Via Peggy Black On 8-12-20

We are observing along with you the continued chaos and upheaval taking place around your planet. It would seem that there is no place of peace anywhere. So we invite you to be that place of peace. We acknowledge that you might not feel like a place of anchored peace. This is true if you are coming from your physical consciousness, your ego consciousness. When you are coming from the truth of your divine consciousness there is always peace.
Now is the time in which you will be invited/forced to come from one aspect of consciousness or the other. It is truly a moment to moment experience. Due to the limited programming of this dimension it is easy to flow with the upsets, the challenges and the chaos. When you look at the events that are happening everywhere it is easy to add your own judgment, prejudice, outrage, or disgust to the situation. We realize it is easy to get plugged in, so to speak.
This is where your awakened skills come in. It is up to you to make a conscious shift in your attitude about what you perceive is happening. From our perspective the chaos and the emotional disturbances are a necessary part of this great awakening.
Each individual has the birthright and the responsibility to choose how they view and translate what they are observing. When a human recognizes that they make a difference, they begin to shift how they respond to what is happening.
Your ultimate goal is to wake up! Own your power as a human to make a difference by the energy that you offer the collective. Each and every time you shift your limited perspective to a perspective of wholeness you are raising the collective consciousness. Every time you heal or transform a stale limited belief you are adding to the light of the collective consciousness. Every time.
This planet is moving energetically to the fifth dimension. The negative, the darkness, the hatred, the disinformation is fighting to stay in control of the collective consciousness. There are those who feed on these negative misqualified emotions and energy. They do not want a planet of love and light, they do not want a collective of conscious beings who are thriving and honoring the wholeness.
We know that you understand all of this; however we want to offer it here again so that you can see just how important you are to the outcome of what is happening. Trust us when we say there are more and more awakened beings beginning to own their responsibility to the hologame.
This is the most powerful time on your planet for this shift to occur. The galaxy, the universe, has been sending blasts of energy to trigger all those who are still asleep, who are still unconscious.
Remember that every thought, every act of conscious kindness, is added to the scale which will bring the celebrated shift. Each mediation, each offered gratitude, each loving projection will be registered and light the path toward a planet in which everyone is honored, in which everyone thrives.
First all the toxic negative misqualified energies of hateful, heinous darkness must be cleared and uplifted. One thing is true of any darkness, when you shine a light upon it, it disappears. You are that light. You are the truth that stands before all the lies and misinformation that has been the moving negative force on this planet.
The negative, the darkness, is fighting to stay in control, however we assure you that the collective of conscious light beings are many and they are strong in their resolve to heal all that needs healing.
Count yourself as one of leaders who are holding the line, filled with high spirits, ready to encourage, strengthen, and stimulate other like minds. In the quietness of your heart and the stillness of your dwelling you can do this work.
Work in the quantum field. Use your imagination. Remember that your imagination is your superpower. Envision a different scenario, call forth the legions of light to support and assist you. Bless and uplift all the world leaders to awaken to the higher truth.

Next, in your imagination envision a stadium and invite conscious beings from all over the world to join you. See or sense this stadium filled with people. Now envision your planet floating in the center of all the conscious beings. Invite everyone present to open their heart and radiate love energy and healing to the world. Imagine if this was done each day by thousands of light beings?
These are just a couple of powerful suggestions with which we invite you to begin to play. Remember you are powerful beyond measure. Use your imagination and create other powerful visions that can and will transform your world. Now is the time for you to come forth and stretch into your powerful abilities. You are unlimited; own this truth; step into your power. This is the time for you to fully emerge.
We are grateful for you and the work that you continue to do. Be sure to include other non-physical divine beings in all your work and service. We love to be invited and included in the arena and hologame.
the 'team'
___________Thought for the Month ___________
"Count yourself as one of leaders who are holding the line, filled with high spirits, ready to encourage, strengthen, and stimulate other like minds. In the quietness of your heart and the stillness of your dwelling you can do this work. Work in the quantum field. Use your imagination. Remember that your imagination is your superpower. Envision a different scenario, call forth the legions of light to support and assist you. Bless and uplift all the world leaders to awaken to the higher truth.
"Count yourself as one of leaders who are holding the line, filled with high spirits, ready to encourage, strengthen, and stimulate other like minds. In the quietness of your heart and the stillness of your dwelling you can do this work. Work in the quantum field. Use your imagination. Remember that your imagination is your superpower. Envision a different scenario, call forth the legions of light to support and assist you. Bless and uplift all the world leaders to awaken to the higher truth.
the 'team'
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