Sunday, April 1, 2018

Disclosure Digest 4-1-18

Cheerful Ostara, Y'all 

We begin today with advice from Morag O'Brien on handling 'energetic whiplash':

Behind all of the current political fiascos I feel that the US and Russia are working together for peace:

 Leave it to RT to muckrake up the dark side of the West's weaponized food industries:

ISIS/Daesh is finally neutralized in Iraq as the world inches ever closer to peace:

I must say most of this post resonates as truth, minus the vituperative name-calling, of course:

Stephanie Austin's latest Eco-Astrology Update zeroes in on Springtime bustin' out all over:

Kryon, our fave magnetic mechanic, discusses the true function of dreaming and Earth's lost history:

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