I always wondered how the good folks at Star Fleet kept track of their 'star dates'. "Captain's log, Stardate 4525.6. A small disturbance between the Klingon crew and members of the Enterprise crew has broken out aboard Space Station K-7. I am forced to cancel shore leave for both ships." (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
Of course, I had to look it up. One thing, and maybe the only thing, that was consistent throughout the various iterations of Star Trek regarding star dates, is that the decimal represents however many tenths of a day have passed at the time of logging. You can imagine the logistical impossibility of making all stated star dates match timelines throughout the now ongoing thing. It seems that CBS has taken over the franchise. That's sad like Disney taking over Star Wars, Hanks playing Mr. Rogers, General Mills buying Cascadian Farms, and really unfortunately, what Peter Jackson did to the original The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Splitting that one very excellent book into three freaking movies meant that he had to sex it up and add a whole bunch of stupidity that didn't belong there. On top of that, even though Tom Bombadil was as close to a Divine Being in form as one could be...that entire part was cut from the story. Couldn't fit that into your three movies, hmm? Anyway, so what about these people and how they operate. We're onto them now and we know how to counter and nullify their efforts on a personal level. It comes down to being mindful of our thoughts and actions always, not giving energy to anything that cuts or stems the flow of love out from our beingness. If a warning about Megan's video is required, my sensitive offspring picked up on her brief wave of sadness when 'seeing' hybrid children being brought up in pods...and the Young One stopped listening. That part is brief, but it's there...I felt it, too. Just so you know, it's in there. I'll still watch it again though. Megan gets to the point, and there's always a lot to take in. Galactic Federation: The Alliance, Ukraine and Australia with Val Nek"https://www.youtube.com/embed/njmR3TEM4NI"
https://youtu.be/njmR3TEM4NI |
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