Truly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well. Jesus.
Channelled By John Smallman

Many of you Light holders have become aware of this and are working steadfastly to let go of all your own unloving thoughts and beliefs that you have discovered buried or denied deep within yourselves, which are now arising into your awareness and, in many cases, shocking you. All humans have buried and denied unloving thoughts and desires, they are all aspects of the illusion, of the state of separation from Source that you chose to experience.
The state of separation – which as you have so often been told is purely illusory, unreal – by its nature sets you against each other as you struggle for survival in a seemingly hostile environment. But in this incarnation, where it has been your intent to be loving and assist in humanity’s awakening, it is extremely unsettling for you to have thoughts, even desires, to harm others. You judge them unacceptable. But remember, you need to stop judging, especially yourselves. As these inharmonious thoughts or desires arise just observe them: “Wow, I didn’t realize that I had so much buried hatred, anger, and resentment against . . .” and release them without judgment!
Often those feelings or emotions are not yours, but are from the human collective, they are what you incarnated to assist humanity to release, and that is what your loving intentions do. However, when they come to mind your egos automatically attach them to someone you know or knew. Before you can release all that buried and denied debris you have to acknowledge it. There is nothing wrong in your thoughts or desires, they are, as it were, just there flowing and floating around seeking attention. They have no meaning whatsoever until someone engages with them or acts them out.
You, our dear readers and listeners, are doing absolutely sterling work as you set your daily intent to be loving in every moment, and in every situation. Those intentions are extremely powerful and effective because you are divine beings, One with God, and it is His Will and yours that humanity awakens. Therefore you will awaken. But, no one will be forced to awaken, Love never forces.
The small minority of humans who choose to delay their awakening because they are not yet ready to cease playing games in the illusion, will continue as humans within the illusion following paths they have chosen. This is not a wrong choice, it is just the choice they are choosing because it appears to them to be completely appropriate.

There is no one who is separated from Source, because separation is impossible, there are just some who, for whatever reason in this present moment, choose or refuse to become aware of that. They remain eternally in God’s loving embrace, and when they are ready, and they will become ready, they too will undergo their own awakening process and return to the joy of Oneness.
Truly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well. Keep reminding yourselves that your experiences as humans, while often painful and giving rise to intense suffering, are unreal. You cannot be harmed or damaged in any way. Yes, your bodies can and do experience intense pain and suffering, but they are temporary vehicles that you chose to inhabit, and that is their purpose, but when you have learned your lessons, lessons that you each personally chose to learn, you will discard them, with grateful thanks, and awaken.

Your loving brother, Jesus.
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