Through Suzanne Lie On 8-10-16

A prototype is defined as: “An original or first model from which other forms are copied or developed.” Hence, your transmutation into your Lightbody SELF is an early example that will be used as a model for what comes later.
In fact, you (if you have volunteered before this incarnation) are someone who has offered to “test the equipment” for transmuting your third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel into your fifth dimensional Light vessel.
To complete your process, you will be called on to release your third and fourth dimensional manner of thinking before your fifth dimensional brain is fully online. For this NOW, we suggest that you focus primarily on the third dimension as your baseline and the fifth dimension as where YOU go, but do not live yet.
What we mean by the above statement is that you remain fully grounded, eat the right foods, exercise your body, and get a “spotter.” A Spotter is someone close to you who can keep track of you without having any judgment or fear. Some people may be afraid of your changes and will judge you because they are frightened. Hence, it is best to focus on the third dimension as your baseline.
The fifth dimension is where you resonate within the operating system of the NOW of the ONE, which is quite a different experience than resonating to third dimensional “Time and Space.” Your “earth vessel” cannot resonate to the fifth dimension, so your “peeks into the fifth dimension” will be via your fifth dimensional states of consciousness.
More about states of consciousness at:
When your consciousness has expanded to include the resonance of the fifth dimension, your thoughts and emotions will resonate to a sense of purity and innocence that is difficult to maintain in your third/fourth dimensional life. You may wish to experience this reality, but you can only do so when your emotions resonate with your High Heart, your thinking resonates with your Multidimensional Mind, and your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are calibrated to each other.
Your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are the interface between your third/fourth and your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. The Unconditional Love of your High Heart is not just an emotion. Unconditional love is a frequency of resonance in which unity and trust are natural and constant. This resonance is of the fifth dimensional frequency and beyond.
In the same manner, multidimensional thinking can best occur when your High Heart and Multidimensional Mind are connected. Multidimensional Thinking resonates to the frequency of Unconditional love, and both sensations are fifth dimensional.
Therefore, whenever you experience the NOW of Unconditional Love and/or Multidimensional Thinking, you are “peeking into the fifth dimension.

An energy-wave of these sensations is much like dipping your body into very cold, or very hot, water. You want to go into that “water,” but you need to allow yourself time to get used to something which, at first, feels very shocking.
However, as you become accustomed to it, that “new sensation” becomes more and more natural. When you experience these new sensations, you are gradually adapting to your fifth dimensional Lightbody.
Thus, these sensations occur because, when you enter the resonance of the fifth dimension, all of your neural messages, as well as the functioning of your heart, lungs, visual, auditory, tactile, all of these components of your awareness, are suddenly calibrated to a higher frequency of contact.
What we mean by “higher frequency of contact” is that you are contacting a frequency of reality which you have seldom experienced since you first took an Earth vessel. Your innate fifth dimensional self, who volunteered to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia, was a Lightbody.

Your fifth dimensional light-body is much like a huge house with many passageways, tunnels, stairways and windows, which are actually portals. YOU have been activating these portals by the combination of your Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Thinking.
Your full willingness, dedication and sense of duty to share the energy fields flowing through these portals of your earth vessel is actively transmuting the third/fourth dimensional Time and Space energy fields into fifth dimensional energy fields of HERE and NOW.
Let us again explain what we mean by “portals.” We have spoken of an inner stairway.
As you began your Inter-dimensional journey into physical form, your Multidimensional Mind revealed your Inner Stairway back Home.
As your multidimensional consciousness entered your Third Eye, your Multidimensional Perceptions guided you to choose your present reality.
As you fully awakened your Throat Chakra, your inter-dimensional communications guided you during your journey into your third dimensional expression of SELF.

As you allowed your Heart Chakra to guide you, you could remember the great healing power of Unconditional Love.
As you fully accepted your own multidimensional power, your third, fourth and fifth dimensional powers came online to rule your earth vessel.
As you entered the womb of the mother whom you had chosen to create your earth vessel, you remembered the inter-dimensional laws of birth and rebirth.
As you remembered your pre-birth promise to bond with Gaia, you vowed to protect your Mother Planet Earth.
We NOW ask that you use this inner stairway to expand your sense of self beyond that third dimensional vessel to include your true inter-dimensional Lightbody SELF.
As your third/fourth dimensional memory expands to include your fifth dimension and beyond memory, you can consciously choose to climb your personal Inter-dimensional Stairway.
Both of these concepts represent your personal choice! Whether you are going through a portal or up a stairway, you are consciously choosing to make a transition that YOU have chosen to make within this NOW.

What you will realize as you move through your process is that you have been doing this all your life, you are also doing this in your many simultaneous, parallel and alternate lives. During all of your many incarnations on Gaia, you have been in preparation for this moment of planetary ascension.
In order to create the energy fields needed to transmute from a third/fourth dimensional body into a fifth dimensional body, you will combine the emotions of your fifth dimensional High Heart with your third dimensional emotions as well as the thoughts of your fifth dimensional Multidimensional Mind with your third dimensional mind.
This Unity of your third/fourth dimensional self with your fifth dimensional SELF will create a Unity of Purpose between your third/fourth dimensional self and the many octaves of your Multidimensional SELF.
This inter-dimensional, Unity Consciousness within your self will quickly, or eventually, expand into Unity Consciousness with all life. Since Unity Consciousness with all life is the core of a fifth dimensional consciousness, as well as all fifth dimensional realities, once you create this shift within your consciousness, your physical body will begin its transmutation into the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond.
As you move into and through this process, you will consciously experience that which you have never experienced in any of your incarnations. In all of your incarnations into the third dimension, you came in as a third dimensional body. There are Ascended Masters who have transmuted into their fifth dimensional bodies, which is why they are called “Ascended Masters.”
There have been few of these Masters, with many years in between incarnations. When these Masters still held an earth vessel, the frequency of Earth was far too low for them to maintain a resonance on the planet.
However, within your NOW there is a different form of ascension because we are asking you to combine your personal process of transmutation into the fifth dimension with the planetary process of transmutation into the fifth dimension.
So, just as the Ascended Masters of the past have transmuted to assist their human followers, you will transmute to assist your planet. Therefore, you do not need to have a following, as you do not need to tell anyone of your process.
What will be occurring is that you will be contributing what you are experiencing to Gaia. Within that NOW, Gaia will have similar experiences, which She will share with all Her inhabitants.

· Your personal Unity Consciousness within your SELF will expand to encompass Unity Consciousness with the planet,
· Which will automatically expand to the Unity Consciousness with all the other humans of Gaia’s body,
· Which will expand to Unity Consciousness with the Animals on Gaia
· Which will expand to all the Plants on Gaia
· Which will expand to all Gaia’s Elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether
· Which will expand into the Core of Gaia
· Which will expand into the Aura of Gaia
· Which will expand into the other Planets of your Solar System
· Which will expand into your Galaxy
· Which will expand into that which was once unknown,
But NOW you are remembering…
It is your Unity Consciousness with all life, working as ONE, that you will assist YOU to remember…
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Alpha XR helps to get your body going when it comes to producing testosterone and that is how it may provide these beneficial effects. The product is made in the form of capsules and can be purchased online via the free trial offer.
God of Supplement It is beneficial to biological organs, bones and bone marrow, water, connective tissues. As a result, Amazon and contribute to the body is healthy to reduce the disease to an inconvenient.
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The latest research shows that the active ingredient, Forskolin plays a big role in many cellular functions,
Try Pure Nutrition What happens is that fats get stored in your body if you do not have enough physical activity every day to break them up. As they get stored, they show in the form of belly fat. As a result of that, you appear obese. To make the body slim, you have to use up the daily fat as soon as you ingest it. Otherwise, it accumulates in the body and makes you obese.
ReplyDeleteTry Pure Nutrition minimum eating plan and work out.
You may possibly guess from the name that the power of this complement comes from the Garciniacambogia. It is a fruits, formed like a pumpkin growing in Philippines, but can also be seen in African-american, Indian, and East Japan. It is normally used in cooking in Japan. Try Pure Nutrition was most talked about a material on dropping bodyweight. Scientific tests and scientific reviews connected the Garciniacambogia in legitimating the effects on weight-loss. However, not all products created of
ReplyDeleteNutrition Vibe Nutrition Vibe is best for It is a supplement, which can be devoured by hefty individuals confronting low vitality and stamina like issues. if you are beneath than 18 years, at that point this supplement isn't intended for you. Most importantly, pregnant and nursing moms must cease from its utilization. Pros Reduces the fat cells Boost metabolic rate Increases vitality and stamina No more determined fat and over the top weight Customer’s opinions for
ReplyDeleteOptimal Rock Tribulus Terrestris
Popular as a supposed potent testosterone booster, but in truth, it does not do much for T concerning the general population. However, it is good enough for libido.
We call this The All-in-One Man Enhancer because it does so much for us men. As an adaptogen, it helps reduce cortisol levels while increasing testosterone. It also helps with the quality of sperm and amino muscle, Optimal Rock XT bodybuilding strength, and resistance.
It’s not a testosterone booster in any way, but this premium black pepper extract improves the whole Optimal Rock XT formula by improving nutrient absorption. [2]
Oasis Trim Canada Outcomes Active Ingredients
ReplyDeleteSo, exactly what does this formula usage making your body allegedly shed fat? (Once again, there isn’t evidence of this yet). Oasis Trim Canada Canada Results Diet regimen Tablets are intended to utilize 800mg of BHB Ketones. And also, these are practically ketones your body naturally makes when it goes into Ketosis. That being said, we do not know if they’re the specific like just what your body would certainly make, or simply a lab-made version of them. And also, once again, we don’t have evidence that this formula works to remove fat the means they assert it does. Or, that the 800mg of BHB Ketones is enough to activate Ketosis. So, you can check out Oasis Trim Canada Canada Outcomes Pills on your own to see if you like them, or you could grab the # 1 over.
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Will this product trigger any negative effects in you? A Oasis Trim Canada Canada Results Side Effect
HardCore KetoGenic How Does HardCore KetoGenic 7 Work?
ReplyDeleteThe product works by improving your digestion and boosting your metabolism rate. The low metabolism rate in the body converts the food you eat into fats. The fats stored in the different parts of your body. If you have a high metabolism rate then the food you eat will directly convert to energy. You will have high levels of energy which allows you to better performance during your workout session. Keto in the name of the supplement is used because the product works by triggering the ketosis in the body. Ketosis is the process which triggers when your body needs energy. This process is not often triggered by the body due to poor physical activity. The ingredients in the product help to trigger the process of ketosis in your body. In the result, your body starts to burn the extra fats and converts them into energy.
The product also helps in stimulating the levels of hormones in the body. Also, it helps in reducing stress
Alpha XRBenefits of Alpha XR:-
ReplyDeleteThis product boosts up testosterone production
It aids in enhances muscle growth and development
It gives you massive muscle mass
It gives you lean and ripened muscles
It enhances energy level and stamina
It makes you powerful
This formula reduces low libido and low sex drive
ReplyDeleteEclipse Keto
of regular eating and suppress your appetite. With the reduction in appetite, a person feels light and active.
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ReplyDeleteGarcinia Cambogia
You may have visible that Garcinia Cambogia may be very not unusual in use. It is tremendous for lowering your frame weight in a natural manner. Another exquisite reason of Garcinia Cambogia is this is the manner to urge for food and it makes you tell me experience like complete.
Coconut oil