The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our perspective on what is happening is far enough removed from the maelstrom of emotion and logic breakdown that many are experiencing to give us some simplicity, some interpretive leeway, and thus perhaps some wisdom worth considering.
We have mentioned that what is happening on Earth is akin to what many others in our field of service have experienced on other worlds, at other times. However, none has been so markedly attuned to the vibrational synchronicity that exists within the multiplicity of worlds that is in your now. You’ve heard it before: what happens on Earth now affects not only your world, but many. The ripple effect transcends time and material dimensions, and brings everything into the light of transformation.
What that means for you, individually, is that you have the moment before you to move into a markedly more intelligent and creative reality than you have the wherewithal to yet imagine. What that means for your world remains to be seen. How your movement within your world affects other worlds is simultaneously ending and beginning a mode of being.
You are in synchronous swathes of transformation with many relative realities, so it is well to be aware of your full potential from one moment to the next. The year before you is full of opportunities to release and expand, to seek and discover, and to meet challenges for settling into a new envelope of self-reflexive empowerment and wisdom.
Beyond immediate concerns of stability that have necessitated the popular renegotiation of what it is to be ruled, your world is in a state of flux. It is going to remain thus for a short while yet, until the facets of the harmonic whole can come into readjusted equilibrium with the whole of humanity. This is to say, you have a window in which to lessen the dissonance, to listen for subtle shifts, and to find the natural pure tone for yourself in relation to the heart of planetary sentient biospheric life.
This is not about politics. It is about sweet blossoms being allowed to unleash fruit. It is about the reconciliation of human hearts with the legacy of past generations, with the generative past, with unheard histories coming into open knowledge unimpeded by polemics or grief. The first three months of your year 2017 give you a great moment in which to prepare yourselves for the unveiling of a new mirror.
As you have already undergone the seismic shifts within the geology of mankind, you are yet to undergo the rattling of armaments of mind that will follow in short order. Time is heaving the shards of broken epochs of history’s forgotten dreams into a mass of long-lost memory, and you are reaching the end of the line when it comes to making sense of the remnants of false narratives and procured reality bought with the logbooks of ancestral humanity’s sojourn.
What have you now, in front of you, that is of the true fountain of noble humanity’s mind and matter? You have all listened to lies for so long that you have lost the plot, having threads to hang onto and even those, frayed as they are around the edges of your sane grasp of reality’s weave, are at times losing structure and meaning. Know that the lapses of sense-making are temporary, and part of the flux-stream that you are as one planet traversing in time.
Clarity will arise from all of the narratives, in one way or another, but you should be aware that the split of dimensional reality into separate time-streams is one of the codes that is before you to decipher. Everything you consider is weighing one side or another of a balanced, integrated diffusion from the shared now you are within, into separate experiential planes. Whether or not this is apparent to you, it is nonetheless moving into place, piece by piece, and affirmation by affirmation.
We suggest that you release the grip you have on the one you think is the most real and instead focus your attention on being in the right place at the right time for the best possible outcome for the whole of humanity, within and beyond the limits of your perception, and including your own soul’s path. It requires some discipline, but it also requires some intuitive flow.
Looking into the potential of the thing you hold in your hand as a reality-producing device is a fair representation of how you can most easily transform the reality you are encountering. If the true nature of everything were to be known, you would have no hesitation to move toward that which promises you the best outcome, for the most part. You can still find challenge and excitement by doing that, but there is really no need to go looking for trouble if you don’t have to.
The choice is yours, but in the matter of knowing the true nature of the current reality, the truths you have been sold as history, the rules about the things you should or should not do according to a set of expedient fences and narrow pathways, all are lost once the truth is revealed. It is natural for you to come into oppositional thought in the face of dissonant reality markers, but this year, you are challenged to face what is before you with the thought that perhaps it is better to know what is true in terms of the most viable reality for humankind’s global benefit, rather than clinging to artificial structures that prevent the transformation of humanity into a greater and more fully authentic level of being.
The opportunities before you are many, and while we hesitate to say this one or that one is the better decision, we are happy to point out the milestones that have the greatest likelihood of moving the world into a greater and more noble state than you may currently be witnessing, but which you may sense is possible. Here are a few things to watch for, that you are ready to take on the challenge of transformation to the best advantage of all beings:
Before the end of the winter (northern hemisphere), only a few places in the world will be unaffected by sweeping changes that are brought to the surface of awareness through the dissolution of an old story and the uncovering of some very old secrets. Specifically, the way of understanding your own history will have to be reconsidered, and the reality of governance is going to have to come to terms with some terrible, big upsets. These happenings are only terrible for those who are completely invested in a system that has had as its underpinnings the determination of ignorance of the masses and the popularity of its own subculture of infernal liaisons.
Our advice: Go into deep discussions about your feelings of separation and betrayal with easy hearts, and understand that the lies have no further effect on human minds attuned to a greater story unfolding within the logosphere. Truth is stealthily emerging from within the language of doubt and distortion. Trust your ability to become transformed and know that you will not lose your authentic self in the process.
The month of March will be a time of total reorganization of understanding. Totality of regeneration, entirety of grace moving within systems, fullness of energetic inculcation into a new order of understanding reality are all part of what March is about. Initiating the string of openings is new information and new concepts of what it is to be human. From there, it is only a short jump to the understanding of humanity’s stellar nature, and the entry of the planetary organism into a network of multi-planetary systems of support and learning.
Our own role is going to have greater impact on the thinking of Earth’s awakening populace, and we anticipate greater expansion of fear-based resistance and a simultaneous recognition of its illusory nature. The challenge will be to maintain the steady rise in intensity that has been asserting itself within your awareness over the past years, and equilibrate yourselves to greater intensification in the form of manifest shifts in perceived truth.
Our advice: Seek the benevolence of the higher nature of humanity by allowing that to emerge from within yourselves, and give that the expression which generates more authentic conversations among the public discourse. Seek your own higher engagement with those aspects of self which remember the pure nature of the soul, and give yourself room for integration. In allowing time-scattered pieces of yourself to re-integrate, you will together move into a new system of self-governance and sustenance.
In the middle of the year, you will be well on the way to gaining ground in having new modes of wealth creation and a different understanding of interdependence. Arising from a series of shocks to the established system of social order and organization, new systems will become more wisely and widely accepted as bona fide realities, and will in turn spur greater creativity among otherwise dependent compartments of activity. Beginning with the revaluation of the concept of work, this midpoint of the year marks something of a spark of awareness breaking a staid feature of accepted human activity.

August is a time of rest and getting familiar with a new fundamental feature of the universal rhythm. Give the nod to yourself to settle into a sense of joy, even in the midst of whatever turmoil is working itself out in various ways for those groups of beings who have some work to take care of. If you drive yourself too hard, you will be depleted in the kind of energy that would give you a boost at a time when the whole of humanity is given an opportunity to grow, later in the year. Adjust your sails, recalibrate your engines, trust the movements you find yourself making, and prepare a nest for your mind in which to let life live itself through you.
Our advice: Find balance without focusing on it. Give yourself time and space to feel and flow, and empty your self-awareness of anything that impedes free movement of the tendril of divinity within you that responds to love. At the same time, feel the roots of your being resiliently interacting with the conscious Earth, and the expanded awareness infuse you with the tessellations of more heavenly sounds.

Our advice: Get into the habit of forgiving and letting go of the accumulation of beliefs surrounding the things that have been part of your experience.
Forgive the ones who have wronged you, not because you are letting them off the hook, but because you no longer need to feel the weight of hanging on the hook with them.
Forgive the world for being inadequate to the task of giving everything to everyone, for that has not been the purpose of the sacred inner being of the planetary consciousness. The planet is sustainer, but in partnership with the creatures who habituate her dome of life.
Forgive yourself as well for succumbing to weakness, for living out of synchrony with sacred wisdom, for having some degree of ignorance shield you from the fullness of life’s bigness. Once you work through the letting go, you can more readily experience the joy.
By the end of the year, expect to be in a very different place from where you are at its inception. This is the time of transformation, the time of recalibration, of redefinition of all that it means to be human. Your greatest challenge for 2017 is in releasing outmoded ideas of who you have considered yourselves to be, who has been seen as the “other”, what has defined the parameters of life, and where you have your home within the universal playground of soul.
We decline to bring out specific instances, names, and events, as to do so is in direct counteraction to the directive of your own desire to discover and respond according to all that you have amalgamated yourselves to be within the present moment that you share. Sufficient guidance is given, however, to enable you to be more aware, more capable of responding in ways that match the highest resonance of being that you are within your right as human beings to claim: that of divine human, of clarified observer, of sentient participant in the unfolding of history at a time when the actions you take have far-reaching consequences, within your world and beyond it.
It is our hope that, by the time 2017 comes to its own time of transformation into a new calendar page, that you have welcomed yourselves as new beings into a reality free from the constrictive ideations of the past, free from the oppressive hand of shadowy movements by malignant forces.
We stand ready to welcome you as neighbors and friends, family in the galactic humanity that encompasses many worlds and which beckons you to awaken to the open invitation to greet us as such. There is no time left to waste, dear friends. Moments of entropy will turn into overwhelming confusion, in the present atmosphere of highly charged energetic intelligence that you are in now, should you decide to stay stuck in an untenable vortex of denial.
There is so much to open hearts, minds, and arms to in this moment of time. We leave you now to consider our words, and with a blessing from journeyers of the stars and of time, who have held your world in love and with eternal devotion born of recognition and remembrance. Welcome change, and embrace every moment of time that brings you closer to reunion with yourself, in divine knowing, and peace.
Message sponsored by Eleutherios.
View the video edition of this message on YouTube.
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