Via Morag O'Brien On 11-11-18

Lightworkers, healers, shamans we are offering our services as you delve into the fourth realm. We are here to protect you from the darkness you seek to heal. Call upon us and we will enshrine you in a sacred circle of light, protecting you from all lower vibratory beings. Call upon us to assist in the release of fourth realm entities, feeding off the innocent, many innocent themselves. Release your fear. We are here. We wrap our wings of light round you, healing all who seek to align Gaia and her passengers with higher vibratory fields of light. Let it be so.
We have information to impart about the transition, the Event as you call it. We would like to update you. The sky wars continue, sometimes in earnest, to raise the frequency fields around and within Gaia. Often interpreted as lightning storms, our weapons are bandwidths of light, theirs heavy frequencies drenched in astral dark magic. The shield, or dome, has been penetrated in many places and will soon break apart entirely. This is the glass ceiling, if you like, separating Gaia on the material plane, preventing her from embedding fifth dimensional realities. We can see cracks lengthening and deepening, the grid will disintegrate and with it the sky dome will be gone. Light will finally shine down onto Gaia and humanity as it should have done many, many moons ago.
The Light matrix has been positioned to cause the least ripples as it fuses, merges, gradually replacing the old 3d matrix - the holographic layer of control humanity perceives. The Light matrix was constructed to mimic the matrix, the world should look and feel largely the same. When the 3d matrix crashes the Light matrix will seamlessly replace it. The dark lords are aware of the construction, they are distracted by troubles on the ground level and beneath ground.
The war of Light and dark has reached a critical point on the material plane. The fourth realm has been breached, Gaia fluctuates in the fourth. All that is real is only real because enough awake humans willed it to be so. For some time there was no true timeline, all flickered in and out, as Gaia and humanity pushed through the third, leaving it behind. Doors opened, birds sang, trains were late, governments argued as expected. Manifestation Happens...
The material plane is intact and will remain so as integration of the Light grid continues. Bolstered by Lightworkers from the planet's surface and powered up by scycraft bombarding the earths atmosphere with Lightwaves, Gaia is Transcending. Her cosmic brothers and sisters, planets in their own right, align to balance and strengthen her. The moon moves this way and that, holding dark energies at bay. The earth crawls with slithering things desperate to hide in the darkness. They seek caves, tunnels, underground nests of safety, depravity, ritual and wrong doing.
Fires burn, Gaia rages. Transforming from dark to light will be an evolutionary quantum leap to heightened unity consciousness. Connected as a species like never before, you communicate with each other all over the world every day. Unified consciousness seeds are sown, the flowers begin to bloom. All that is done in cyberspace can occur in the realm of the real.
The earth’s crystalline core has been successfully activated. Uluru fires her up with raw sun energy. The mysterious mountains expand her consciousness, her heart opens as humanity finds its compassion and breaks free form robot programming. As the Light flows from her core, from the skies and from you, Lightworkers of Gaia, the dark web snaps and crackles under the strain. Astral entities twist and turn looking to retain their hold on the living. The living grow increasingly aware of parasites, an infestation. People are awakening to their presence and eager for their removal. The fourth realm is crowded, frightened, panicked and desperate. Release all that you can in light and with protection, to the Light.
The 11:11 Portal has opened. We have accelerated release; ascended beings able to work with those on the material plane in blessed Divine Light. The evacuation begins. Most want to transcend the fourth, some may require gentle persuasion, others, a minority, will fight to remain in darkness. Call upon us, the angels of light for protection and guidance at any and all times. Our Light is yours.
A shift in energetic plates has begun, one vibratory field pulling away from another, separation on a frequency level. The third will be a distant memory soon, its solid concrete realness replaced with ethereal, paranormal, multi dimensional experiences of reality. Time is no longer linear, as some already know. The matrix continues to chop time up into little bits, but time increasingly defies the matrix. Woozy, trippy, speedy, slippery; time can do it all to you. Let it. Time knows best, we find. Among the Enlightened time is viewed much as you view Google, mysterious, all knowing and to be treated respectfully, we hope you understand our meaning beautiful beings.
All that you once knew can and will exist if you expect it to. All that can and will exist, if you dream it so. We are the Angels of Light, we wish you great joy as the 11:11 Portal takes it's turn on Gaia’s Grand Transformation. We bow to your continued work, we see the warrior, the lover, the angel and the human in each of you. We thank you for all that you do every day to transmute dark to light. To bring balance to chaos. To bring love to hate and fear. We are your servants, your Angels of Light.
We are here for your protection, guidance and healing. Reach out to us, we will always answer, for we are of higher domains, channelling Divine Light directly to you and Gaia. Engage with us, open your arms to our healing Light, we are here to support the effort for Enlightenment on Gaia. The liberation of a planet and her people from dark to Realms of Light. We are here as prophesied to build a bridge between dark and Light, to show the way out, to help manage the transition, in light and love.
We are the Angels of Light,
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