Thursday, August 30, 2012

Power Path ~ Full/Blue Moon Update Aug/31/2012 with Pat Liles

Dear Friends,

This is the second full moon for the month making it a blue moon. Full Moon is Friday, August 31 at 7:58 AM Mountain Daylight Time. This blue moon is a time for creative inspiration. It is a particularly social moon and should be honored with others. Do something creatively empowering. This is a good time to buy something new for yourself you have always wanted that feels empowering and raises the quality of your life. It is also a good time to nurture the body with some extra attention. And don’t forget to practice your gratitude.

The other aspect to this moon that has to do with the theme of power is the focus on what attachments need to be released in order to embrace change. Change is creativity and powerful creativity demands the fresh space resulting from something released. Allow for release and the opportunity to change something. This is power. If you intend the opportunity to change and release something, it will show up. Take advantage and DO IT NOW!



Written by Patricia Liles

Pisces Full Moon

Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces 8º
August 31, 2012 7:59 AM Mountain Daylight Time (1:59 PM Greenwich Mean Time)

Full Moon always means we have to balance two ends of a spectrum. Our Sun self in the external world, and our Moon self focused on the receptive, inner world. Holding the paradox creates the tension of the Full Moon. Virgo Sun wants us to conscientiously adapt to the change presented, shift our work-a-day habits, attend to the details necessary for smooth transitions, and set clear goals – health of the mind and body are primary. Pisces Moon, on the other hand, wants to let go of earthly attachments, shift into the intuitive and imaginative realms, and connect to the transcendent where all life is perceived as Spirit. Look at your life. What changes are you being asked to make? If you’re feeling resistance, Virgo-Pisces Full Moon cycle can help you, and the Full Moon can lift you above the myopic, daily morass and help you see from a larger perspective that will invite in surrender of useless control and compassion for yourself in this life. Let the symbol of The Fish, Pisces, allow you to swim beyond the mundane and sustain yourself for the long haul. Just be aware of the main pitfall of this Full Moon ~ that is the tendency to anesthetize our selves to the overwhelm we feel through escapism – alcohol, drugs, technology, eating, whatever is your path to shut down. Overwhelm comes from being ungrounded, and we have plenty of challenges there.

Our very Sun and solar system are reorganizing energetically and the effect on our planet Earth and our bodies pass us through many cycles where we feel out of balance with the Earth and ungrounded. If you experience lethargy, fatigue, scarcity, no motivation, feel more chaos than order, and are getting stingy and self-serving, then you should look to getting grounded in order to feel more joy. For the Earth signs, Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, this is especially disturbing, but it affects all of us as we all carry earth energy within our charts. Find space to be alone. Get grounded. Align with nature. Get out of your mind and into your body.

Four significant factors are seen in this month’s second Full/Blue Moon chart:

1) The North/South Nodes are changing sign to Scorpio/Taurus

2) The new Nodes are involved in a Grand Square with Juno (Goddess of Relationship)

3) A Thor’s Hammer configuration focused on the Moon

4) The ongoing Pluto/Uranus square

The Nodes:

The Nodes change sign about every year and a half giving us time to focus on an area of personal and collective growth (North Node), and also to clean out the patterns that are baggage from the past that no longer serve our growth and are ready to be released (South Node). Starting August 29, we will see a Scorpionic focus on digging deep to release everything that holds us down – people, things, beliefs, habits, etc. Messages and helpful banana peels will bubble up from our unconscious minds. Pay attention. We will be supported in seeking empowerment and transformation at many levels. Self-analysis and examination of the psychology of our desires, motives, and behaviors will be rewarded over stagnation, stubbornness, excess and suspicion.

Grand Square:

Our brand new Nodes are immediately challenged by a square from Mercury and a square from Neptune. Our relationships will be a vehicle for our progress and growth with Juno, asteroid of committed relationship, working now with our most acute growth point. The time of individualism is diminishing and cooperation and collaboration is where our lessons lie. We will see many opportunities presenting themselves to practice the dissolving of the entrenched illusion of separation that duality fosters (‘I am not that’). We will see this Grand Square configuration again in the next Full Moon chart when Venus takes Mercury’s place. Use the opportunity this month presents to clean out the basement of self, break attachments, and strengthen your notion that everything is unfolding perfectly no matter how challenging.

Thor’s Hammer:

A precisely formed, subtle configuration that packs a big wallop. Funny thing is, this is the fifth one we have seen since June in a Moon chart. Different planets swing around and offer to create the formation – sometimes Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus, Venus, etc.; everyone’s in on it. The nature of the Hammer or God’s Fist is there is an abundance of tense energy created by two planets and one must learn to use the tension creatively and constructively so it doesn’t get destructive. It depends on you creating a clear channel for the energy to express through. This Moon chart has the focus on healing our emotional body at a very deep level. We are ready to release the long (maybe the entire Age of Pisces) held tension of the suppression and restriction of the feminine (as Venus and Saturn represent the tension here). It’s the ongoing theme of working with the masculine/feminine poles to bring them into balance and synthesize the focus into a unified field. We each do our part.

It’s interesting to note that in a sea of tension and potentially stressful aspects, Mars, representing our Inner Warrior and protector, is in a position to provide supportive, positive energy to both the Grand Square and Thor’s Hammer. ‘There’s always help along the way’ I’ve been told.

Last, but not least

Uranus/Pluto Square

This extended, three-year relationship between revolutionary change and structural transformation is an on-going collective pressure. These forces are being acted out politically and financially in all areas of power and authority. The revealing of our collective ignorance and inability to change and see the big picture is acted out every night on the news - too painful to watch, but Pluto likes to make sure we don’t miss any of the gory details of the situation we have created together. The purpose of these planets is to speed our evolution and prepare us for our capabilities when we awaken to the God-within-us-all and live and create from that plane. It may seem like we have a long way to go, but the initiation is upon us. And as each one opens to this truth, it makes it easier for the next to achieve awakening along that same vein.

During this Moon of the transcendent and the mundane that Pisces/Virgo represent, acknowledge the manifestation of our times and your self as perfect just the way they are, and simultaneously “focus on what’s helpful, efficient and essential” (Stephanie Austin, In that place, you will be embracing and holding the dichotomy of Full Moon perfectly.

09/15 New Moon in Virgo 8:11 PM MDT

09/17 Pluto goes direct

09/18 2nd Uranus/Pluto square

09/20 Mercury stimulates Uranus/Pluto square

09/22 Equinox, Sun enters Libra 8:49 AM MDT

09/29 Sun stimulates Uranus/Pluto square

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