By Sandra Walter on 9-13-16
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Gratitude to all who participated in the 999 – 9/11 Grid amplifications. Gatekeepers managed to anchor new Grid points last week and the new Grid levels have already begun to activate. After a week of driving and anchor point activations, I arrived at the crystalline vortex in Arkansas prior to the 999. This is my third mission in the Southern US since 2001, and it will most likely be the shortest.
Energetic layers over this vortex are lifting quickly, just as they did in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma during the journey here. Small quakes are popping up along the new line. Gaia is responding, releasing the new timeline codes. A visit from Melchizedek revealed the deconstruction of many old realities, and the collective design of new ones. Much has occurred, however it is best for me to stay present rather than recount details of the past week.
Let us stay focused on the accelerated timeline. It is available. Many of you have already anchored there and are experiencing the effects of this unknown territory. There is comfort in the unknown experience of embodiment; as always, surrendering to your own Divinity and the peace of Source is your strength. Keep your reality flexible; the linear may feel (even more) surreal. Breathe through it, use your Ascension techniques for stabilization. Treat the body well; remember that tired and wired is the norm during these waves. There is great strength in the Christed Heart center; trust its flow and divinity.
The Ascension Tribe is receiving a heightened experience of zero
point. The past dissolves (travel, activities, activations, fatigue,
memories) quite rapidly, and the future is created through highest
choices in the Now moment. As your DNA is reconnected, you heal faster,
drop judgments and negative emotions easily, and wipe the linear slate
clean more rapidly. Concerns dissipate as you learn to be present with
yourself in order to transform. Don’t avoid the experience; we are here
to feel every step of this process on behalf of many beings, including
our Higher Selves. Weep, laugh, dance, ponder, wander, meditate, lay in
the grass … whatever it takes to experience the return of Divine Love to
this realm.
To maintain the purity of our Creator State within the Now, we continually let go of the lower level entanglements throughout this process. As our accelerated timeline and new gridwork unfolds, you may notice its affect in your own lifestream, even if you are not actively participating in the Ascension process. Wayshowers are holding a huge space for the collective. It is a very intense passage of Mastery, let us focus on the task at hand. Open your hearts to welcome a wave of new consciousness, and the embodiment of Christ consciousness. Choose your Timelines wisely.
Reminders for the September Wave Unfoldment
Unity Meditation Wednesdays: Thousands are participating in these meditations each Wednesday which provide comfort, clearing and activation. Join us at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Free guided meditation mp3 here.
Triple Eclipse finale: September 16 at 11:54am PDT (Full Moon/Lunar eclipse). The power of threes. Assist Gaia with stability; Gateways will be open wide for transformation. Keep your heart and thoughts clear and focused on Ascension.
September 22 Equinox: The
Equinox lands on September 22 at 7:21amPDT. This is the Gateway opening
for the new level of consciousness. Honor it properly, be outside on
Gaia as much as possible. The SUN and Gaia will have a strong bond
during this Gateway, and our intentions for balance, peace, harmony and
Ascension will be greatly amplified.
September 26 -29: Our Third Wave of 2016. This is our strongest influx in decades. Be excited, let’s do it right! These photonic frequencies further accelerate the activity of Ascension and will continue to flow in for several weeks. You may have noticed the Light does not step down in between waves any longer. This is a good thing; we are able to maintain higher levels of light without integration periods as in the past. Each wave this year has raised the light level dramatically, and accelerated the Ascension. The purging, revelatory activity continues to build to compliment Source’s command for order, harmony and Ascension.
September 30 New Moon: Completion of Gatework for this wave. Aho!
Infinite Grace and Blessings upon Humanity, the Kingdoms, Elementals and Beloved Gaia during this powerful and challenging phase of our Ascension. We are completing an incredible service to this place and beyond.
In Love, Light and Service,
Gratitude to all who participated in the 999 – 9/11 Grid amplifications. Gatekeepers managed to anchor new Grid points last week and the new Grid levels have already begun to activate. After a week of driving and anchor point activations, I arrived at the crystalline vortex in Arkansas prior to the 999. This is my third mission in the Southern US since 2001, and it will most likely be the shortest.
Energetic layers over this vortex are lifting quickly, just as they did in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma during the journey here. Small quakes are popping up along the new line. Gaia is responding, releasing the new timeline codes. A visit from Melchizedek revealed the deconstruction of many old realities, and the collective design of new ones. Much has occurred, however it is best for me to stay present rather than recount details of the past week.
Let us stay focused on the accelerated timeline. It is available. Many of you have already anchored there and are experiencing the effects of this unknown territory. There is comfort in the unknown experience of embodiment; as always, surrendering to your own Divinity and the peace of Source is your strength. Keep your reality flexible; the linear may feel (even more) surreal. Breathe through it, use your Ascension techniques for stabilization. Treat the body well; remember that tired and wired is the norm during these waves. There is great strength in the Christed Heart center; trust its flow and divinity.
To maintain the purity of our Creator State within the Now, we continually let go of the lower level entanglements throughout this process. As our accelerated timeline and new gridwork unfolds, you may notice its affect in your own lifestream, even if you are not actively participating in the Ascension process. Wayshowers are holding a huge space for the collective. It is a very intense passage of Mastery, let us focus on the task at hand. Open your hearts to welcome a wave of new consciousness, and the embodiment of Christ consciousness. Choose your Timelines wisely.
Reminders for the September Wave Unfoldment
Unity Meditation Wednesdays: Thousands are participating in these meditations each Wednesday which provide comfort, clearing and activation. Join us at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Free guided meditation mp3 here.
Triple Eclipse finale: September 16 at 11:54am PDT (Full Moon/Lunar eclipse). The power of threes. Assist Gaia with stability; Gateways will be open wide for transformation. Keep your heart and thoughts clear and focused on Ascension.
September 26 -29: Our Third Wave of 2016. This is our strongest influx in decades. Be excited, let’s do it right! These photonic frequencies further accelerate the activity of Ascension and will continue to flow in for several weeks. You may have noticed the Light does not step down in between waves any longer. This is a good thing; we are able to maintain higher levels of light without integration periods as in the past. Each wave this year has raised the light level dramatically, and accelerated the Ascension. The purging, revelatory activity continues to build to compliment Source’s command for order, harmony and Ascension.
September 30 New Moon: Completion of Gatework for this wave. Aho!
Infinite Grace and Blessings upon Humanity, the Kingdoms, Elementals and Beloved Gaia during this powerful and challenging phase of our Ascension. We are completing an incredible service to this place and beyond.
In Love, Light and Service,
Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.
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