Saturday, August 29, 2015

Approaching A New Earth: The Fall Of The Cabal

By Wes Annac On 8-26-15

David Wilcock recently released a new article about the cabal’s inevitable demise, and as usual, it’s packed with information about the ‘cosmic drama’ as he calls it, that we’re going through.

I’ve followed David’s work for years, and he’s been a major force in my awakening and my interest in spirituality, extraterrestrials and the fall of the Luciferian cabal. In his latest article, he continued to offer tons of information from various news sources to make the point that the cabal is falling and trying to take the world down with them.

An assortment of unsettling things are happening that ultimately point to the cabal’s defeat and the establishment of a new way of life that takes every person’s needs into account, and we’ll want to prepare for the amazing things we’ll learn and the revolutionary things we’ll have to do to change the world.

Signs of the Cabal’s Defeat

David describes some of the things that are happening right now. While they seem bad at the surface, keep in mind that it’s all leading to the cabal’s defeat, the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, the release of advanced technology that’ll eradicate poverty and hunger, and so much more.

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