and Harmony already exist on the next spiral of the Earth’s, and your, creative journey. Do not strive and struggle, but dream, create, desire and manifest, as you unfurl your spirals into higher levels of Divine Consciousness.
You are a Master Time Traveler, and a Master of Time Creation in training on Earth. You will remember these skills as, together with your Soul Team and your Ancestral Clans, you master the Earth/Sky connection and create a Sacred Earth.
Remember, that as Divine Light flows from the Cosmic Heart to your Heart and into the Earth through you, powerful magic is released as a Sacred Earth Current flows from the Earth Heart through your Heart to the Divine Heart, meeting with the descending current from the Divine Heart. These spiraling currents of Light and Energy are woven into Experience, Life and Conscious Evolution on Earth.
Beloved Ones, in your Sacred Work and Ceremonies, remember to work with the Three Hearts and with the powerful currents of Earth and Sky as you travel the Time Spirals of the New Reality and manifest a New Earth.
“Archangel Michael: Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016,” Channeled by Celia Fenn, February 7, 2016, at http://starch
The purpose of this adjustment was to recalibrate and adjust the New Earth Timeline, after the major shifts in February 2014 that brought the Earth into alignment for the New Earth frequencies. At this point, all Earth Time Lines are aligned with the new hyperdimensional Time/Space Reality that is manifesting the New Earth.
The confusion and chaos that results from these timeline adjustments continues to be felt as the old third-dimensional structures continue to crumble at speed in the face of these powerful new quantum streams of energetic expression. We will speak more of this later, but first, we would like to address the most wonderful subject of your relationship with the new multi-dimensional Earth in 2016.
Embody the Sacred Earth : You Are One
Beloved Ones, as you begin to take on your power as Multi-Dimensional Masters of Time and Space, your relationship with the Earth changes, as does your perspective of life on Earth. As with all things in Creation, the Earth is Sacred and filled with Divine Creative Light. Many of you have come from traditions of spirituality which consider the Earth to be an inferior environment of suffering and sorrow, and you desire nothing more than to leave this Earth and return, “home.”
Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are “home” at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!
Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your “center”, or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.
But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the “Three in One”, or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.
So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.
Beloved Ones, just as you are One with the Divine Light of Spirit and the Cosmic Heart of Light, so you are also One with the Earth. The Earth is a part of your Multi-Dimensional Body. The Divine Creative Intelligence exists within the Earth and in all Earth Creations.
Consider, for a moment, what this means. The Earth is a Sacred creation, and the Earth is part of you! The way in which you perceive the Earth and interact with the Earth is also the way in which you perceive yourself and interact with your own body. Do you see your body as a perfect creation of love, or do you see it as imperfect and needing to be fixed and changed because it is “not good enough”?
When you speak of self love and empowerment, this also means love and empowerment for the Earth, or the Earth part of you. When you love and nurture the Earth, you are loving and nurturing a part of yourself. When you do Sacred Ceremonies to love and honor the Earth, you are loving and honoring yourself. When you accept the Earth as a beautiful and perfect creation of the Divine Creative Intelligence, this is how you see yourself.
Beloved Ones, you are not separate from the Earth. That is illusion. You are the Earth, an expression of the Earth, for as long as you walk the Planet in material form in a multi-dimensional body.
What does this mean for a multi-dimensional Master? It means that you are able to “embody” the Earth as part of your Sacred Service to the Divine Creative Will. Just as you can embody Light and Spirit as Star Seeds and Light Warriors, so you can embody the Earth too, as Star Shamans for the New Earth. The Star Shaman walks the path of service and embodiment of the Earth, dreaming and creating and holding a vision, while also being able to embody Spirit and Star destiny.
As you embody the Earth by honoring your physical body and your physical home, you allow for powerful currents of healing energy and Light Codes to flow through you to the Earth and her peoples. If you do this in Sacred Ceremony with meditative intent and activations, you amplify the flow of energy from the Cosmic Heart and your Heart to the Earth, creating a powerful Sacred Union of the Three Hearts that will allow for powerful shifts of consciousness.
And you will understand fully that Earth is “home,” and that you came to Earth to assist with the manifestation and creation of a Garden Home for multi-dimensional beings. While many on Earth have forgotten their mission and their reason for being here, you as multi-dimensional Masters will remember and know that now is the time to honour the Sacred Earth as you honour yourself, and to assist in manifesting “home” or the Sacred Garden on Earth.
Finding your Soul Team and your Earth Ancestry Group
As you enter into full consciousness of your connection to the Earth and your access to the Earth’s Akashic records, you will begin to feel a magnetic “pull” or attraction that will bring your Earth Soul “Team” to you. You will also begin to feel the stirrings of your Earth “Ancestry” within your body and your multi-dimensional being.
Your Earth Soul Team consists of those Ascended and Awakened beings with whom you will work to fulfill your Soul Mission and manifest the New Earth. These new Soul Teams will be gathering in 2016 for the New Beginning that will be initiated at the Lion’s Gate in August and will come into manifestation in 2017.
Your Team will be those beings with whom you will feel Soul Family resonance, and who will support you as you support them, in your missions on Earth. You will feel immediate “kinship” with them, and you will find new opportunities opening up as you connect to flow into new projects determined by the Divine Plan and your Soul Destiny as you create it.
In this new form of Soul Team work, there will be no “leaders” and “celebrities”, but simply awakened beings coming together to work, create and share. Each individual in the “circle” of the Team will contribute to what is facilitated by the person who calls the circle into being. So, spiritual practice will also move from the “consumer” model, where you consume the ideas and work of others, to a” participatory” model, where you participate in the creation of sacred activities to manifest a New Earth Reality.
But, on a deeper level, as you connect with the Earth Heart and with your new access to the sixth dimension of magical creativity, you may begin to feel within your physical beings the stirrings of “Ancestral Memory”. This can be from either the past or the future.
Earth beings come from many “races”, and just as you are Star Seeds, so you are also “Earth Seed” bearers. You carry in your bodies the records and memories of many beings and many races, some that have left the Earth only to return in you! These are the faeries and elves of Europe and Scandinavia, the Tuatha de Danaan of the Celtic lands, the first peoples and first nations and the tribal ancestors of the indigenous peoples.
As you find these ancient records and memories, they may rise to the surface allowing you to make magical connections with your Earth ancestry that will help you to walk the Earth in a magical and empowered way! You may also be attracted to your “Earth Seed Family”, as you find each other in this new multi-dimensional reality. What a joy it will be to recognize each other and to create together!
As you step into Earth embodiment and Sacred multi-dimensional service, you will begin to remember this part of your being, and you will be drawn to those who share your “heritage” with relationship to the Earth. You will rediscover the Sacred Earth Clans or families to which you belong.
This recognition will not be divisive, but will facilitate a move into Oneness in the service of the Divine Will and Divine Plane for the Earth, as you embrace your Soul and Ancestral families across the boundaries of Nation and Race.
Earth/Sky Mastery Begins in the Heart
When you step into your multi-dimensional Mastery, you become a Master of Time. The ancient and future skills of Time Travel and Time Journeys are held in the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness and anchored in the Heart. The first “skill” of a Divine Creator being is the ability to hold “time” in the present moment, and then to weave or shape realities through the imaginative and creative expression of the Soul in the Sixth Dimension.
As a Multi-dimensional Time Master, your perception of time will change. Just as there are many different realities, so there are many different Time Lines, or a we prefer to call them, Time Spirals.
The first step in mastering hyper-dimensional time is to understand that in the old reality time was always perceived as moving in a linear fashion from point A to point B. In the new perception or reality, the Heart contains all time, past, present and future,. It from here that the skilled Creator knows how to activate a Time Spiral and to create a “story” that celebrates and honors life on Earth.
A Master initiates a Time Spiral when she or he begins a new life project or a new direction in life. That spiral unfurls with grace and beauty in the hands of a skilled Time artist. It is your work to perfect your creations and manifestations so that they flower into beauty, harmony and love.
Beloved Ones, the way to initiate a Time Spiral is to begin in the Heart with a dream or a desire. As you activate the seed of desire, it unfurls into a pathway. The skill lies in recognizing when the seed opens and the path begins. Then, as you flow into that pathway, the skill becomes to make the choices that will assist your Time Spiral in its process of manifestation and co-creation with others. Choosing the right moments and the right people from your Soul Clan or Team, to be the catalysts or co-creators, is essential.
And, as you progress with your manifestation, it is important to perceive that the progress is not linear. You are not walking a linear path from present to future, but you are gently spiraling to higher expressions of consciousness and creation. You may need patience as you wait for the spiral to swing around and bring you to your manifestation.
Beloveds, know that this means that what you desire to create is not down a path into the future. It is not just beyond your reach. It exists right now, and is simply waiting for you on a higher spiral of creative consciousness. So if you feel as if you are going around in circles, perhaps this is true, and all that is needed is a shift of consciousness to lift you to that next spiral. No amount of striving or struggling will bring manifestation in the New Reality.
Only gently raising your consciousness through focused intention, meditation, activations and service, will bring you to this higher expression of self. Abundance, Love, Peace and Harmony already exist on the next spiral of the Earth’s, and your, creative journey. Do not strive and struggle, but dream, create, desire and manifest, as you unfurl your spirals into higher levels of Divine Consciousness.
You are a Master Time Traveler, and a Master of Time Creation in training on Earth. You will remember these skills as, together with your Soul Team and your Ancestral Clans, you master the Earth/Sky connection and create a Sacred Earth.
Remember, that as Divine Light flows from the Cosmic Heart to your Heart and into the Earth through you, powerful magic is released as a Sacred Earth Current flows from the Earth Heart through your Heart to the Divine Heart, meeting with the descending current from the Divine Heart. These spiraling currents of Light and Energy are woven into Experience, Life and Conscious Evolution on Earth.
Beloved Ones, in your Sacred Work and Ceremonies, remember to work with the Three Hearts and with the powerful currents of Earth and Sky as you travel the Time Spirals of the New Reality and manifest a New Earth.
“Archangel Michael: Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016,” Channeled by Celia Fenn, February 7, 2016, at http://starch
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