Via Celia Fenn On 7-19-20
This begins on the 22nd July when the Sun
moves into the Constellation of Leo, and then gathers momentum through
the “Day out of Time” on the 25th July and the Planetary New Year on the
26th July. This is when the Royal Lions of Regulus and Sirius assist in
the birthing of a new time line, or more correctly, a new time spiral
for the New Earth. Time is a Diamantine spiral of Creative Power that
allows Beings of Light and Spirit to manifest and create in a material
or physical setting. It is
the creative energy of the original desire for knowledge and experience
that initiated the dawn of creation, and which continues to power the
ongoing Ascension/Creation process.
In recent past years, the Lions Gate has
been relatively powerful, with Full Moons and Eclipses falling within
the Gateway period. This
year, it is quiet, for you have already passed through the Triple
Eclipse Portal between the 5th of June and the 5th of July, and this
prepared you for the Lions Gate. So, this year, you begin the transit as
in the Sun moves into Leo, and as the Sun rises conjunct with the Blue
Star Sirius in the Dawn sky in the Northern Hemisphere.
25th July, the Day out of Time, allows you to let go and release the
past year’s time spiral and to make space to activate the New Time
Spiral. Be mindful on the
25th and release what you do not want to take with you into the next
Galactic cycle. Then, on the 26th, you will be ready to set intentions
for the next cycle of life and evolution, both for yourself and for the
We ask you to be aware that this will,
nevertheless, be a powerful transit, not least because Jupiter, Saturn
and Pluto are gathering, in retrograde, in the 10th house of Capricorn,
while on the 8/8 which is the apex of the Gate period, the Moon and Mars
will be in Aries. This
suggests, Beloved Ones, that the current collective energies of dis-ease
and dissension will continue as old energies are released, and the
emotions and responses of people continue to be aggressive and
Those who
are wise will use this energy to stand in their power in a firm yet
gentle way and to be creative even if the energy is unstable at times. You can be sure, dearest ones, that these difficult energies will continue at least until the end of the year. So, resolve to find your Inner Peace and Stability to support your path forward.
Your Heart is the Center of Peace and Light
Beloved Ones, it is only within your Sacred Heart that you will find a Space of Peace and Balance. There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This
flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or
“containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos.
While chaos is always a creative energy,
seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be
continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They
have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within
narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to
the next. To be a Master of
Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within
that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart.
Beloved Masters, as you meditate and go
into Silence, you access the Diamond Light Body and draw the Diamond
Light particles and codes into your Heart. There,
you can balance Heaven and Earth, Masculine an d Feminine, in the One
Spiral off Crystalline Light that is the Consciousness of One.
The more you can rest in this
Consciousness of One, the more you will move into the Present, the NOW,
and the more easily you will transit through this Lions Gate on the 8/8.
The Search for Sacred Wisdom : Sophia and the Feminine Divine Light

Sophia is the veiled Divinity who is always hidden. She cannot be found in the outer reality, but only by going deep within and coming to know yourself. It is here that you will encounter your “hidden” Mastery and Power. It is here that you will confront chaos and learn how to be the wing of the butterfly that shapes destiny within the chaos.
The deep instinctual wisdom of Sophia
will aid you to become the rising archetype for the next cycle of
experience, the World Dancer.
The World Dancer is the Feminine power of Sophia in her form of Shakti, who dances and shapes reality in her steps.
No matter how powerful the storms, She
dances with absolute Grace and Skill. Her story arises not from words
but from her Graceful Movement through Time and Space within Many
Dimensions. You will feel
her dance as she creates a path of Beauty and Love that is beyond words
and exists in the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness and which is
anchored in the 5th Dimensional New Earth by you as Master Dancers of
the New Reality.
……and the Royal Lions are Here!

As the Sun advances through Leo towards
Virgo/Regulus, the very high frequency blue white light of Regulus
accelerates the Diamantine Time Crystals and creates the conditions for
each soul to accelerate their time line and begin a new cycle, at the
other side of the Lions Gate, and at a Higher Frequency of
Consciousness. This can only
be achieved by a meditative focus on the Lions Gate transit, and by not
being distracted into lower frequencies at this crucial time.
The Royal Lions will walk with you and work with you to assist you to stay on purpose and achieve such Mastery. But,
as we have said, you can only achieve this if you are balanced in your
heart and your inner wisdom, and you have the skill to “dance” with the
new frequencies in absolute mastery.
This means that your time can not be
taken up in duality and conflict, which will slow you down and cause you
to lose your rhythm and flow. In
this period you must be in clear intention and clear focus as to what
you will create through your Dance of Diamond Light in the New Earth.

They will not allow you to fall.
They will hold you in their Love, Beloved Masters.
We wish you Joy and Creation at this Lions Gate 2020.
If you would like to learn more about the Lions Gate and
join our Diamond Light Circle Community in celebrating the Transit in
mindfulness, you are invited to join our 5 part webinar series for the
Lions Gate.