By Sandra Walter, OLOMS, 5-26-16

June 4-6 were on last year’s Gateway list for 2016. As we approach this passage, the end of the Resurrection cave phase sends us into June with a sense of owning the New Self. If this is not presenting for you, this is your work for the end of May: Choosing to step fully into the embodiment of the New Self. Your Truth, Your Higher Choices, Your Creative Expression of the Christed Self. You are responsible for your creation, and there is great amount of freedom, harmony and Divine Love available right now. Vibration = vibration. Choose your bandwidth wisely.
The Next Four Months: A Divine opportunity for Embodiment
At last the first embodiers are emerging from the cave. We are inspired with new creations, new intuitions about our journeys, new ideas and a broader perspective on this cosmic shift. You’ll need to get to know your New Self, and shed what does not serve – again – from this higher level.
The intensity of the harmonics, light waves, and adjustments to the physical container are shifting continuously. Your moment-to-moment intentions and choices are key to your comfortability with the cellular level. When the more intense photonic waves hit the physical, be present with it – there is much to receive during this passage which will not only prepare the physical for embodiment, but also give clarity on what needs to stay or go in your personal journey.
Stepping out of the cave made us flinch a bit (some folks crawled back in). Emergence will be unavoidable for first embodiers in June. No more hiding; face the fear of exposing the True Self. The energies push the envelope for change, higher choices, and creating a life in alignment with the New Self. Resurrection (embodiment of the Higher Self) is a very physical process, however it is not all about the physical structure.
We have a small vessel attempting to hold very large aspects of Self; like squeezing a star into a pebble. We become conduits of Solar beingness while in form, because the True Self is huge. This is why we practice expansion; so the light does not destroy the physical. It is still a very physical process, however our expanded consciousness understands the larger picture, so integration of codes, harmonics, and adjustments come faster and more frequently than ever.
Surrendering to the Cosmic Truth
To make it easier on the physical, we drop the veils, release the density. Density presents as separation in this realm. Wherever you can shed old habits, beliefs, judgment, fear, doubt, or hiding the True Self, you greatly affect the collective process of Ascension. You also sidestep physical and emotional discomfort by being in alignment with the light. Disclosure is on the agenda for this passage. Stronger contact experiences are on the agenda. Empowerment is on the agenda. Permanent shifts in the collective consciousness are on the agenda.
These cosmic agendas are possibilities put in place by us – our future selves – and now we cross paths with them. The consistent incoming light is unavoidable; Collectively we have created something brilliant. Individually, we can struggle with inevitable change or embrace an absolutely beautiful experience.
Our year of Revelation continues to disclose personal acts of disharmony, as it simultaneously presents the collective with the choice to push for global disclosure. Christed embodiers won’t feel the tension or anxiety of disclosure; that is a lower timeline experience of density dropping away. No worries if you aren’t worried. It doesn’t mean you aren’t grounded; it simply means you understand most of HUmanity still requires this step, and that something larger is going on.
Yes, it will be a great release for the collective (and create emotional turmoil, hence the balancing act of others embodying a much higher frequency). Most of you have transcended lower agendas, do not participate in fears, or the fascination with the past. We witness the effect of disclosure on the collective, and assist as conduits of Divine Neutrality; an active state of Presence consistently resonating in Unconditional Love.
Gatekeepers have been witnessing other timelines quickly playing out and dropping off; scenarios play out in parallel realms as the Ascension timeline grows stronger. The flash card or quick-flicker images have been prevalent since December as the preparatory waves do their work. The pineal is getting very busy; we remember what it is like to have this gland working properly. DMT production is stepping up, and the blissy sensations are a lovely compliment to the heart center.
June – September: Revelation Accelerator
Many in the light Tribe are going to experience the next level of Ascension over the next four months. This begins in June, and is a conscious choice of Wayshowership. The effect on the collective (which is the point of this service) as this wave of photonic transformation arrives will be powerful. Embodiment for some, active participation in the Ascension process for others. A steady stream of awakening means steady amounts of compassionate support will be needed.
Remember your Divine Feminine aspects: hold space for others to have their experience. Don’t judge or overwhelm them with intel or instruction, that is not helpful – especially if you are clinging to old intel, or stories of the past. Share your stories from the heart, get the new services aligned with where you are right now. All must resonate with love, honesty and integrity. Co-creation brings fresh light to your Services; this is about Unity.
Everyone will have to be very flexible as the vibrational levels change, and reveal what is the Now Truth. It is not complimentary to regurgitate history as we make a quantum leap. In brief, a vibrational mismatch in your fields (fear and love trying to cohabitate) will get very uncomfortable. Stay open to the New, and stay open to contact from your Higher Levels. You Higher Levels (your higher aspects and your Divine Teams) merge with you as you go through the Ascension process.
Willingness to surrender the old Self, old stories, and all of the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment. Look to your Wayshowers for guidance; there is great wisdom and perspective available from the folks who faced the unknown ahead of the crowd.
Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot, so your Higher Self will direct as a Presence through the physical. You’ll be directed through the heart to share, prepare, or be in certain places at certain moments in order to assist. Much of the Christed work at that level is serving as a conduit. Rather than fixing or healing things like the egoic Gods of old, the new vibration is empowering the collective through Unity, and just being a higher vibrational Presence on Earth auto-corrects whatever presents for healing around us. But you do have to own that state of consciousness, without doubt.
Unity Meditations: Get on Board
Co-creation is a necessary step for Humanity to rise into collective consciousness. We have seen this with the Wednesday Unity meditations; healing, activations and deep peace are experienced when we unify in Divine Neutrality. The Wednesday Unity Meditations will continue through June before they evolve to the next level. Right now it is about strength in numbers, so if we choose to Unify as a group, we grow stronger in our new Light skills.
Gaia and the New Harmonic
As the light steadily rises, Gaia’s harmonics increase (incredibly high-frequency tones – you can hear them) and dissolve the lower reality. The Light Tribe is responsible for showing the way to the higher reality; the lower reality will eventually fade out when it is not needed any longer.
Kindwhile, we walk between realities on Gaia, and many other realms, as we level up. Personally, I find it fascinating. Thank goodness we comprehend what is unfolding, and accept the unknown as the new norm. The Higher Realms have always said that Divine HUmans are dynamic, brilliant beings. Let us own that birthright – our decision to Ascend in a HUman form – right here, right now.
This new light level sends us into acceleration next week. Let us realize how strong, wise and prepared we are for this profound passage for our Ascension. It is time for all to step fully into ownership; truly OWN your creation, your True Self, the reality you are consistently creating and co-creating. How truly blessed we are to be aware of what is happening, where this is going, and have the experience at the same time. Multidimensional awareness is brilliant; let us all encourage each other to own our Ascension as the Unified consciousness of HUmanity.
In Love, Light and Service,
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