By Stephanie Austin On 2-21-16
Important Alignments:

2/22 Full Moon 10:20 AM PST (4º Virgo-Pisces)
2/23 2nd Jupiter opposite Chiron (20º Virgo-Pisces)
2/24 Chiron conjunct South Node (22º Pisces)
2/28 Sun conjunct Neptune (9º Pisces)
3/03 Sun conjunct Ceres (14º Pisces)
NOTE: My 2016 Yearly Forecast, a 2 hour recording with 6 pages of handouts, is available via email for $25, or as CDs mailed for $35. For an immediate download of the recording and handouts via PayPal click here, or mail a check to Stephanie Austin, Box 1745, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
February 21, 2016
Dear Friends,
The Sun has recently moved into Pisces; its once a year monthly passage throughout the 12th sign calls us inward. Living in artificial light, disconnected from the elements, we have largely lost touch with the natural rhythm of the seasons. Yet, part of us still remembers, and longs for that time -- in between cycles and worlds -- where we rest, recharge, and remember who we really are. Like the dark of the moon, this is the balsamic time of the year, when we experience the dissolving of the old and germination of the new, distilling wisdom from the past and choosing the seeds for the future. It is also a time when we strengthen the bridge between Matter and Spirit. While we can always contact that liminal space — in meditation, in art, in nature, in solitude, and deep communion — it is more readily accessible as the Sun drifts through the trans-personal waters of Pisces (this year from February 18 -- March 19).
We are also in a period of strong solar winds, the latest wave peaked February 16-18, and another is expected to reach Earth February 23-24. Flowing from a coronal hole in the Sun, these streams of highly charged particles spark auroras (‘northern lights’), as well as affect our electromagnetic field and psyches. While not as forceful as a coronal mass ejection or solar flare, solar winds can be somewhat depleting, irritating, and/or illuminating, as we absorb and adjust to them. Extra rest, a soak or sauna, and unplugging from media as much as possible helps.
All full moons shed light on what has been in the shadows, and challenge us to integrate two seemingly opposite energies and areas of life. The next full moon, which peaks on Monday, February 22 at 10:20 AM PST in Virgo–Pisces illuminates where we need to balance intellect with intuition, effort with surrender, and judgment with compassion.
We are near the close of the Age of Pisces, the ending of a 2,000-year-old era that, at its best, symbolizes the quest for Christ consciousness — to become a fully awakened human, aware of our divine origin and the sacredness of all creation. As the final sign in the zodiac, Pisces represents remembrance, return, and reunion with our eternal nature, known by many names: Creator, God, Great Spirit, Allah, Atman, Dharmakaya, Tao, and a host of others.
The shadow side of the Piscean Age has fostered the illusion of separation — the belief that we are sinners, cast out of the Garden of Eden and powerless to redeem ourselves. This deeply embedded, collective imprint of unworthiness and isolation has resulted in the promulgation of suffering and sacrifice, victimization and martyrdom, and also the opposite: materialism and domination, avarice and brutality. It is no coincidence that while Pisces represents the quest for Spirit, it is also associated with addiction and exploitation, the ultimate remedy for which requires a re-connection with our divine essence.
Virgo seeks to learn that our bodies are also holy; that every cell in our body is conscious and inseparable from our emotions, mind, and spirit. Our physical vehicle is quite miraculous. Every day, the adult body produces more than 300 billion new cells. Our heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood through its chambers every 24 hours. We have approximately 50,000 thoughts, 30,000 blinks, and 17,000 breaths every day. Our liver performs more than 500 different functions; our kidneys filter 3,168 pints of blood daily. Our stomach acid can dissolve metal; our bones are stronger than concrete. Special enzymes continually inspect and repair faults in DNA strands to prevent tumors.
And, perhaps most amazing of all, the number of neural connections in a single cubic centimeter of brain tissue equals the number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy. The shadow side of Virgo treats the body like a slave, overriding its needs and limits until illness or injury forces us to pay attention. Virgo’s dark side judges rather than discerns, and falls into servitude rather than service, staying overly busy to avoid feelings of inadequacy and isolation.
Neptune, Ceres, Chiron, and the South Node in Pisces amplify the message of this full moon -- that each of us is a perfect, precious, beloved child of the Divine. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, conjuncts the Sun and Ceres, helping us see beyond our programmed misperceptions to our interconnection with all life. Chiron’s close alignment with the South Node facilitates the healing of deep, collective wounds, by resolving shame and blame with acceptance and forgiveness. Jupiter forms its second of three oppositions to Chiron on February 23 (their first opposition was on November 3, 2015; the third will be August 12), softening our inner critic and revealing more empowering spiritual truths.
This full moon illuminates where we are letting go of long-held illusions about ourselves, spirituality, and life. It reminds us: “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.” (Marianne Williamson)
Stephanie Austin
PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368

Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since 1986. She also teaches astrology and writes the New and Full Moon column for the Mountain Astrologer magazine. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies, and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For more information on her astrology readings, eBooks, tutorials, and forecasts, visit
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