Surf's Up, Y'all
Let's begin with a lovely mini-rant from KP, the Silver Surfer of Hawaii:
You want it, you got it! Creator just said so:
Is feeling like you are simultaneously in two distinct realities qualify as schizophrenia?:
Monsanto's World Foodstuffs Monopoly is crumbling quite rapidly:
Hmmm, 'Pivotal Moment', where have I heard that before...:
Hmmm, 'Pivotal Moment', where have I heard that before...:
At least it's a start in overcoming propaganda induced Putin-Mania:
Finally, folks are waking up to the US Corp training and funding of 'terrorists-on-demand':
Multiple-Mike with another SaLuSa-like transmission:
And we wrap it up with Everything Orbish:
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