By Steve Beckow On 4-5-16
the leak of the massive evidence of corruption that the Panama Papers
represents is very big news and signals the beginning of a clean-up that
we were warned about months ago.This may have been what we’ve
been waiting for in terms of the Reval as well, unless there is more to
come (as there well may be).
I’ve asked Suzi Maresca to post more than our usual number of stories on it in order to cover this seminal event. (See goldenageofgaia for more.)
In light of the leak, let’s review briefly what the Company of Heaven has said about what we could expect.
Immediately prior to the leak, Mike Quinsey, who used to channel SaLuSa and now channels what he calls his higher self, said:
My private opinion is that the dark side
underestimated the extent of the Light’s operations against them. I
believe that the dark thought that they would actually succeed in their
plans to cause a world war, reduce the planet’s population to a
manageable 500 million or 10% (different factions have different goals),
and become masters of the world.
They seem to have become lax in
their security procedures and the Light exploited what this laxness
produced. Sheldan Nidle’s sources have had a lot to say about these
events. They imply that the dark’s over-confident laxness brought them
Last January, Sheldan’s sources told us what to expect:
in this path is a special project to take down the wanton oligarchs of
this realm. It is to be known only after it has succeeded in ridding
this globe of the nefarious ones who have kept this land in near ruin
for the past half millennium. At that time their Anunnaki masters gave
these scallywags a great degree of power over surface humanity. …
As far back as last June, Sheldan’s sources highlighted what would happen:
set of legal procedures has brought Gaia’s society to the brink of a
new worldwide directive. A majority of smaller governments and the
international legal system is quickly isolating the de facto American
Thus we were warned months
ago that a major operation against Team Dark was in the offing and now
it has started. I doubt whether there will be a recovery from the legal
trap the white hats have meticulously laid for the dark.
(1) Mike Quinsey, A Message from My Higher Self, Feb. 26, 2016, at
(2) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, , Feb. 16, 2016, at
(3) Ibid., January 26, 2016, at
(4) Ibid., June 16, 2015, at
I’ve asked Suzi Maresca to post more than our usual number of stories on it in order to cover this seminal event. (See goldenageofgaia for more.)
In light of the leak, let’s review briefly what the Company of Heaven has said about what we could expect.
Immediately prior to the leak, Mike Quinsey, who used to channel SaLuSa and now channels what he calls his higher self, said:
many souls on Earth the position seems hopeless as the dark Ones seem
to be in charge and too powerful to be removed. However that is not the
true position at all and as is often pointed out, much good work is
going on behind the scenes. Indeed it has been so for quite a long time,
and to reach the successful stage you are at now has taken a lot of
patience and careful work.
“The dark
Ones have exalted themselves above all others believing that they are
the masters of the world. Now they are realising that the Light has
progressively grown stronger on Earth. It has attracted the help of the
Higher Powers, and the balance has changed places and the Light is now
the dominant force. There is no way that the dark Ones can now achieve
their objectives although they will fight to the last.
“Go about your work with every confidence that before long the promised changes will manifest. The
truth has been hidden for so long but not much longer, as it must come
out very shortly to direct peoples energies in the right direction.
problem has been that the dark Ones have largely controlled your Press
and have not allowed the real news to be presented to you. That
situation is soon to change and then the true news will enlighten you,
and where the dark Ones are concerned will shock many who have had
little if any knowledge of their activities.
is no necessity to fear them any longer, as they are so closely
monitored that nothing they do or plan can happen secretly any longer.
They have trapped themselves in the very situation they planned for the
Human Race and cannot now escape justice for the crimes they have
committed.” (1)

“[The] dark oligarchs were not
counting on what a number of grievous mistakes brought them. They are on
the verge of a great downfall, which is to give you a new time filled
with freedom, prosperity and a rising responsibility to maintain this
glorious system. This operation has taken longer than was first
expected. This is due in part to the remaining abilities of these
devious fiends. Their coming destruction spells the final end to a
cover-up that has kept us from interacting on the scale we originally
wished for. They used this cover-up to create a secret governance, which
almost defeated the intentions of Heaven. …
associates are … preparing the final lists and formal warrants that are
to be the basis for a dramatic arrest of numerous major financial
figures across this globe. This global event is to finally ensure that
the dark cabal is broken and unable in any way to influence what is to
happen next. (2)

are quite proud of those who are in our various secret societies. The
dark has long thought it impossible to bring them down. In the great
financial fall of the late first decade of this century, not one of the
dark’s leading banking executives was touched, despite the degree of
criminal fraud involved.
arrogance is now a thing of the past. The Light has reached a point
where any large incident is to be treated with arrests, seizure of funds
and a general degree of moral contempt. It is as well the moment when a
number of key fund transfers can at last happen.” (3)
wars and a dark plot to take over the globe’s monetary system
ultimately failed and the Light’s coalition started to come together and
arrange a way to terminate the powers so illegally grabbed by the
American cabal.
“We now stand on the
verge of the success of a ‘quiet revolution’ that is making possible a
long overdue currency readjustment. These new financial systems are to
drive out the dark cabal, swiftly bring this globe an end to debt
slavery and produce a worldwide prosperity.

“This is bringing to an
end the long reign of the fiat dollar and is to cause the collapse of
the US Federal Reserve and a return to the US of a non-imperial foreign
policy. These new circumstances are to set the way for global peace and
harmony. This is to be created by the global flow of monies for
innumerable humanitarian projects.” (4)
(1) Mike Quinsey, A Message from My Higher Self, Feb. 26, 2016, at
(2) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, , Feb. 16, 2016, at
(3) Ibid., January 26, 2016, at
(4) Ibid., June 16, 2015, at
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