Channelled via Linda Dillon On 8-10-17
“And you,
my friends, by choice have come as master alchemists because you are changing
the entire planet and the collective thereupon. It is an undertaking of such
substance … stop fooling yourselves, stop denying yourselves, and say to
yourselves, “Accept it. I AM master alchemist.” And you already have. You
already work with that element that you are adding to change everything. … It
is love.”
Heavenly Blessings ~ August 10, 2017
Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
St. Germaine: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine.
Suzi: Welcome!
StG: And welcome to you, welcome to all of you, welcome to
the planet of Gaians and welcome to the star beings far and wide, welcome to
the archangels – and let us together bow to the Mother in such reverence but
also in such joy.
Now you know I have often said, “I am not coming back,” and
yet I say to you, my beloved friends, family, allies, what an amazing time to
be alive!You, sometimes knowingly and unknowingly, wittingly and unwittingly,
consciously and unconsciously, are in service – yes, of course, as we all are –
but you are in physical service, the true implementation team of the Divine
Now I have a great deal to share and to discuss and to play
with you this day. But think of this for a moment. As I often have gazed and
yes, exhaled, breathed in wonder throughout the omniverse, throughout the
multiverse, in this beyond-imagination array of solar systems and galaxies and
universes, you – you are the ones in the dream of the Mother and, dare I say,
where the Mother has placed Her attention in this framework that you think of
as ‘time’, that you are on planet in the fulfillment of Her dream and, of
course, your dream. It is spectacular! It truly is awesome!
You know, all of you have lived many lifetimes, as have I,
and in some of those lifetimes our purpose, our mission either wasn’t clear, or
because of the energies or circumstance or those you incarnated with or your
own free will, you did not fulfill what you came to do. Now that is neither good
nor bad, positive nor negative, because all of it is growth and adventure – and
you know I am a great one for adventure! But often you would return home and
you’d say, “Aww, didn’t quite turn out the way we thought. Missed that!” And of
course, you return again.
You tend to think – and you are correct – of this planet as…
I won’t say ‘overpopulated’ but certainly ‘highly populated’ with billions of
people. Who would have thought ‘billions of people’? And yes, some are aspects
or emanations, but still you are highly populated. But in that, if you think of
this handful, literally… handful of beings that have said to the Mother, “I
will go.”
Think why there are so many people on the planet right now.
There has been a mad rush for the door because this is the fulfillment! Yes, it
is the beginning and it is the end of a cycle, but so many have wanted to come.
And yet, if you compare that handful of billions to what exists throughout the
galaxies, it is but a drop of water!
Now I am not suggesting that there isn’t terrible chaos and
abuse upon your planet still. But when others gaze at you, when your star
family, friends, distant allies have all come to help and observe – and it is
not that this is not known throughout the multiverse; in many cases it is – and
they look at you and the amazement and the awe that you are here, that you are so lucky to be here is known far and
wide. You are the ones that got to come and be part of this transition where
what it means to be Gaian, what it means to be human, will never be the same.
And then, even within that handful, you who are the lucky
enough… “Oh,” you say, “I have worked, I have been diligent, I have been
consistent.” Yes, it is all that, but you who are lucky enough to be awake – it
is an experience of gazillions of lifetimes. And you say to me, “Yes, but St.
Germaine, it has been tough and I just lost my job, my husband walked out on
me, my children think I’m crazy and my mother is checking out mental health.” I
hope you can laugh because you are blessed and fortunate!
Which is a little why I wanted to talk to you today about
the nature of what you, and we, have termed as alchemy, magic, creation.
Because as sweet Suzanne has said, all of you who hear my voice, who receive my
energy, whether it is this night or a year from now, are absolutely prepared,
ready, willing and able – this capacity ‘able’ you have denied long enough!
Now, traditionally – and I most certainly nod my head to Dr.
Einstein – traditionally you have thought of what I have done, alchemy and
magic, as in the realm of the 4th dimension, but in fact creation
and where we truly work with such energy is in the 8th and the I AM
is in the 12th. So I begin by discussing the fluidity of this
expansive set of what you think of as fixed dimensions – which are not – [and]
your ability to create and to bring forth within this helium balloon of your
You know, when I have walked the last time – but in other
lives as well, by the way – but when I have walked as St. Germaine and often I
was invited to Court because that was part of my journey and my mission and
purpose – no, I did not certainly only deal with royalty or those of privilege;
that would have been extraordinarily boring! – but often when I was invited,
there were various reasons. And let me talk about some of those so you will
understand your power.
When I would go, I want you to think not of the lavish,
quite hedonistic and certainly indulgent energy that permeated these
gatherings, but often they were rancid and smelly. Think of many bodies not
fully cleansed – yes, dirty, smelly – and the court and the palace or the
gathering rooms that had often never seen a bucket of water! And the smell of
perfume which the ladies and the
gentlemen would overdose on – well, I could go on and on just describing the
Now, one of the reasons they loved to invite me and what they
often would say, “Well, St. Germaine, when you are here the air is sweeter,”
and they meant quite literally that because it was disgusting in many ways. And
the air was not simply because of filth; it was because of attitudes and this
self-indulgence. And so I would come and I would clean up the air, not only for
them, but so I could breathe and enjoy the banquet or the feast, even though I
seldom ate.
And how did I do this? What was the alchemy that I used? And
I have discussed this in the channel’s smaller group just recently [] and I have discussed it with you and I have discussed it
with all of you. What did I do? What
feat of magic did I use to sweeten the very air?
Well, first of all I would prepare the way. And think of it
and think of your own life: how much I loved fresh air, a gentle breeze, the
fragrance of an apple orchard or the richness of the grape, even the smell of
fresh manure! This is the purity of Gaia and the kingdoms. I would embrace the
air in its purest sense and I would communicate with the air – yes, as Holder of
the I AM, of course I knew and I would love it. And sometimes with those
present, I would play with them and say, “Let us write ‘love’ in the air!”
And that is what I am saying to you: “Let us write ‘love’ in the air!”
Was there an element of love? Of course, for the human
beings, yes, and I don’t just mean those seated around the table; I meant
everyone in the palace or court. And I would write, and I would send more than
likely, simply love. And in that, the air would change. Now sometimes I would
cooperatively with the air ask it to be a little spicy; sometimes it would be
flowery because these people loved a good show. But mostly I would just allow
the sweetness of the breath of Gaia to truly be experienced.
And so they would invite me because the air would turn
sweeter. They did not invite me because I was so handsome, so dashing, so witty
– although I like to think that I was! – but that was not the reason. But they thought me handsome and charming and
witty because they would see my light.
I would allow them – and it did not matter whether it was in
a village pub or a grand gathering – I would allow myself to be seen. And they would see the light around me,
and they would see the love and the I AM in my eyes. And in that allowing –
which they thought of as magic – myself to be seen, the agreement in that, the
tacit agreement and the alchemical energy that you communicate to others is
that you invite them, give them permission to allow themselves to be seen.
Now you know that human beings have a long and arduous –
really quite boring – history of hiding. What you are doing now with your
alchemical self, fluid in all dimensions, is you are allowing yourself to be
seen. You are not hiding your light under that proverbial bushel basket. You
are allowing yourself to be seen.
You have passed the time – yes, lightworkers/loveholders and
those even on the fence – you have passed the time when you have been in
trepidation or fear or concern, concern of criticism or ostracizing… shunning –
a very popular pastime on Earth! You are allowing your light to be seen, and in
that you are saying to that “handful” of billions of people: “I invite you to allow
yourself to be seen, and even more importantly I see you, I accept you and I
give you love.”
Now that does not mean that you are inviting them to move in
with you. God forbid! You need your sacred space to do this work. But what you are doing is you are operating from the
higher octave, you are operating on Nova Earth, and you are saying, “Yeah, you
might have mis-stepped, you might have murdered your mistress and beheaded many,
you may have enslaved and murdered. I do not give you permission to say ‘that’s
all right’ or ‘yeah, we’ll forgive you’” – although you do! [chuckle]
What you are doing in this alchemical moment, in this magical
moment of your creation – and mine; yes, I will get to that – is you are
saying, “I know that is detritus and I know that is not the truth of your soul,
so why not let that come through? Because playing this role of evil monster or
bored participant in the planet is really not rewarding, and it is not of truth,
and it most certainly isn’t your genuine reflection of the Mother/Father/One.”
So you are inviting people to reveal themselves. Now you are
being helped enormously, yes, by the Mother, by your star family, even the
elements. People have thought of magic as the manipulation of the core
elements. Let me talk about that for a minute.
When you are manipulating or changing the manifestation of
an element, what is the element you are adding, that unseen element that turns
it into magic, which is simply something you don’t fully understand as yet? It
is love. So think of it in a practical way. You are adding a literal element.
And although we often say it is sheer energy, you may think of it and grab it
as a molecule and add it. And that is what you do when you add love, whether
you are writing in the wine or the air, and you are communicating that love to
whatever you are transforming.
And you, my friends, by choice have come as master alchemists because you are changing the entire planet and the collective thereupon. It is an undertaking of such substance, at times it is enough for me to think of coming back. And I will return after this shift is completed but not before. I’m not suggesting you have an easy job – you do not. But stop fooling yourselves, stop denying yourselves, and say to yourselves, “Accept it. I AM master alchemist.” And you already have. You already work with that element that you are adding to change everything.
My job, my chosen mission, in complete surrender to our
Mother and to many, is to be Master of the I AM. Now what does this mean? And I
can say the same for others and I will. The job of being the Keeper of the I AM
is to instil it, and at this phase of my journey – my journey and yours, but my
journey – it is to instil it within the hearts and the minds of all of
humanity, that divine knowing, the complete alignment – just as Yeshua’s job is
the installation of love and Christ Consciousness, just as Sanat Kumara’s job
is the installation and understanding and operationalization – how’s that for a
word! – of the Universal Laws… I can go on and on. But that is the job of a master.
It is not that I am sitting on some cloud or spaceship
somewhere simply twiddling my thumbs. I am so actively involved with each and every
one of you, and I have at times allowed this ‘distance,’ if we can call it that,
of the master, of the ascended master. But what I am saying to you –
and you to me, by the way – is that our missions are completely enfolded in one
So alchemy, yes – magic, yes – creation, yes – I AM, yes!
Now I have gone on, dear Suzi. Where do you wish to begin?
StG: I would say yes, with a cautionary note. Now this is a
very important question, and it is related not only to you as master alchemist,
able to transform/transmute/transubstantiate, it is also part of your journey.
Now are you capable of doing that? Yes. Now think of it this way. And you
have done it in some of your circumstances, so I know what you are referring to
and the answer is yes.
Suzi: Thank you.
StG: But let us talk about this because we have talked about
the lives when you arrived home and said, “Hmmm, it didn’t quite work that
way.” So often – and it is good to have distance and perspective – so often
human beings will look at a situation – and let us even restrict it somewhat
and call it a difficult, heartbreaking, abusive, intrusive situation – and they
say, “Oh, let me rewrite that.”
Now, the rewriting in terms of ‘that it no longer restricts
and harms you’ is perfect, but to try and erase it so that you have no memory
of it – “let me get rid of that” – is not the way to proceed because – and that
is why hindsight is beneficial – when you look at what has occurred in your
life, even when it is terrible and tragic – and I know many of you have
experienced this, as have I! – it made you who are, and it has made you compassionate
and wise and kind and gentle and loving, so it has in fact expanded your access
to that element of love.
So you never wish
to erase it. Understand it? Yes. Rewrite how it affects you? Yes. But never
erase it. So that is why I wish to clarify because there are many of the listeners this night who would
say, “Oh good, let me get that off my chalkboard.”
Suzi: Well, if I might clarify to say that I’m thinking of a
particularly hurtful event between my sister and I when I was a kid, and basically
I just revisited that as my lightbody self, saw the hurt involved and sent love
to both parties to be able to really see that my sister was in pain and that’s
why she would say such a horrible thing, and that it went basically into my
bones that “nobody cares what you have to say.”
StG: And it not only went into your bones, sweet one; it
went into your heart and your mind and your emotional field, and at that time
it influenced your pathway. And what you did is you took that in as a
standalone truth – and it had nothing to do with truth. So the alchemist you
are – and I mean this for all of you – went back, sent the love, added the
element of the love and changed it.
Suzi: Yes, yes, so I no longer have that belief. It’s gone.
StG: That is correct. The experience and what it taught you
and brought you to this day where we are talking did not. So there are many of
you, for example, who have been sexually or physically molested, abused, raped,
beaten, and you have – and I truly, compassionately understand this – and you
have great difficulty because you might be in the middle of that process.
Forgiving and sending love to the abuser, whether it is a
parent or a sister or a friend or a teacher, you have difficulty saying, “Now I
am going to send love to everyone involved.” And yet you, dear Suzi, in your
example have shown and shared, you are allowing yourself to be seen, and in
that you are saying, “You know, I did that and I feel so much better,” and in
doing that, you have also done it for many.
But when you come across these barriers, you are an
alchemist and in many ways I am your teacher in this regard. Let us, whether
you think of it as alchemy or magic, creation or love or I AM, let me help you
– as if when you are learning to write, your mother or your teacher can take
your hand and show you how to form the letters. Let me take your hand, let me
take your heart, let me take your mental-emotional bodies and show you, guide
you not only how to do this, but how to claim your
magical self so that you can breathe
the sweet air.
Suzi: Yes, it’s very interesting. There’s so many different
things here. It feels like mastery is a matter of perception, so we’re all
masters but we’re on a different part of the path of knowing that we are. It’s
just very fascinating.
StG: But it is also time to claim that knowing, to know the
truth. And it is not bravado, it is not ego, it is not bragging or conceit. It
is simple knowing.
Suzi: Right. So I had a question and it became something
else. The original question was about you mentioning that love is the agent
that drives the alchemical process. And then I was wondering what it’s called
when sorcery is the intent, as in drawing on other people’s energies and taking
their free will.
But I had a vision yesterday and it was a very lovely one.
While driving along, seeing other people, I can send my blessings out in a
corridor or individually, however I want to do it. And then I got that when one
is doing the opposite and sending ill intent, at this point it feels like the
energies are such that it will immediately bounce back, that nobody is subject
to ill intent unless they allow themselves to be and invite it in, and whatever
else. But the truth of the matter is that any ill intent sent at this point is
immediately reflected back.
StG: And you are correct, and let me add this. Of course,
this is also related to the human addiction to drama, but it has also always
been the case [that] when one practices evil, mal-intent, negativity, it has
always enhanced and bounced back to the sender/the transmitter as well.
So often, if you simply look at those around you or at
history, it matters not, not with judgment, but people say, “Well, he started
out so good, he was doing so well, and then he simply seemed to engage in the
darkness and it grew and it grew and it grew,” because this is alchemy as well.
When you send out malintent and literal infusion of the negative into whether
it is a system or a person or a group of people, it also is expanded in the
self, the sender. And so that negativity actually grows until the individual is
Very often what occurs – and especially now – is that you
send out mal-intent and it is bouncing off, so not only do you have the negative
effect of being the sender, you are also getting the bounce-back mirror effect
additionally. So it is in some ways like a double whammy. Now, does this have a
positive potential, outcome and effect? Yes, because it is making those who are
of mali-ntent – and there are still many – even more miserable.
Now that may sound like judgment and punishment and it is
not. It is a purging because that mal-intent is not of love, it is not of Christ
Consciousness, and it most certainly is not of creation of the
Mother/Father/One. So it becomes that the individual having mal-intent is being
poisoned by the embrace of that negativity. Now it may feel like sickness and
punishment, but it is making it so unbearable that they have to stop. So it is
good news.
Suzi: Right. So my feeling is that there’s enough of
humanity doing the good work, which will help to alchemically transform the
ones that are so lost that they can’t help themselves.
StG: That is absolutely correct. You know, if all of you
chose, say, a character – and it can be Idi Amin or it can be Donald Trump or
it can be any being, public or not – and you visualize them in front of you, or
you took their photograph and you kept sending/writing love and putting it on
them as your alchemist master self, they would be transmuted and transformed in
no time.
So often Mi-ka-el and others have said, “Do not engage,” and we mean “Do not put
yourself in the target or the maelstrom of such chaos, such evil.” But when you
write it in the sweet air or in the water or anywhere else and send it, this is
you sending your love in a very practical, physical application. So what you are
doing is sending it physically to the person, to the planet, and everybody that
message passes through receives that love as well!
So think of it. You are sending it to Donald Trump but it is
going through his entire cadre, the entire White House, so you are truly doing
massive restoration work and bringing the conclusion to this whole chapter. And
truly, it is as if you are living in the new – and you are! – and you are
sending it to heal the old – and you are!
Suzi: I love that you’ve said that because sometimes before
bed I’ll light up a stick of Palo Santo or some white sage or something and
write “love” in the air all over the bedroom. [Laughter]
StG: And you are practicing, you are being your alchemist self. That internal knowing that I am even
igniting again as we talk this day has always been there. It is not something
you need to receive. It is only something with my Violet Flame that I am
Suzi: Yes, yes, yes. And I would like to remind our
listeners that it doesn’t necessarily have to be anyone else's set ritual or
way of doing things. Whatever it is that comes into your heart to do, just go
ahead and do that. It’s your intention that really matters.
StG: And it is the claiming of your power to do so, it is
the knowing. But you are absolutely correct. There are millions of ways in
which to demonstrate the mighty nature of who you are. Play with it! You know I
am always inviting you to play and this is what I ask you to do again. Play
with it!
You may treat my Violet Flame as sacred or you may think of
it as a crayon or a torch, it matters not. Play with it! And play with it to
your heart’s delight! When you feel that effusiveness, then you know you are
doing the Mother’s work – and you are doing your
work, your joy, your fun, your
Suzi: Yes, exactly! So when you say what it means to be
human will never be the same, it’s the kind of thing where we can… when we
leave the house, we can assume our dragon form and breathe Violet Fire all over
everything we encounter, whatever it looks like. It could be fun!
StG: It was intended to be fun. Why do you think those
billions wanted to come!
Suzi: Such a difference in perception! I’ve got to say it’s
such a relief to feel the Oneness and to know of my complete protection, that
this is an illusion and that really no matter what happens here, I’m going to
be completely fine, I’ll always have what I need. It’s a real and incredible
relief to know that, and I just pray for that kind of peace for everybody
because we really don’t need the stress, and I just hope that everyone can slip
out of survival mode and just really relax into it.
StG: And to know –
and sometimes you practice until you believe and that is all right. Let me
help. But really it is about knowing
your innate wisdom, your innate, sacred, holy self, whether you are alien,
Arcturian, Earthkeeper, gatekeeper, angel, archangel. That is why so many from,
can we say, the various tribes have chosen to come here. This is the place to be!
Suzi: This is the place to be! It’s where it’s at! I’m happy
to be here!
StG: And we are happy each and every one of you are here.
But in the sacred fulfillment of your mission and in the sacred fulfillment of
mine – let me help!
Suzi: Yes, yes, yes! So, in closing, would you say anything
about the intended prosperity for all of humanity?
StG: It is part of my alchemy, it is part of turning lead to
gold, and I have planned it a long time ago. And I can also act and am acting
as the ‘delivery agent’ – it is my honor.
Suzi: Thank you for joining us. Have you got anything else to say in closing?
StG: I love you.
Suzi: I love you too.
StG/Suzi: Farewell.
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