By Stephanie Austin M.A.
-April 17: Mars retrograde (9º Sagittarius); turns direct June 29 (23º Scorpio)
-April 18: Pluto retrograde (18º Capricorn); turns direct September 26 (15º Cap)
-April 19-22 Venus square Pluto and conjunct Uranus (17-21º Aries-Capricorn)
-April 21: Full Moon 10:23 PM PDT (3º Scorpio-Taurus)
-April 28: Mercury Rx (24º Taurus); direct May 22 (14º Taurus)
April 19, 2016
Dear Friends,
According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), the Sun produced a M 6.7 solar flare on April 18, which disrupted shortwave radio communications and may further disturb the Earth’s magnetic field for the next few days, as solar winds carrying the highly ionized particles traverse the 93,000,000 miles separating our Earth from the Sun. These plasma waves affect our bodies and psyches as well. Rest, receive, and be extra patient with yourself and others as we assimilate this latest evolutionary download; similar to upgrading a computer, there can be glitches until the new software and hardware are fully installed.
We are in the process of deleting a lot of old programming— dependencies, trauma, and beliefs we have carried since childhood and beyond. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are now all retrograde, with Mercury joining in April 28 (see below). Retrograde phases are optimal times to review, release, and realign with our soul intentions. If things are not moving forward, what’s holding us back? Where are we not fully owning our power? How are we not honoring our needs? What do we need to complete? Who do we need to forgive?
The next full moon, which peaks on Thursday, April 21 at 10:23 PM PDT at 3º Scorpio-Taurus, spotlights where we need to surrender an old pattern, perception, and way of being, especially around our values and relationship to our body, money, and the Earth. Taurus is the first earth sign, concerned with attaining a healthy knowledge of the physical plane. We learn to enjoy the beauty of being in a human form through our five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, whose influences and effects are often underestimated. Studies have shown that infants may die if they are not held, that certain colors and sounds speed healing, and that the elderly live longer when they have the comfort of an animal companion.
Taurus also instills the importance of realizing our intrinsic, divine worth, that we are all spirits playing with form. Most of all, Taurus is about recognizing what really makes us happy, and that we all have something of value to contribute. Where do you need to come back to your senses? What makes you feel rich — having lots of time to spend friends or family, to be creative, relaxing in a beautiful place in nature? What would you be doing if you had only 6 months to live?
Scorpio is the second water sign, charged with fathoming the depths of our feelings and fears, gathering pearls from the unconscious by diving into the complexities of human interactions and the mysteries of metamorphosis. While Taurus seeks to learn about matter, and what matters most, Scorpio endeavors to comprehend motivations. What propels our passions and aversions? What is our deepest hunger? What is our worst fear? Scorpio discovers that everything — the good, the bad, and the ugly — eventually passes, and that the light, love, and consciousness gained from our experiences survives.
It has been said that fear is an anacronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is essentially a lack of information; like looking through a keyhole and being scared at an eyeball staring back at us, then opening the door to see that it’s a kitten. Fear drops us into our lower, reptilian, fight or flight brain. Slowing our breath and putting our hand on our heart helps get us back into our cerebral cortex, where we can make rational, rather than irrational decisions. For a good article on how to work with fear, click here.
Venus, the traditional ruler of Taurus, closely aligns with Uranus in Aries at this full moon, signaling the importance of getting in touch with our bottom lines and not being swayed by what other people think. Venus, named for the mythic goddess of love and beauty, represents our relationship and esthetic needs. In Aries, Venus encourages us to be courageous and take the next big step on our path. Venus’ conjunction with Uranus and square to Pluto shows us where we need to be more independent and let go of looking outside of ourselves for approval or permission.
Mars, the ruler of Aries, is moving slowly because of its recent station retrograde on April 1, and so remains part of a dynamic T-square with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces through mid May. T-squares are highly motivating, as they include at least one opposition and two squares. Oppositions compel us to be more objective and considerate; squares force us to make internal shifts and take action. This T-square prods us to question outdated biases and beliefs. We have changed and the world has changed; there are options and alternatives available now which didn’t exist a short time ago. The Gemini “empty leg” of this T-square points the way out, urging us to suspend our judgments, remain curious rather than critical, and be willing to listen as well as speak up.
Mercury, the planet most associated with Gemini, begins its second retrograde passage of the year on April 28 at 24° Taurus, appearing to move backward until May 22, when it stations direct at 14° Taurus; the mythic Messenger of the Gods once again reaches 24° Taurus on June 7. While retrograde in Taurus, Mercury nudges us to rethink and reorder our priorities. Where do we need to slow down? What would make us happier? Less can be more—less upkeep, less stress, more time and space to do what we love.
Use the light of this full moon to see how you could create more beauty, peace, and joy in your life. Let go of what you have outgrown, for: “You are ready to begin the next and deeper phases of the journey… An unwillingness to move beyond some outgrown state of consciousness usually results in a "wake up call" experience, not pleasant, but effective.
Living truth can be difficult at first, often resulting in someone choosing to continue being a student. It seems easier when someone is telling you how to be “holy." Making the shift from student to master must come at some point whether in this life or another, but powerful energies are in place at this time to make it easier than ever before… The energy of joy is the closest to Divine energy. Spiritual growth is not the end of having fun, doing the things you love, or being with others unless you believe it.
"The belief of suffering as a quality of spirituality is a lingering false belief based in ignorance and false interpretations of truth… By staying alert to whatever people, acclivities, and beliefs no longer resonate with you, you are able to move beyond them… We simply remind you that the time you have been hoping for is here now, and you are ready...” (The Arcturian Group 4/17/16, channeled by Marilyn; full message available here.)
Stephanie Austin
These new and full moon updates are sent as a service to my astrology
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PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
Stephanie Austin M.A. is a full time astrologer
specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship readings since
1986. She also teaches astrology and writes the New and Full Moon column
for the Mountain Astrologer magazine. Her background includes a
bachelor's degree in Psychology, a master's in Consciousness Studies,
and a lifelong involvement with meditation, Nature, and healing. For
more information on her astrology readings, eBooks, tutorials, and
forecasts, visit
April 22: Earth Day Summit: online event with Starhawk, David Crow, and many others here.
April 30 - May 8: 5th Annual Food Revolution Summit with John and Ocean Robbins plus many others here.
May 1 - 8: Inspiring Women With Soul: online summit with Marianne Williamson, Alice Walker, and many others here.
Your Physical Body is A Universe by Peggy Black here.
Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth: thought-provoking TED talk by Nipun Mehta here.
©2016 Stephanie Austin | PO Box 1745 Port Townsend, WA 98368
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