Through Suzanne Lie On 10-23-16
Does your third dimensional life appear to be falling apart? If so, we say, “Thank you!” because you are among those who have volunteered to assist with the clearing of the Lower Astral Plane.
The Lower Astral Plane is the lowest frequency of the fourth dimension, as well as the “hiding place” of the Archon Groups who are finally losing their planned hostile, takeover of your dear Gaia. In other words, you, our volunteers for the Light, are spending many of your nights in combat against the forces of darkness.
This “conflict” is coming into your physical life to remind you that it is the NOW to Release ALL illusion. Remember, Dear Warriors for the Light, your enemy is NOT the third-dimensional dark ones, as their frequency is much lower than your frequency.
These “puppet masters” of the dark ones, who are now trapped in the Lower Astral Plane, are NOT your enemy. In fact, they cannot even perceive you through your shield of higher dimensional light.
I, Zadkiel, am within your NOW to remind you that it is only a third dimensional illusion that any person, place, situation, or thing could have power over you. It is a third dimensional illusion that any person, place, situation, or thing can trap you in whatever “3D drama” your process of ascension is revealing in your current NOW.
You, our beloved Representatives for the Light, are experiencing “the death of illusion.” Of course, it is not the death of all illusion, but it is the death of any illusions that you created in order to survive the lies and deceit of your current third dimensional reality.
We, the members of your Galactic and Angelic Family, are HERE within your NOW to remind you that WE are always with you. In other words, you are NEVER alone. We, your higher expressions of SELF, are ALWAYS with you.
Your third dimensional vision may not be able to perceive us, but if you tune into your body, you will feel the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love that we, your higher expressions of SELF, are constantly sending into your physical earth vessel.
If you relax deeply into your physical form and focus on your spinal column, you will eventually become aware of the Force of Kundalini that is working its way up your spinal column.
When this Force of Kundalini rises all the way into your Pineal Gland, it will totally activate your higher perceptions of:
· Clairsentience, to allow you to consciously FEEL the higher dimensional realities that are swirling around and through your aura…
· Clairvoyance, to allow you to consciously SEE the higher dimensional realties that continually dance around in and flowing through your aura…
· Clairaudience, to allow you to hear the messages that are flowing into and through your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind…
Therefore, you are all beginning to perceive the myriad illusions that you created in order to give service to a reality filled with lies, illusions, fearful messages, and the deep longing to return HOME to your SELF.
What we say to ALL of you is that your SELF is returning HOME into Your Physical Earth Vessel. “How can that be?” we hear you ask. “How can my wounded, frightened, over worked and tired earth vessel accept our immense, multidimensional light?”
Our beloved Warriors for the Light, we know that you tire of this “battle with the invisible.” Therefore, we remind you that there is also:
Invisible Support,
Unconditional Love
And Violet Fire
Constantly surrounding your third/fourth dimensional aura.
Unconditional Love
And Violet Fire
Constantly surrounding your third/fourth dimensional aura.
“Yeh, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I fear no evil for Thou art with me!” is a call for comfort that one of our beloved Ascended Masters cried out into the dark night.
We invite you to look into your heritage, your past for this incarnation, as well as into your future SELF, to gain a mantra that you can repeat within your mind and store within your heart as YOU walk through whatever darkness that you are now transmuting into Light, Light, Light.
Our beloved St. Germain reminds you of the powerful transmutational energy field that is created by saying:
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow into
Light, Light, Light!
Transmuting ALL Shadow into
Light, Light, Light!
We also hear the suggestion of our beloved Archangel Michael reminding you to unsheathe your Blue Sword from your High Heart and use it to clear and protect your aura.
With each turn of your body, and clearing of your Blue Sword, pause with your Blue Sword facing downward into Gaia to share your healing force with Gaia’s planetary body.
Now that you have called on the immense power of the Seventh Ray’s Beloved St. Germain, as well as the immense power of the First Ray’s Archangel Michael, the Quality of Each of the Seven Rays of Light will be re-ignited within your aura.
The First Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner Quality of Power.
The Second Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner Quality of Wisdom.
The Third Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner Quality of Love.
The Fourth Ray, to which your human body resonates,
The Fifth Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner quality of Truth.
The Sixth Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner quality of Invocation.
The Seventh Ray, to which your human body resonates,
Represents your inner quality of Precipitation.
For more information about the Seven Rays, please see the two previous messages:HERE and HERE
Each ONE of you possesses ALL of these Inner Rays of Light. This inner light is your “sword and shield” as you confront the challenges that the ever-increasing light is revealing within The NOW of your inner and outer transmutation.
We remind you that YOU are both your INNER and your OUTER self.
Those of you who have volunteered to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension often visit the core of Gaia, as well as your Starship, on a regular basis. YOU are the “Inter-dimensional Representatives for Gaia.” Your alphabetic title is “IRG,” which is often pronounced as “urge.”
This is an appropriate name as it notes the “inner urge” that you, our inter-dimensional representatives, have. You have an inner drive to assist with Planetary Ascension. You have an inner drive to share your process with others.
And, also you have an inner drive to assist other human, as well as non-human, members of Gaia’s great planet to flow into their process of ascension. You are the “Service to Others” grounded ones who unselfishly share your time and energy to first…
Go inside your SELF to receive your inner guidance…
Then, put this Inner Guidance into Outer Action…
We are aware that change has often been one of humanities greatest fears. Therefore, we, the higher expressions of your Multidimensional Self, say:
We Bless and Guide you as you create, receive and perform your
“Reason for Incarnation.”
I Zadkiel recommend that you call for Inter-dimensional Assistance by saying,
“I AM ready to receive my Mission Statement to assist with Planetary Ascension.”
Then, wait in patience and unconditional love. Soon, a soft breeze, a sudden streak of light, a long forgotten memory, or a peace within your body and/or the rise of your Kundalini, will whisper into your Soul.
Listen to Gaia, Listen to the Sky, the Sun, the Moon, a smile from your baby or a wag of your dog’s tail. Listen to the birds in the trees and the insects that buzz around your flowers. In fact, listen to the flowers, the lawn, and a nearby tree.
As you listen to these representatives of Gaia, you will begin to hear your SELF because YOU are Gaia and Gaia is YOU. As people and planet become ONE, there will be NO force strong enough to interfere with Gaia’s promise to reveal “Heaven on Earth.”
It is Gaia’s promise to all who can calibrate their consciousness to encompass dear, planet Earth, that People and Planet will become ONE, fifth dimensional Being of Light. We the Angels, Ascended Masters, and your Galactic Family serve as ONE being to support Gaia in Her promise.
Archangel Zadkiel
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