Monday, February 1, 2016

Evolutionary Ascension Symptoms Information For People New To This Process

These days social gatherings of lightworkers often sound like classic ' Florida Organ Recitals' - where folks hang out and swap anecdotes about their afflictions, relative levels of discomfort and and attempts to stop glowing in the dark. Good luck.  More fuel for Ascending Hypochondriacs right here...Git Sum!

By Denise LeFay On 1-31-16

I see daily search terms on my WordPress Stats page that people use to find information that leads them to sites like mine. I’ve written about the Ascension Process—which is natural, highly compressed evolution—at TRANSITIONS since 2007. I realize however that if someone is new to this process and not familiar with it or the terms people like me use when talking about it and the many unusual symptoms or side effects it naturally causes, I realize that it all can be overwhelming and highly confusing. It’s because of this that I’m going to write yet another article about these now common Ascension Process symptoms here. If interested, please read through my older articles under this Category too.

I’ll try to remember to mention the most common of these symptoms or side effects but understand that, even though these are common, we each live, experience and interpret these inner changes in our own unique ways so keep an open mind and open heart when dealing with these issues that are vastly larger and more complex than anything humans have encountered before while in physical bodies on Earth.

Hot Flashes— Intense sudden inner heat caused by Kundalini Fire transmuting your old lower density and unresolved, suppressed, unloved aspects, emotional wounds, fears and so on. A lot of these Ascension symptoms are very much like the ones women experience during Menopause so don’t be shocked if you’re in a male body and suddenly are having “hot flashes”. Know they’re Kundalini related which is the same thing as Ascension related. You males get to burn away the lower density and negativity alone with us in female bodies.

These hot flashes can last for years, erupt and come out of different areas of your body, spine, back, chest, head, face, ears, bottoms of your feet, palms of your hands etc. Just try to stay as relaxed as you can while they happen as that allows the Process to take place a bit quicker and with less heat, sweating and misery.

Cold Spots— Intense sudden inner cold areas on your body, usually the chest and/or upper chest area around the heart and the NEW High-Heart (Thymus gland in upper center of your chest). When the old lower emotional Duality issues and energies have been burned away, transmuted, integrated and released into Neutrality, NEW higher frequencies replace them all. When these changes into the NEW take place, we often feel them as sudden patches (often large circles – chakra sized) of intense inner body cold that nothing warms up. Once we’ve integrated that particular NEW Light Energy at that area and level, we quickly warm back up. No fear, just let the higher frequency NEW energies take their place within you.

Inner Ear Ringing— Hearing constant inner ear, inside your head sounds of high-pitched ringing for days, weeks or months on end and for many years usually. This is typically caused by NEW Light Energies being transmitted by/through the Sun via solar flares, solar winds, solar storms and CMEs.

I suggest that every time you experience this inner ear or inner head sound of ringing you double-check for yourself some website like to see what the Sun is doing at that time. You’ll see the connection between what you’re hearing (and most likely also feeling in your body too) in your head and the Sun transmitting higher frequency Light Energies. All this is another way the Ascension Process energies are naturally causing humanity to rather rapidly and dramatically evolve or “ascend”.

Sudden Nausea— These intense energetic evolutionary changes often cause sudden nausea. Try to relax through it and know it doesn’t last long. The nausea comes in sudden waves but leaves just as quickly.

Lack of Sleep, waking up repeatedly all night—
With so much going on in your physical and energy bodies, we’re often suddenly shoved back into our physical body after having spent some hours out of it each night. That plus our old sleep patterns and needs of the past no longer apply or are helpful with these higher frequency energies and consciousness. Often we now sleep for fewer hours at night but also need to take cat naps during the day. You can receive hours of rest and recuperation now by being out-of-body for only a few minutes so allow yourself to take short naps throughout the day when needed and don’t worry about only getting 3-5 hours of sleep each night.

Sudden Food Allergies & other Ultra Sensitivities— It’s common to suddenly not be able to eat or drink or smoke or ingest the things you did prior to the start of your physical, biological Ascension Process. Your wild “party days” are probably over so just except that you can’t abuse your body in your old favorite ways and/or eat or drink what you did before. Release the waffles, the beer, the pot, the whatever it is for you that needs to now because its way too dense and low vibrating to be in you, in your physical body. This is simply about the Alchemical Ascension Process and nothing personal…even though your favorite foods/drinks/activities have become toxic to the evolving you. Release, release, release.

Sudden Need for Heavy Protein Foods—
Some people will experience the need to ingest more meats and heavy protein foods than they would like or ever want but this too is, for some, part of the Ascension Process. If your body is burning through large amounts of protein quickly due to all the inner transmuting of lower dense negativity in whatever form that takes, know that you’ve got to eat more high protein foods while you’re going through this phase of the Ascension Process. A couple teaspoons of peanut butter can help tremendously in a pinch. Find which protein foods your body can handle during this phase and forget about what any of the Food Police say about anything.

Hair Loss & Thinning— During the really intense phases or stages of the Ascension Process, some will experience some hair thinning because so much energy is going to transmuting and evolving instead of your hair. It won’t last forever so try to not panic or go into mourning over your hair falling out. Let your body do what it is and know it will integrate and shine once again.

Weight Gain, Weight Loss— Some people unintentionally pack on the pounds like crazy during all these intense changes. For some it’s protection, padding against the harshness of The Process and for others it’s a side effect of so much hormonal change etc. Other people lose weight because they can’t eat much due to all the Ascension related symptoms. Either way, know that this too will eventually balance itself out. Forget about trying to look like what society says is “beautiful” while you’re embodying more of God/Source/your Higher Self!

Diarrhea — Some will experience periods of diarrhea due to all the energetic purging they’re going through. That plus what you can and cannot eat now while going through all this. Just know this too is common at different times of energetic purging.

Head Pains, Pressures & Numbness — With so much change taking place just in the human head/brain and brain glands, don’t be surprised when you feel pressures, pains, really sore bumps, lumps and dents on your skull, and numbness in parts of your head, skull, face and sinuses. There’s a tremendous amount of higher frequency Light Energies coming into you and your physical body via the space above your physical head and skull and it flows down into your body.

You will most likely also feel it descending via your spine and that too creates pressures and pains in the spine at certain points. Know that your inner voltage is being naturally but dramatically increased and this typically causes different pains and pressures and aches etc. in the head, skull, face, sinuses and down into the spine and other parts of your body as well.

Blurry Eyes & Other Vision Changes— The NEW higher frequency Light Energies cause major evolutionary changes in our eyes and optic nerves and during this ongoing process it’s common to repeatedly experience blurred vision, dry eyes, itchy eyes, eye tearing, light sensitivity etc. It’s common to also experience not being able to clearly see when you go into lower vibrating locations, stores, buildings, homes etc. Because your eyes and vision is evolving, it sometimes is difficult to see clearly in lower frequency places so know this and don’t automatically assume that you’re loosing your sight. In a way you are, but it’s because you’re going to be able to See with greatly expanded Higher Vision.

Attacks by Negative Beings/Entities/Humans— Many people experience this common Ascension related side effect. It has to do with the fact that you are evolving and rather quickly and these lower frequency Negative Beings/Entities/Humans etc. or Team Dark as I’ve called all of them, do not want to lose you as their food and fuel supply, so they attack anyone they sense that’s starting to “wake up” and evolve beyond their low-frequency range.

This situation has however been GREATLY reduced by the Forerunners, the Lightworkers, the Pathpavers, the Wayshowers that went through all this years and decades before you. Some of it still exists however, but just know that this too is a level that you’ll pass through and beyond and that these lower negative beings, entities and unaware or damaged humans won’t be able to influence or affect you for much longer. Push through them and don’t look back as they’re not part of the NEW higher world and reality.

Strange Dreams, Attacks in Dreams, Lucid Dreams—
Expect to have plenty of “weird” dreams during the Ascension Process. Also be prepared to experience some attacks and/or interference from the Negative beings/entities while asleep and out-of-body. It’s been easy for Team Dark to get at humans while they’re asleep and out of their physical bodies and some of this still exists at lower levels. However, as you continue evolving, this too will diminish and eventually disappear completely but it takes some honest work on your part to move through this old dense layer of crap and negativity. Protect yourself in whatever ways you prefer both daily and nightly until you’ve evolved beyond old Duality and discover you’ve made it to Unity that exists well above and beyond it.

Growing Higher Awareness, High-Heart Consciousness & Abilities— It’s normal for humanities perceptual abilities and sensitivities to evolve during the Ascension Process. What many were totally unaware of, insensitive to before will suddenly be things they cannot escape any longer. You will discover that you can feel other people, animals, all things and beings in this physical world and in nonphysical higher dimensions and worlds as well. This is your consciousness evolving and your High-Heart becoming the main seat and location of your perceptions and sense of Self. Let your High-Heart open and feel what you’ve not felt before. It’s sacred and further unifying but in individual ways. You won’t lose “you” because you can now feel more Others everywhere.

Inner Body Vibrations— This symptom is the one that confuses most people it seems. It’s also the one Ascension related symptom or side effect that lets you know that you are indeed changing, evolving and quickly because you’re literally vibrating inside, buzzing inside, shaking inside from the higher frequency, faster vibrating NEW Light Energies being embodied by you and your physical and energy bodies.

These inner body vibrations are you, literally, embodying higher frequency Light Energies that naturally cause you/me/humanity to exist at a faster, higher rate of speed/Light/being/reality. You are increasing your spin rate, your frequency rate, the amount of Light you could house in your physical body, brain, heart, nervous system, glands, bones etc. and your being and consciousness. I’ve lived with this growing increase of embodied Light Energies since around 2001 or 2002 and I’m still buzzing, vibrating, shaking intensely internally today and I will only continue to embody more Light which further decreases density and increases my inner/outer Light.

You’ll feel this higher, faster Light Energy inside your physical body in different areas at first, but eventually it will be whole-body, whole-being. This is why we’re literally disappearing from the old lower levels and densities of the past Earth world; we’re literally vibrating well above them now. From their point of view, we simply disappear. From our point of view, they disappear. Just continue vibrating faster and higher and don’t think this one to death either. Higher frequency stuff/beings/people etc. simply vibrate faster than dense stuff/beings/people etc. do. This is you living this Ascension related Process and feeling these increases of frequency and Light inside your physical body.

There are many, many more symptoms or side effects than these listed above. (See my other older articles about the Ascension symptoms if interested.) What’s more important for the people just beginning this Process now however is that you realize there are common symptoms we all go through, but we do so in our unique ways, which means we’ll each experience these and other symptoms in slightly different ways, intensities and duration.

This is normal but don’t get all hung up in your head, your old lower frequency left-brained intellect thinking the crap out of all these things. The Ascension Process is Alchemical and must be lived to change you; it is not and never will be an intellectual process. Live them and know that you’ll be naturally and automatically evolved, changed by having lived them. It’s that simple, that difficult, that magical, that wonderful and that transformational.

Denise Le Fay

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Copyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. .

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