AAM, Channelled Through Linda Dillon In May 2013
In the course of looking for something else (information on DNA),
I came across this remarkable interview with Archangel Michael about
Ascension from May 2013. Michael is as clear as one could possibly be and uses language that’s as simple as possible when discussing such non-ordinary matters as Ascension. A lot of credit goes to Linda Dillon too, whose knowledge he draws on.
Just one thing. This passage:
“Understand this, my beloved friends:
transformation can take place in a moment. So all of you will be
crystalline, one way or the other. But it has been mostly an
evolutionary process. But that does not mean in the final moments that
there will not be some last-minute renovation.”
Enlightenment is both gradual and sudden. It’s 99.9999% gradual
but then there are those seconds of “transformation [that] can take
place in a moment.”On other occasions he’s called this a “snap” or “ignition,” a moment of enlightenment or even Ascension itself.
So just because it’s gradual today does not mean it necessarily will be gradual tomorrow. On some day there may be a snap.
When it happens, relax. It was intended. Everything is alright.
You’re in the Mother’s arms. Let the love flow.
Steve Beckow: Can we discuss the transition from a carbon-based body with two strands of DNA to a crystalline-based body with 12 strands? Where are we at with this transition [in May 2013]?
Archangel Michael: You, as a collective, and particularly within the lightworker community, are almost complete in what you would think of as this transition. Now, it is not so for the general populace, but it is well underway, certainly well above what you would think of as the fiftieth percentile.
Now, let me talk to you, if I might, about this. You have come – and notice that I am using past tense – you have come from a place, an old-dimensional reality of polarization, of duality. So there has been a tendency to think, “Carbon is undesirable; crystalline is my goal. And that is what will tell me that I am bright and shiny.”
Do not make this differentiation. The carbon structure of humanity, of your frameworks, of these wondrous vessels that you have inhabited has served you very, very well. And it was appropriate, and useful, for where you were in your journey.
But the crystalline format, rather than the carbon format, is simply [better?] because it contains and has the capacity to contain, emit, transmit, and receive greater information, transmission and connectedness.
It puts you in a greater position of receptivity and transmission, of sending, of transmitting throughout the multiverse the clarity of who you are. It is the diamond structure that is really known throughout the universe and the multiverse and it is the return in many ways to the original form that the Mother had designed.
But with this shift in form to crystalline — and those of you who are listening are about, hmm, 86 to 90 percent there — what you are able to do is to receive greater clarity. That is the primary gift. But you are also able to hold more energy.
You are also able to truly be your multidimensional self, your trans-dimensional self. It is a vibratory situation where you are able to communicate telepathically and physically, more clearly with your star brothers and sisters and those far beyond, and certainly with us, as well.
One of the primary essentials of shifting into a crystalline format is that you are able to have your chakra system amplified to full measure. And so in that, the restoration of your chakras, of your energy system — because that is what your chakra systems are — is at full operational strength while still being in a human form.
So that is the only reason why the shift is taking place to this, can we say, a different… yes, many of you think of it as an upgrade. And of course in practical terms it is, because it allows you to operate more fully as yourself. But it is not that the old was not useful and should not be appreciated and honored, because it performed its function in your journey.
Now, there have been many, many different forms of discussion about this shift to crystalline. But truly, this is part of the collective process into Ascension. Now, what you are going to say to me, “Lord, does that mean that if you are still mostly carbon-based that you cannot ascend?”
Understand this, my beloved friends: transformation can take place in a moment. So all of you will be crystalline, one way or the other. But it has been mostly an evolutionary process. But that does not mean in the final moments that there will not be some last-minute renovation…
S: It’s my understanding that the chakra system relates to third dimensionality. Will there be a chakra system in fifth dimensionality? And if so what are the differences going to be in that system, and how will it perform and operate?
AAM: The chakra system that you have been working with was already altered years ago. And yes, there will be a chakra system, simply because… think of it as energy centers.
Now, what you have thought of as your chakra system in the old third dimension has been a system of separation. And traditionally you have worked with seven, although you know that there are hundreds of chakras, even in the third dimensional reality.
But you have thought of these, even when you have adjusted them and attuned them and had them open and operating, you have thought of them as separate centers, and that each center was defined and, might I say, limited to certain functionalities.
Now, of course that is not so. So you are thinking of a system of chakras that is completely interlinked. And it is, within your body, certainly 13 above; many below, many. So and throughout your quadrants, many. And all of it is activated and harmonious.
You are still going to have a physical form so your chakra system is akin to your spiritual generators, and in your crystalline form they are all humming, spinning, receiving, sending, activated, at once.
Now some of you have had this experience. You feel quite literally like you are humming, like your body is humming, that you are filled with more electricity than magnetic energy, that you feel that you are highly charged. And, my friend, you are.
So yes, there will be a chakra system. Now, this was given to you and introduced a while ago. Some of you are working with the expanded chakra system; some of you are not. That does not mean that it is not activated. It is…
S: Perhaps we could turn to the subject of our DNA now. And can you tell us, when you say we’re 86 to 90 percent done, does that apply to the DNA as well? And what can we expect to see or know or feel as result of the extra DNA strands coming on line?
AAM: Now, be very clear. You are talking about the activation of the DNA, not that somehow you are being re-braided, or re-gridded, although there is a sense of re-gridding. And there are many of you who have gone to the 13th octave, at which the activation of your 13 strands of DNA, 12 woven into one, which is the thirteenth was a potential gift, which you could receive.
What happens with the recalibration of the DNA is that you are able to be active within your physical, mental, emotional — all of your bodies, your capacities — to bring forth what you desire, not only in terms of rejuvenation, but also in terms of mental capacities, mental understandings, expansion of your mental capacity, health.
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